І. Організаційна частина
1. Вітання (Greeting)
- Good morning! Nice to meet you!
- Nice to meet you too, teacher!
- How are you today?
- I’m fine, thank you!
2. Мовленнєва зарядка (Warm up)
a) Sing a song “Days of the week” (video on TV)
b) Match cards with the names of the week days in English and in Ukrainian
c) Answer the questions:
- What day is it today? (It’s Thursday.)
- When do you have your English lessons? (On Monday, Tuesday and Thursday)
3. Оголошення теми і завдань уроку.
- The topic of our lesson today is “Doing things at the moment”. We will practice the vocabulary, read, make up sentences, listen to the audio scripts, write and have fun.
ІІ. Основна частина
(Відповідь з опорою на предметні картки):
(e.g. He is sleeping. – Picture 5)
I am We are
He is You are
She is They are
It is
I am jump + ing
He is sleep + ing
She is eat + ing
We are speak + ing
You are walk + ing
They are fly + ing
I, He, She, We, You, They
am, is, are
catching the bus, getting up, going to school, having lunch, reading a book, washing my hands, waking up, cleaning my teeth, singing a song, etc.
ІІІ. Заключна частина
Тема: Doing things. Present Continuous
Цілі та завдання:
- активізувати використання вивченої лексики з теми «Види діяльності» та вживання граматичної форми дієслова в теперішньому тривалому часі;
Обладнання: НМК “Smiling Sam 2”, аудіо та відео ресурси, предметні малюнки, таблиці до теми, картки для самостійної роботи.