Урок "I, My Family and Friend"

Про матеріал
Ресурс містить яскравий пізнавальний матеріал, що надасть вчителю ефективно проводити урок, стимулювати інтерес учнів до навчання і сприятиме розвитку всіх видів пам’яті, спонукатиме учнів до різних видів мовленнєвої діяльності. Використання ресурсу допоможе вчителю зробити урок яскравим, цікавим та емоційним.
Перегляд файлу

Topic: "I, My Family and Friends"

Main objectives:

By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to:

  •                 identify people, talk about family, say and recognise mother, father, sister, brother, me;
  •                 use grammar structures: This is my ...in the context of asking and answering questions about their family.

Supplementary objectives:

By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to:

  •                 practice their listening and speaking skills;
  •                 cooperate working in pairs or groups.


Materials: a smiley, flashcards with the target vocabulary,  a laptop, a CD player, CDs, DVDs with  songs and videos, photos, paper, colorful pencils, glue sticks and pens.




T: Good morning, boys and girls!

Cl: Good morning, Miss!


1. "Hello"-song  (slide 2) (Whole class work)

2. Tongue twister "Quick Kiss" (slide 3) (Whole class work)

3. Pair work  (slide 4)

Ask pairs of pupils to come to the front of the class to act out a short introduction.

P u p i l 1. Hello.

P u p i l 2. Hello.

P u p i l 1. I am... (name).

P u p i l 2. I am... (name).

Ask pupils to introduce themselves to their neighbours in the same way.




1. Point and repeat. (slides 5-8) (Whole class work)

 Use family words to present the new vocabulary in pupils' books.

 Point to a flashcard "father" and say "father". Ask pupils to repeat. Do the same with "mother", "sister" and "brother".

 Name the family words. Stop after each word and ask pupils to repeat after you.

 Use the flashcards (slide 9) to present the new vocabulary items. Hold them up one by one, say the words and ask individual pupils to repeat.

 Name the pictures again and ask pupils to point to pictures as they listen.

 Read the words again. Stop after each word and ask pupils to repeat.

 Hold up each flashcard again in random order and elicit the word from individual pupils.

 Stick the flashcards on the board and write the words under the pictures. Ask pupils to "read" the words and match them with the pictures.


Song "I can run"( slide 9) (Whole class work)

2. Listen and repeat. (slide 10) (Whole class work)

— This is my sister.

— Who is this?

— This is my father.

3. Speaking. Talk about the picture.  (slides 11-12) Elicit or present me, then elicit the four numbers and who each person is.

Key: me, brother, sister, mother, father.

 Tell pupils to show their pictures to their classmates and find out if anyone has a brother or sister of the same age as theirs.

 Say the words again. Pause after each word for the pupils to repeat. Invite individual pupils to repeat again.

 Say the family words and ask pupil to point to the members of the family and say the names of the children. Then ask pupils to listen and point to the correct family words again.

 Do choral and individual repetition. Monitor the activity, checking for correct pronunciation. Praise their efforts, "Good! Well done!"


Dialogue (slide 13) (Pair work)     

Liz: This is my friend Tim. This is my family.

Father: Hello, Tim. How are you?

Tim: I am fine. Thank you.


Poem (slide 14) (Whole class work)

I have a father.
I have a mother.
I have a sister.
I have a brother.
Father, mother, sister, brother –
Hand in hand with one another.


Song:  She's my mom! (slide 15)

Who's she? Who's she? Who is she?

She's my mother. She's my mom.

Who's she? Who's she? Who is she?

She's my mom!



4. Individual work

Colour and say (slides 16-17)


Home assignment

 Ask pupils to bring their family photos.


Feedback (slide 18)

 Revising  the classroom vocabulary: brother, sister, mother, father

 Read: mother, father, brother, sister.


T: Good job, students! Goodbye!

Goodbye Song (slide 19)

До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для спеціалізованих шкіл із поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 1 клас (Карпюк О. Д., Ростоцька М.Є.)
15 лютого 2020
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