Урок "Food for Life. Food for pleasure"

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Ця розробка уроку для учнів четвертого класу. Урок повторення і закріплення вивченого лексичного та граматичного матеріалу. Мета уроку: розвити здібності учнів спілкуватися англійською мовою в різних ситуаціях. Діти продовжують вчитися працювати в групах і запропоноване їм завдання сприяє розвитку мовленнєвих навичок і логічного мислення.
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Form 4

Food for Life. Food for pleasure


- to revise topical vocabulary;

- to develop learners' ability to communicate in different situations;

- to review grammar structures of Present, Past, Future Simple and Present Progressive Tenses.

Equipment: flashcards, laptop, projector, screen, handouts.


I. Introduction. Warming-up

T. Good morning, children! I am glad to see you again. How are you?

Ss. Good morning, teacher! We are glad to see you, too. We are fine, thank you. And what about you?

T. I am Ok, thanks. Look at the screen, please. Guess what topic we are going to discuss today.

Ss. We are going to speak about food.

T. Yes, you are right. The topic of our lesson is "Food for Life. Food for pleasure". Now, I offer you to play a game. It is a game of questions. If your answer is never - your point will be one; if you say sometimes - two; often - three; always - four. Are you ready? Let's start then!

1. Do you help your mother to cook?

2. Do you say "I don't want to eat my breakfast?"

3. Do you forget to say "please" and "thank you"?

4. Do you wash your hands before eating?

5. Do you wash up your plate after the meal?

6. Do you buy food in the street and eat it there?

7. Do you help your mother lay the table?

8. Do you say "Bon Appetite" to your parents or friends at a meal-time?

9. Do you say "I don't want  any meat and vegetables, I am not hungry", and then ask for two pieces of cake, for example?

10. Do you eat late at night?

The results:

If your score is 0-11: you are perfect if you didn't lie. There are only few such people in the world.

If the score is 12-21: you are a polite child.

If the score is 22-30: sometimes it is dangerous to stay with you.

If the score is 31-40: people who surroud you are in danger. I am sorry for your parents and for you too.

II. The Main Part of the Lesson

1. Vocabulary Practice

T. Look at the screen again. You can see a chain of letters. How many words can you find in this chain of letters? There are seven words there. Can you find them?

* Eatjuiceorangepotatoberrylunchtomato

* Drinkpeppersausagecarrotcabbagedinnerbread

T. Do you eat  the right food? How often do you eat the things in the list on the screen? Arrange the words from the list in the table below.

Fish, sweets, milk, fruit, vegetables, juice, cake, meat, coffee, lemonade, tea, mineral water, ice-cream, soup

Every day

















2. Grammar Practice

T. Open the brackets and use the correct form of the verb.

1. We (go) to the café tomorrow.

2. My mother (to cook) meals every day.

3. I (to eat) ice-cream now.

4. Mark always (to drink) coffee in the morning.

5. Lisa (to have) a birthday party last week.

6.  My grandmother (to make) an apple pie now.


3. Speaking Practice

The students are divided into two groups. One group is planning a birthday party and the other - a party devoted to the end of the school year. The teacher gives to each group the stripes with the replies of the dialogue and students have to make up their dialogues and present them before class.

A Birthday Party

S1. It is my birthday today. I invite all of you to the café. Would you like to come?

S2. Ok. We all have presents for you.

S1. Let's meet at the café at two.

S3. See you soon!

S4(waiter): Can I help you? This is our menu. You can order everything you want.

S2. I'd like fried potato and vegetable salad. I'd also like ice-cream for dessert.

S3. I'd like a sandwich with meat and vegetables, and a piece of cake and a glass of orange juice.

S4. I'd like a chicken salad with vegetables and whipped cream with fruits for dessert.

S4(waiter): Your bill, please.

S1: Thank you very much. Everything was very tasty.

S4(waiter): Come another day.


A party devoted to the end of the year

S1: It's the end of a school year. We have to celebrate it. Let's have a party at the café.

S2: Great! I like this idea very much.

S3: It's very expensive. I don't have money. Let's go to the forest at the weekends.

S4: It's a good idea. We can take all the necessary food with us.

S5: All right. What do we need?

S1: I think we need bread, eggs, some sausage and some cheese, vegetables, lemonade.

S2: We need take a football to play.

S3: You are right. We can play football.

S4: Our parents go with us and help us.

S5: Very good. We' ll spend our weekend together. It's a good decision.

III. Summing-up. Home Assignment

T. Thank you very much for your dialogues. You are talented actors and actresses. Well done! Our lesson is coming to its end. I would like to say that you were active, hardworking and smart. Did you like our lesson?

Your hometask for the next lesson is to prepare a short story about your food habits. You may paint your food habits and tell about them.




14 лютого 2022
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