Урок-гра у 6 класі "Whatever the Weather…"

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Підсумковий урок-гра для учнів 6 класу з теми "Погода". Використано фразеологічні звороти
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Розробка уроку на тему: “Whatever the Weather…”


Клас: 6

Тема: Whatever the Weather…

Мета: удосконалення лексичних навичок говоріння за темою “The Weather”; удосконалення граматичних навичок говоріння (підрядне речення умови); розвиток комунікативної компетенції учнів; виховання почуття толерантності та взаємодопомоги під час роботи в групах, виховання поваги до точки зору однокласників.

Тип уроку: закріплення знань, урок-гра.

Обладнання: дошка, підручник, картки.


Хід уроку

І. Організаційний момент

Teacher (T): Good morning, my dear friends! I’m glad to see you! The topic of our lesson today is “Whatever the Weather…”. People speak about the weather every day. They like to speak about it in England, too. The weather is so changeable there that the English often say “We have no climate, just the weather”. The English also say that they have three types of weather: when it rains in the afternoon, when it rains in the morning and when it rains all day long. Sometimes it rains so heavily that they say ‘It’s raining cats and dogs’. But the weather is not so dreadful in England. There are four seasons in the year. What seasons are there in the year? Who knows?

Pupil (P:): They are Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

T: That’s right! Do all these seasons have different kinds of weather?

P: Yes, of course!

T: Let’s talk about it today. Our conversation will be unusual. You are divided into two teams. Each team has got its own name: “The Snowflakes” and “The Suns”. We are going to hold four competitions:

  1. “Greeting”
  2. Lotto “Phraseological units”
  3. “If…”
  4. “Wonder in the Sieve”

II. Проведення конкурсу

  1. “Greeting”

(Команди мають вітати один одного, використовуючи лексику за темою “The Weather”)

P1: Hello, “The Suns”!

P2: Hi, “The Snowflakes”! Glad to see you today!

P3: Glad to see you too! We have got an idea. Look here, the weather is marvellous today. Why not go to the park and play in the snow?

P4: As for me, I don’t like such weather. It’s cold and frosty.

P5: But I like winter and snow. You can make a snowman, ski or skate. It’s so wonderful!

P6: I like when it is snowing. But you cannot go for a walk. It’s frosty and windy.

P7: Why not? I like when the frost pinches my cheeks and nose. It is true.

P8: My favourite season is Summer. The weather is hot. You can fish or go to the beach.

P9: As for me, I like Autumn. Fresh and sweet fruit… Tasty vegetables… It’s wonderful! People call Autumn a rainy season. I like rain. You can stay at home, listen to music or read books.

P10: But I think Spring is the best season. It is marvellous when the sun is shining, the birds are singing. The grass and trees are green. The Nature wakes up.

T: I want to add a few words. As for me, all four seasons are wonderful in their own way.

                                        Spring is green.

                                        Summer is bright.

                                        Autumn is yellow.

                                        Winter is white.


  1. Lotto “Phraseological unit”

Now you’ll get tables, where you can see the translation of some idioms which we learnt during our lessons. I’ll read idioms in English to you, and that team which has the translation of this idiom in their table must cover it with a sheet of paper. The team which covers their table first will win.

Table for the 1st team

Ллє як з відра



Зруйнувати чиїсь плани



Як сніг на голову



Грім і блискавка



Мати грізний вигляд




За будь-якої погоди


Вітер в голові


Сипати град ударів




Вітер і непогода


Table for the 2nd team


Як сніг на голову


Затишшя перед бурею




Зруйнувати чиїсь плани


Вітер і непогода

Ллє як з відра



Красти чиїсь ідеї




Побороти труднощі




Сипати град ударів


Робити з мухи слона



List of idioms

  • Rain cats and dogs
  • Thunder and lightning
  • Rain kick to
  • Wind and weather
  • Look like thunder
  • Rain on one’s parade
  • Rain or shine
  • Wind in the head
  • Thunderbolt in a serene day
  • Weather storm
  • The calm before storm
  • Steal someone’s thunder
  • A storm in a teacup


  1. “If…”

T: We have talked about four seasons and different kinds of weather. We have learnt that the weather may be lovely and marvellous, warm and hot, dreadful and awful. It depends on each season. So, what do people do in such weather?

The 1st team

If the weather is fine …

If it is snowy and frosty tomorrow …

If it rains tomorrow…

If it clears up tomorrow …

If it is foggy …

The 2nd team

If the weather is dreadful …

If it is warm and sunny …

If it snows tomorrow 

If it freezes tomorrow …

If there is a storm …


  1. “Wonder in the Sieve”

T: You know that not only the Ukrainian language is rich in proverbs and idioms. So is English. There are a lot of English phraseological units with the names of weather conditions and these idioms don’t always mean types of the weather. Now you’ll get a list of idioms and proverbs. Your task is to choose phraseological units whose meanings are directly connected with meteorological phenomena (describe weather conditions etc.). What meaning do other idioms and phrases have?

The 1st team

Every cloud has a silver lining, it rains cats and dogs, thunderbolt in a serene day, brass-monkey weather, under the weather, it rains pitchforks, rain on one’s parade, rainy day.

The 2nd team

 Rain comes, wind cannot be prevented from blowing, sow the wind and reap the whirlwind, weather the storm, rain or shine, weather for ducks, the calm before the storm, wind and weather.


III. Підбиття підсумків


IV. Домашнє завдання


15 березня 2021
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