Урок до теми "Money" 6 клас

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Розробка уроку до теми Shops and shopping, тема уроку "To buy or not to buy". В плані уроку є посилання на використане відео, додатково створена презентація Power Point.

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Англійська мова

6 клас


Сулима Оксана Сергіївна

вчитель англійської мови

Требухівської ЗОШ І-ІІІ ст.

Броварського району

 Київської області

To buy or not to buy?


 Suggested level – A2 pre-intermediate


  • to practise listening skills;
  • to develop communication skills using group work;
  • to improve speaking skills;
  • to practise Past/Present Simple wh-questions;
  • to encourage students’ critical thinking and creative abilities.

Equipment: multimedia system, posters, Ppt presentation, videos, worksheets, handouts, old magazines, crayons and pencils, posters, access to the Internet.

By the end of the lessons students will be able to:

 practise reading skills (scanning);

 revise making wh-questions;

 practise listening and speaking skills;

 work in a team and cooperate;

 participate in a group discussion;

 express their attitude and share their ideas.



  1. Introduction.

        T: Can you remember the last time you bought something? When was it? When was the last time you didn’t buy anything for a whole day?  Is it actually possible to buy nothing for twenty four hours?

  • Teacher elicits students’ answers.


  1. Warming up.

         T: Take a look at these posters on the board. Can you tell what event are they about? Can you guess the idea of this event? Can you underline the slogans? Let’s watch a short video about this day.


  • After watching the video students suggest words or word combinations associated to it, write them on the board. (E.g. people on the street, slogans, for free, hugs, songs, without money, having fun, no shopping, saving, buying nothing etc.)


  1. Group work. 

           T: You are going to read the text about Buy Nothing Day. The text has two parts.  We are going to work in two groups. Both groups have a worksheet where some part of information is missing. You have to complete it asking the other team questions about it. And then you have to choose the title for each part of the text. But first let’s divide into two groups. Look at your desk, you can find a green or a blue sticker; this is the colour of your group.

  • The structure of wh-question can be revised before the activity, a skeleton version of the question can be written on the board to support students’ confidence. Students take turns to ask questions and other group answers. They fill the gaps in their worksheets.
  • Choosing a title can be done in two ways ( thinking of the own title or choosing from given options)



Group A worksheet

Group B worksheet

  Buy Nothing Day started in Vancouver, Canada in 1993. An artist Ted Dave had the idea. It is celebrated on the Friday after American Thanksgiving (the day also known as ‘Black Friday’). Nowadays it is an international event. More than 65 nations participate in it including the United States, the United Kingdom, Israel, Austria, Germany, New Zealand, Japan, the Netherlands, France and Norway. On this day people try their best not to buy anything at all for the whole day. The idea is to make people stop and think how they affect the Earth’s environment.

  Buy Nothing Day started in Vancouver, Canada in 1)…. An artist Ted Dave had the idea. It is celebrated on the Friday after American Thanksgiving (the day also known as ‘Black Friday’). Nowadays it is an international event. 2) ….nations participate in it including the United States, the United Kingdom, Israel, Austria, Germany, New Zealand, Japan, the Netherlands, France and Norway. On this day people try their best 3) … for the whole day. The idea is to make people stop and think how they affect 4)….

  People who observe ‘Buy Nothing Day’ may do any things 1)…. They may simply stay home with friends and family rather than going shopping. They can spend the day in 2)…, resting in the sunshine and enjoying the breeze. Some students in Canada 3)…   at their school. They hold an 4)…. All students bring in a few things that are still in good condition. They can exchange these things at the bazaar. This way they recycle things. They believe Buy Nothing Day will help to make you think about what your life is really about.

  People who observe ‘Buy Nothing Day’ may do any things that are free. They may simply stay home with friends and family rather than going shopping. They can spend the day in the countryside or in a park, resting in the sunshine and enjoying the breeze. Some students in Canada celebrate Buy nothing Day at their school. They hold an eco-bazaar. All students bring in a few things that are still in good condition. They can exchange these things at the bazaar. This way they recycle things. They believe Buy Nothing Day will help to make you think about what your life is really about.



  1. Speaking practice.

Students try to remember and reproduce the information from the text using the word cloud. They need to use two or more words in one sentence.

  • The word cloud can be created  using  worditout.com


  1. Mini project.

T: So as you see people all around the world support this idea. What do you think? Is it important? Why? 

  • Students are offered to show their attitude to Buy Nothing Day idea. In different parts of the classroom there are opinion cards, students move around and choose the one they agree with. Those who choose the same opinion card make a group. There can be two or three groups.

I think it’s a great idea! this day is really important.

I think this event is only for fun.

I don’t think people in my country will understand it.

  • Students work in groups designing a poster and think of a slogan for a Buy Nothing Day in Ukraine. There can be up to four groups, students in turns present their posters, the class can vote for the best one.


  1. Summing up. Evaluation.

T: Good job. I think you’ve worked really well today. Who wants to share what part of the lesson was the most/least interesting or difficult?

5 березня 2018
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