Урок " Хоббі" 5 клас

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відкритого уроку

на тему:













                                                       ВЧИТЕЛЬ: РАТУШНЯК Т. І.








Тема уроку: Відпочинок і дозвілля.

Мета уроку: активізувати і збагатити лексичний запас учнів з даної теми, Активізувати граматичний матеріал, практикувати учнів у вживанні структури to be fond of, to be interested in, like doing smth. Розвивати навички читання, письма, аудіювання і говоріння, розширювати знання учнів про корисні види діяльності у вільний час, виховувати інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови.


  мультимедійна установка,  програмне забезпечення Microsoft Power Point,ноутбук, слайди,  текст для аудіювання та текстпісні, три коробки для гри, картки з назвами різних видів діяльності, картки для роботи в групах.

                                        Хід уроку:

1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1.1 Привітання.

  - Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you!

    How are you?

    I see you look great.  Are you ready to start our lesson?


1.2. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу. 

        What season is it now?

    What month is it now?

     What is the weather like?

     What do children like doing in winter? ( playing snowballs, making a snowman, sledging, skating, skiing, playing hockey)                                                                                                           


2. Основна частина уроку.


2.1. Практикування в лексиці.


- It`s rather cold today. When the weather is cold and bad I prefer staying at home. And what about you? What can you do at home in your free time? (play computer games, watch TV, read books, knit, sew, paint, draw).

 - You are right. But you are very active persons, I think. That`s why when the weather is fine you take a ball and play. What games can you play? (basketball, volleyball, football, tennis, ball).

 -  In summer we always go to the seaside or to the river. What can we do there? (swim, bathe, go fishing, lie in the sun (sunbathe).

-  So, can you guess what we would be talking about in our today`s lesson? Look at the blackboard. Let`s open the word.





2.2. Оголошення теми та мети уроку.


Our task is to open 7 letters. We will take only the first letter from each word and we will get today’s topic.


Слайд 2












H -  we wear it on our heads;    hat

O -  it`s a colour and a fruit;        orange

B – you carry school thing in it;   bag

B – we like to play with it            ball

I – it`s me;                                       I

E – it`s a very big animal;           elephant    

S – we can see it only in winter;   snow


Слайд 3


2.3 Презентація теми. 

  -We`ll speak about your free time and how to spend it, about your hobbies.


Слайд 4


How do you spend your holidays, Mike?

I usually go on a hike.

And what about you, Tobby?

Go to mountains. It’s my hobby.


  1. Читання хором за вчителем
  2. читання пошепки

What is this poem about?


  •          Активізація лексики.


Pupils, look at the board and name the necessary kind of activity


Слайд  5, 6, 7, 8, 9.



2.5 Гра «Season’s hobby»

- Pupils, we have the cards with the names of different kinds of activities. Make a circle. Your task is to take the card, to read the activity and say when we can do it in winter, in summer or in any season and put it into the proper box.


2.6 Game  “Hobbies”

 Match the picture with the word.


2.7 Memory Game.

 - Look at the list of hobbies on p.104 (on the right). Read them.  Now look once again. Name the words. (playing sports, singing, dancing, cooking, travelling, fishing, gardening, writing stories, taking photographs, watching TV, listening to music, reading books, going to the theatres collecting stamps…). Name all the activities one by one.  Go to the blackboard one by one and write them down.



2.8 Writing.


Слайд 10


- Let`s find out how clever and active are you.. Make up sentences using the words denoting different activities and the structures to be fond of, to be interested in.


2.9 Listening.


Слайд 11



Well, tell me please, do you have family’s hobbies? What are they?

And now we are going to listen to the text about family’s hobbies. .


Unknown words:

Fables – байки

I am lucky – Мені пощастило.



Family`s Hobby.

I enjoy reading books. I am lucky. We`ve got a big library at home. I like to read about sports and sportsmen. I am reading an interesting story about hockey now.

My father likes to read about football. He`s got a lot of books about that game.

My sister is fond of animals. She likes to read about them. She has got books with funny stories and fables about animals. I gave her a present yesterday, a very big interesting book about animals at the Zoo. There are a lot of funny stories in it.

My mother is interested in history. So she spends her free time with a book in history.

I can say that reading is my family`s hobby.


To begin with, name the members of the family. (father, mother, sister, brother).

And now, the 1 group  will represent the boy`s hobby;

the 2 group will represent parents` hobby;

the 3 group  will speak about sister`s hobby using


be fond of

be interested in

like doing smth

enjoy doing smth




- Pupils, take the stripes with sentences on them. Your task is to make up a story you`ve heard in a logical order.


2.10 Relaxation.


Слайд 12


- Pupils, let`s have a short rest and sing a song.



2.11 Game “At the International Rest Camp”


Imagine that you are from different countries. You are at the international rest camp. Make acquaintance with your new friends.

The 1st group – make up a dialogue.

The 2nd group – introduce your new friend.

The 3d group – introduce yourself.

You have cards with the names of your foreign friends. You should tell us about

  • the name of your new friend;
  • the country where he/she lives;
  • age;
  • hobby;
  • kind of sport.




2.12 Активізація граматичного матеріалу.


           Look at the board, you can see only words there. Make up the sentences using these words:


             Слайд 13


  1. I, reading, when, was, came, my, father.
  2. visited, Terry, last, places, interesting, year.
  3. moment, playing, am, I, computer, at, games, the.
  4. go, he, next, to,  the, seaside ,will, summer.
  5. coins, my, collect, friends


3. Підведення підсумків уроку.

3.1 Бесіда з учнями.

                       What hobbies are popular with your friends?

Why do people have hobbies? Give full answers. ( People have hobbies because they like:

 - to learn new things (about nature, plants, towns, famous people)

 - to do something useful

 - to make something by themselves

 - to enjoy.

OK, pupils. I liked your work at our lesson. I enjoyed your answers very much, because you did your best to be good at English.


3.2 Оцінки 


Слайд 14


3.3 Домашнє завдання.  Prepare the story about your family’s  hobby.


3.4 Вірш.


Слайд 15


Let`s present a poem:


We`ve got a lot of hobbies

But we have a common one:

English does attract us

More than stamps or actors

And it is great fun!


   Слайд 16

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