Урок для 1 класу "How old are you?"

Про матеріал
Урок для 1 класу за підручником Губарєва, Доценко, Євчук. Тема уроку "How old are you?". Мета уроку : повторити числівники ; повторити та активізувати лексичний матеріал теми; познайомити учнів із займенниками третьої особи однини та запам'ятати їх; тренувати пам'ять та увагу; виховувати повагу до друзів;
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Year 1.

Theme :How old is she? 

Objectives : repeat and activate the lexical material of the topic; repeat numerals; to acquaint students with pronouns of the third person singular; train memory and attention; to teach dialogic speech; to cultivate respect for friends;

Equipment :coloured pencils, colorings, books, workbooks, pens, videos, cards with pronouns;

Procedure :

I.Organization moment.


Good morning, Good morning!

Good morning to you!

Good morning, Good morning!

I am glad to see you!

2.Warming up.

Children sing a song.


II.Main part.

1. Repetition of numerals from 1 to 10. Teacher says four ,children clap their hands four times. And so on.

2.The children walk in a circle and ask the student who is standing in the center of the circle : “How old are you?” (three times). Pupil answers: “I am seven”. And so on.

3. The teacher explains to the children when the pronouns he and she are used. Children watch how these words affect writing. One of the children goes to the middle of the class and speaks to the boy “He”, to the girl “She”.

4. The teacher lays out the cards on which the pronouns are written. When the teacher says, "He," the children raise this card.


Гра-заняття для дітей середньої групи ,,Я-хлопчик'', ,,Я-дівчинка”



5.Ex.1 p.51(w/b) colour, match and say.

6. Children watch video.


7.Physical education activity.

The teacher explains to the children that they should carry out the commands only when they hear the word “please” Example :

Stand up!

Stand up, please!

Hands on hip!

Hands on hip, please!

Hop like a frog!

Clap your hands, please!

8.Ex.2p.51 (w/b) draw.

9.Ex.4 p.84 (book)

10. Each pupil paints a picture, goes to class and shows it, and the children say how old he or she is.


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1.What can you say in English? (pupils answer)

2. Byeing.

Stand up,please! Good bye, children!

Good bye, teacher!

25 лютого 2021
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