Competition “The Splendid Seven” in the 6th form
Цілі конкурсу: вдосконалювати мовленнєві, граматичні й лексичні навички учнів, повторити вірші й пісні, вивчені у шостому класі, поговорити з учнями англійською мовою про цифру „7”, про її поширеність.
1. Початок конкурсу
The beginning of the competition:
а) Організаційний момент.
б) Повідомлення учням мети конкурсу
2. Competition
T. Two teams take part in the competition.
There are 7 pupils in each team.
Team 1 – the team “London”
Team 2 – the team “English”
The First Round. Acquaintance
T. Write your names on the pieces of paper in English. Who is the fastest?
The Second Round. Presentation
The name of the team, the motto, the emblem.
The Third Round. Guess when it is
You are usually at home. Sometimes you are in the yard. You play with your friends. You read books, you watch TV or listen to music. Sometimes you play chess.
You get up, wash your face and hands, do morning exercises. Then you make your bed, dress, have your breakfast, take your schoolbag and go to school.
You have dinner. Then you go to the yard and play with your friends. You come home and begin to do your lessons.
You clean your room, take the rubbish out, vacuum the carpets, dust the table and window-sills, go shopping and help your mother to prepare dinner.
The Fours Round. The competition of the Captains
1. Shut your eyes. Draw the emblem of your team. Write the name your team.
2. What could it be? Miming.
3. Find seven colors.
G |
B |
L |
U |
E |
R |
F |
G |
R |
E |
Y |
G |
E |
M |
L |
O |
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P |
R |
D |
V |
J |
W |
H |
I |
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W |
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L |
B |
L |
A |
C |
K |
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O |
S |
G |
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E |
N |
T |
The fifth Round. Tell about yourself
The Sixth Round. Riddles
T. Here are answers to six more riddles. Put them with the correct questions.
A blackboard raina stamp a mushroom a comb
A hot dog
1. Q. What travels round the world but always stay in the some corner?
2. Q. What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?
3. Q. What has teeth but can not bite?
4. Q. What falls but never gets hurt?
5. Q. What kind of room has no walls, no floor and no ceiling?
6. Q. What kind of dog has no tail?
T. Riddle me, riddle me, what is that?
Over the head and under the hat. (Hair)
Two brothers live across a path, but never see earth other .(Eyes)
Without it you couldn’t say a word. (A tongue)
It lives alone between two bright stars. (Nose)
The doors are open in the morning but shut at night. If you look into them, you will see inside.(Eyes)
The Sevetn Round. Competition connected with the number “7”
1. Name the seventh letter of the English alphabet.
2. Name the seventh month of the year.
3. How many days are in the week?
4. Name the seventh day of the week.
5. How much is the “7” plus “7”?
6. How much is the “7” minus “7”?
7. How much is the “7” times “7”?
8. How much is the “7” devided by “7”?
9. Name seventh school subjects.
10. Name seventh animals.
11. Name seven birds.
12. Name seven flowers.
13. Name seven days of the week.
14. Name seven hobbies.
The Eight Round.
Auction of Songs and Poems
T. The members of the team sing songs and recite poems.
The results of the competition.
T. Now the jury will give us the results of our competition and the total score.
Dear boys and girls!
The competition is over.
Team “London” is the winner.