Урок-дискусія з елементами дослідження

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Урок-дискусія з елементами дослідження Тема : «Health and Body Care» Мета : систематизувати знання учнів з теми; розвивати в учнів навички аудіювання , практикувати вживання модального дієслова should в усному мовленні; виховувати прагнення до здорового способу життя .
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Урок-дискусія з елементами дослідження


Тема : «Health and Body Care»

Мета : систематизувати знання учнів з теми;

             розвивати в учнів навички аудіювання , практикувати вживання

             модального дієслова should  в усному мовленні;  

             виховувати прагнення до здорового способу життя  .

Хід уроку

  1. Introduction. Greeting.

Teacher: Good morning, everyone. I am glad to see you today.

Pupils: Good morning, teacher. We are glad to see you, too.

Teacher: The theme of our lesson today is «Illnesses and their treatment». But  before we start I’d like to play a game.


  1. Warming-up.

Game «Guess the parts of the body».

Class is divided into two teams. The teacher puts two sets of the cards (HO1) on the desks face down. Each member of the team comes up to the desk, takes one of the cards, makes up a word of  the letters given in the card and writes this word on the blackboard. The team gets one point for every correct word. The winner is the team, which will get more points.


HO1: Make up the names of the parts of the body using the letters.











 III   Vocabulary Revision

                1.Teacher: Last lesson we learned the names of the illnesses. Do you remember them? Let’s check it up.

          ( The teacher points at  the pictures ( HO2) fixed to the blackboard, which demonstrate some illnesses, and the pupils in turns name the illnesses.)

                2. Teacher: Now let’s see if you can use these words correctly.

            (The teacher distributes cards for individual work (HO3) to every pupil. The pupils have to complete the sentences with the words from the box. Having finished the work, pupils read the sentences out in chain.)

HO3: Complete the sentences, using the following words: headache, toothache, sore throat, stomachache, pain in the knee.

  1. Pamela ate too much ice-cream yesterday and today she has got a _______.
  2. Tom played football yesterday. He fell down and now he has got a ______.
  3. Den didn’t wash his hands before supper yesterday and today he has got a ________.
  4. Amanda often has got a _________ because she watches TV from morning till night.
  5. Fred doesn’t visit dentist regularly, that’s why he often has got a _______.


  1. Presentation of the vocabulary.

   The teacher uses the pictures HO2 and adds the pictures with the names of medicines (also fixed to the blackboard). The medicines are : cold remedy, cough mixture, throat lozenges, ear drops, antacid tablets. The teacher reads the names of the medicines aloud and the pupils repeat. Then the teacher suggests the pupils to match the medicines to the illnesses. The pupils with the help of the teacher find out the meaning of the medicines and when they are prescribed.


  1. Vocabulary and grammar practice.

1.Chain game.

The teacher suggests the pupils to think of some illness. Pupils in  chain ask questions and answer them. For example:

Pupil 1: What should I take for cough?

Pupil 2: You should take cough mixture. What should I take for cold?

Pupil 3: You should take cold remedy. What should I take for earache?..

                                                                                       2. Group work. 

     Pupils are divided into four groups. Each group gets the cards HO4 with the task. Each group has 5 minutes to discuss the task and to write down the resolution.

      At the end one pupil from every group reads the sentences the group has made up.



Your friend has got a cold. Write what he should do and shouldn’d do.

Should do                                                                  Shouldn’t do

______________                                                        _______________  

______________                                                        _______________

_______________                                                      ________________




Your friend has got a stomac ache. Write what he should do and shouldn’t do.

             Should do                                                             Shouldn’t do

        _________________                                                ________________

        _________________                                                _________________              



Your friend has got a cough. Write what he should do and shouldn’t do.

             Should do                                                             Shouldn’t do

        _________________                                                ________________

        _________________                                                _________________     



Your friend has got a earache. Write what he should do and shouldn’t do.

             Should do                                                             Shouldn’t do

        _________________                                                ________________

        _________________                                                _________________              


  1. Speaking

Pupils work in pairs. They make up the dialogues, following the instructions from the cards HO5. The time of the work is limited (5-7 minutes). When the time is over, two-three pairs act the dialogues out.


  1. Make up a dialogue.

You are a patient. You have got high temperature, cough, and a headache. Ask the doctor to prescribe you some medicine.


  1. Make up a dialogue.

You are a doctor. Ask the patient

  • What the matter is with him/her;
  • About the symptoms of his/her illness;

Prescribe some medicines to the patient, tell how many times a day he/she should take it; if he/she should take it before or after meals.


  1. Listening conversation.

The teacher reads the dialogue twice.

Telephone conversation

  • Hello, Helen. How are you today?
  • Hi, Sue. I’m getting better, thank you.
  • Has the doctor visited you, Helen?
  • Oh, yes. We expected the doctor in the afternoon, but he came in the morning.
  • What’s wrong with you, Helen?
  • I have got a headache and a high temperature.
  • Do you have a sore throat, Helen?
  • No, I don’t. but I have an earache.
  • Has the doctor prescribed you anything?
  • Yes, he has. He has prescribed me some ear drops and some tablets for high temperature.
  • Do you take any vitamins?
  • Certainly, I do. The doctor says I will recover in four-five days.
  • Sure you will. See you soon , then.
  • Bye, Sue.

            ( The teacher reads the statements and the pupils in turns say if they are true or false.)

Teacher :

  1. Sue has fallen ill.
  2. Helen has fallen ill.
  3. The doctor came in the afternoon.
  4. Helen had a high temperature and a sore throat.
  5. Helen had an earache and a high temperature.
  6. The doctor has prescribed Helen some tablets for the cough.
  7. Helen doesn’t take any vitamins.
  8. Helen will recover in less than a week.

VII. Summing-up.

Teacher: Did you like the lesson? What new words did you learnt today? What activity did you like most of all? Why?


  1. Home Assigment

Teacher : You should make up a phone conversation with your sick friend and act it out in pairs.












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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
8 квітня 2021
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