Year 2
Topic : Animals.
Objectives : to memorize new words; develop reading, listening, writing and speaking skills; to form skills of correct pronunciation of English sounds; structure “I have got…”
Equipment : pens, books, cards with animals, workbooks;
Procedure :
I . Organization moment.
T.:Hello ! How are you?
Ps:Hello ! I am fine , thank you.
Warm up.
The children stand in a circle, hold hands and talk in a circle. One of the children stands in the middle, listens carefully to the question and gives the answer.
Children :
Have you got a pet?
Have you got a pet?
Have you got a pet?
Pupil :
Yes , I have got.
Children :
Have you got a snail?
Have you got a snail?
Have you got a snail?
Pupil :
No , I have not. etc.
II. Main part.
(One of the students goes out the door waiting for the call. The teacher says the word to each pupil to the topic of the animal, the pupils memorize their words. When a student enters the class, other pupils shout their words at the same time. Then the pupil should name as many words as he can)
An elephant goes like this and that
(ходять як слоненята)
He is terribly big
(Підводять руки, показуючи великого слона)
He is terribly fat
(розводять руки показуючи товстого слона)
He has no fingers
(рухають пальцями)
And he has no toes,
But goodness gracious , what a nose
(показують хобот слона)
6. The teacher reads the poems the children circle the animal they hear about.
1.This pet is a cat
He likes to play with ball of thread .
2.The fish lives in the river
It never is ill fever.
3.Butterfly, butterfly
Where do you fly?
4.Hamster is one of the pet
It can lives in the flat.
5.The pig is big
It likes to dig.
6.The slowly turtle has a house well
It is on their back the shell.
6.Game “A house in the woods”
(In the corner of the classroom , a hut is fenced off with chairs. Each students ias an animal, jumping, approaching the hut and asking permission to enter. The last to arrive is a bear and destroys the hut. Before the game , the teacher distributes animal mask.
Teacher : Here is a house in the woods, woods, woods.
A monkey is running through the woods, woods, woods.
Monkey : May I come in?
Teacher : Come in! etc
III. Summarizing.
1. The children say what they liked the most.
2.Teacher:The lesson is over. Good bye!
Pupils : One, two, three, four, five
We say good bye!