Урок "Еat well - feel well"

Про матеріал
План-конспект відкритого уроку. Поповнення словникового запасу учнів. Вправи на розвиток діалогічного мовлення
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Яготинський навчально-виховний комплекс «Спеціалізована школа – загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів №2»








План – конспект уроку у 5 класі на тему:

«Eat well – feel well»









 З досвіду роботи вчителя

 англійської мови

 Приходько А. М.







Eat well –feet well


  • to practice using new vocabulary for food;
  • to develop speaking skills;
  • to develop reading skills;
  • to write sentences about favourite food.

Equipment: textbooks, a tape-recorder, cards, flashcards “Food”, copybooks.

At the end of the lesson students will be able to:

  • reinforee vocabulary on the topic;
  • describe favourite food;
  • work in groups to drill vocabulary


  1. Introduction
  1. Greetings

T. Good morning, dear children! I’m glad to see you again!

How are you? – I’m fine, thank you. And you?

  1. Aim

Today we are speaking about food. We have an unusual lesson. We are making a TV channel. Our channel is called “Eat well –feel well”. You’ll learn new words and find out what food we must eat to be healthy, speak about the right food, our habits of eating.

  1. Warming up

Our first program is “Phonetic drill for breakfast”. Listen and say after me:

[ʌ] – butter, mushroom, curry

[í] – biscuit, fish

[e] – egg, lemon

[ i:] – meat, tea, beans

[æ] – cabbage, jam, apple

  1. The main part
  1. Vocabulary

Our second program is “Quiz”. Here you have to guess riddles.

  • Смакота! і … very good!

Фрукти називають -… (fruit)

  • Полуницю ти бери!

Полуниця - … (strawberry)

  • Кавун великий і зелений:

Кавун інакше - … (watermelon)

  • М'ясо смажиться, шкварчить

Як назвати м'ясо? - …(meat)

  • Молоко я пити звик

Молоко інакше - …(milk)

Now, open your books at page 98. Repeat the new words after me and translate them into Ukrainian.

Carrot, tomato, peas, spinach, strawberry, pear, watermelon, cabbage, cherry

Match these words with the pictures

Key: 1-c, 2-f, 3-a, 4-h, 5-b, 6-i, 7-d, 8-e, 9-g

  1. Reading

Our next program is “Reading magazine”

  • Pre-reading activity

Open you books at page 100 exercise 1. Let’s read and translate the words in the box.

Bone – кістка

Health – здоров'я

Skin – шкіра

Unhealthy – нездоровий

Be rich in – багатий на

  • Reading

Read the dialogue in pairs and find out if crisps and peanuts are healthy. Make a pair. (Children read the dialogue, and then one pair read it in loud)

  • Post-reading activity

OK, children, our next task is complete the sentences. Let’s do the exercise 2 page 101.

Open your copybooks and write down the date.

Key:  1. Lemons, oranges, apples, pears

2. fruit, vegetables, brown bread

 3. eyes, skin, health

 4. milk, cheese, eggs, vegetables

 5. teeth and bones

 6. the most important meal

 7. eat crisps and peanuts between your meals

 8. drink at least five glasses of water every day

  1. Physical activity

Very nice. I see you are smart children. You work very hard. So our next program is “Relaxation”. Let’s sing the song about one of the most popular British dishes “Fish and chips”

  1. Game “Bucket”

The last TV program is “Bucket”. Now I divide you into two groups. Each group gets cards with riddles of food. You must guess them and divided into two buckets: “Fruit” and “Vegetables”

  1. Summing up
  1. Homework

Learn new words and answer the question in written form in exercise 3 page 101

  1. Summarizing

Thank you for your work. I can say that you really worked well. Some of you worked very well today, but some have to be more attentive. Good bye.



It is small. It is round. It is red. It grows on a tree.



It is red. It is round. We make ketchup from it.


It is green and yellow. It grows on a tree.



They are small. They are round. They are green.


It doesn’t grow on a tree. It is small and red.



It has got green leaves.


It doesn’t grow on a tree. It is big and green.



It is long. It is orange. Rabbits like it very much.



До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
22 квітня 2021
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