Урок "At School. School Life"

Про матеріал
Віртуальна екскурсія по школі. Створення простору для усної взаємодії при обговоренні правил для учнів та щоденних реалій учнівського життя.
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-          to extend students’ knowledge about British way of life;

-          to develop students’ creative imagination in communicative activity;

-          to improve oral speech skills based on different prompts;

-          to develop students’ reading skills;

-          to develop students’ grammar skills;

-     to stimulate students’ creative thinking in project activity;

Equipment    : pictures, cards, photographs, a fairy-tale character, a ball.



  1. Introduction.


T.: Good morning, children. Do you know this boy? He is Petryk Piatochkin. He is a kind, clever but very naughty boy. He doesn’t like to go to school. He is our guest today. Petryk is sure that there is no child who likes to go to school because it is boring and not necessary at all.


  1. Warm up.

(The teacher asks a question and throws a ball to a student, the student answers the question and throws the ball back)


  1. Do you like to go to school?
  2. Where do you study?
  3. What is your favourite subject?
  4. What is your time-table for Monday?
  5. What do you do at the English lessons?
  6. Do you study many subjects this year?
  7. How many storeys does your school have?
  8. Did you get a good mark yesterday?


  1. Vocabulary  work.


T: Petryk has spoiled all the cards prepared for the lesson. Restore the names of school subjects.




















































  1. Mixed sentences

T.: Petryk mixed all the words in the sentences I had prepared for you. Help me restore the sentences.

  1.            new / school / nice / our / and / is.
  2.            yard / big / gymnasia / our / there / at / is / a .
  3.            study / subjects / we / year / many / this.
  4.            lessons / at / marks / the / good / get / pupils.
  5.            lessons / at / eight / our / past / begin / half.


  1. Correction.

T: Petryk has drawn a picture for you but he has done everything wrong. Name all the mistakes and correct them using a prompt.







must not







  P1: The desks must not stand on the bookcase. They must stand on the floor.

P2: A map must not be on the door. It must be on the wall.


  1. Group work.

T.: Every school has certain rules for pupils. Let’s tell Petryk about them. The girls will explain what children must do at school and the boys will explain what they mustn’t do.


G1: We must come to school in time.

B1: We must not run about school at the breaks.

G2: We must do our home tasks every day.

B2: We must not draw in our text-books

  1. Project work.


T: Petryk is our guest today. Let’s organize for him an excursion around our school. These are the photos of the most interesting places and classrooms. Tell Petryk a few words about them.























































































































  1. Reading.


T.: Many years ago pupils must wear school uniform at school. Now some schools introduce this rule as well. But in Great Britain school uniform is obligatory. Let’s read about it.



School uniform in Britain is a __________ tradition. Every __________ has its own school uniform. All boys and ______________ from one school are ___________ in the same way. All schoolchildren have their school ___________.

______________ wear white shirts and ties with the colours of their schools. They have their school jackets and _____________ too.

English schoolgirls ______________ dresses or shirts and skirts with the _______________ of their schools. They also have _________________ with coloured ribbons.

At the ______________ training lessons schoolchildren wear their _______________ uniform or T-shirts, shorts or slacks.

Some _________________ schoolchildren don’t like their school __________________ and want to wear nice and ______________ clothes.







T.: Now write your names on the cards and do the task: insert the necessary words in the blanks.


(KeysBritish, school, girls, dressed, badges , schoolboys, caps, wear, colours, hats, physical, sport, English, uniform, bright)


  1. Hometask.


T: Here is a letter to the editor of a youth magazine. Think and write your answer to this letter.














X.  Summing up.

23 жовтня 2023
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