Урок "I’ve got a sore throat!"

Про матеріал
Practical Aims: to revise vocabulary through brainstorming and games; to activate knowledge in the topic; to develop listening skills; to practise grammar; to develop speaking skills; to develop collaborative work skills; to develop pupils’ ability to explain their health problems to a doctor or to give the right piece of advice to an ill friend.
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Theme: I’ve got a sore throat!

Grammar Subject: modal verb should / shouldn’t

Practical Aims: to revise vocabulary through brainstorming and games; to activate knowledge in the topic; to develop listening skills; to practise grammar; to develop speaking skills; to develop collaborative work skills; to develop pupils’ ability to explain their health problems to a doctor or to give the right piece of advice to an ill friend.

The Procedure of the Lesson

1. Preliminaries. Greeting – 1 min

   T: Good afternoon, dear children!

   Ps: Good afternoon, our teacher!

   T: I’m glad to see you!

   Ps: We are glad to see you, too!

   T: Sit down, please.

Today we are going to continue our topic ‘I’ve got a sore throat!’

Imagine that you are in Great Britain. You have got problems with your health and you will be able to explain your illness. Or a friend of yours is ill and you can give the right piece of advice.

I believe that at the end of the lesson you will be able to do this.

2. Lexical Warming-Up – 7 min

• Brainstorming

First let’s revise all the illnesses that you know and can tell to the doctor.

• Poor Teddy

Not only people can be ill, but animals too. Tell me please who helps people when they are ill?                         Ps: A doctor.

And who helps animals?     Ps: A vet.

Who wants to be a doctor? ... And a vet? ...

Now imagine that you are vets. Tell me what Teddy has got and why. (Cards with ill Teddy)

   T: What has Teddy got?

   P1: He’s got a headache.

   T: Why?

   P1: Because he’s ill.


Illness / Symptom

Approximate Reason

sore throat




stomach (tummy) ache


heart pain

running nose




… he eats too much ice cream.

… he doesn’t wear warm clothes in winter.

… it’s cold and windy outside.

… he does too many exercises.

… he eats a lot of mushrooms.

… he likes eating sweets.

… he is in love.

… it’s cold and raining outside.

… he cooks.

… he likes fighting.

… he climbs the tree.


I think you can become good vets.

3. Practice – 15 min

• Matching 1

Now can you match the illnesses that you know to the pictures? Take your xerocopies and do the first exercise.

Let’s check.

• Matching 2

There’s a boy who lives far away. And he is ill. Let’s help him and give some advice. So, do the third exercise. Match the illnesses to the pieces of advice.

Let’s check.

• Listening

Well and now you will see the story about this boy and his father who wanted to help him. But first look through the second exercise.

Listen to the story and fill in the gaps.

• True / False

Now let’s check your sentences. Listen to the statements I read you and say whether they are true or false.

F 1) Siriwat’s Dad is ill.   (Siriwat)

T 2) Siriwat said ‘Ouch, it hurts. I’m too ill to drink.’

F 3) Siriwat had a toothache.   (sore throat)

T 4) Dad said ‘Here is some medicine.’

T 5) Next morning he had a headache.

F 6) By mid-day Siriwat had a backache.   (tummy ache)

T 7) By evening he had earache.

F 8) Dad said ‘I’m calling your mother.’   (the doctor)

T 9) The doctor said ‘High temperature.’

F 10) The next day Siriwat said ‘I feel much worse now.’   (better)

4. Break – 6 min

• Game ‘Young Doctors’

Imagine that some of you are ill and others are doctors.

   Step 1. Each pupil from A-team writes an illness on a piece of paper.

     Each pupil from B-team writes a piece of advice.

Then you must fold them and put on your plate.

   Step 2. Now change the plates. A pupil from B-team takes and reads an illness and a pupil from A-team takes and reads a piece of advice. If it is correct you say ‘Right’, if not you say ‘Wrong’ and give your advice.

   PB: I’ve got a sore throat.

   PA: You shouldn’t eat too many sweets.

   Ps: Wrong! You should take some medicine.


5. Speaking – 9 min

• At the Doctor

Now you can show us what you know: how to give advice or tell your problems to a doctor.

   P1: Good morning!

   P2: Good morning, Dr White!

   P1: What’s the matter?

   P2: I feel terrible. I’ve got a cold.

   P1: You should take some medicine. You should stay in bed. You should eat some soup.

   P2: Thank you, Doctor. Good-bye!

   P1: Good-bye!

6. Summing-Up. Homework – 2 min

Well, dear children, I can see that you know a lot. Please, rise up your hand who can give advice to an ill friend or a relative now. And rise up your hand who can explain the illness to a doctor.

H/t:  1) learn the project

2) PB ex 7 p 61 (wr/ex)

3) WB ex 9 p 39 (wr)

4) site: http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/word-games/fill-the-gaps/im-too-ill














I’m too ill!

























better, doctor, earache, headache, high temperature, hurts, ill, medicine, sleep, sore throat, tummy ache


















4. Play the game!















Tapescript for Listening


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Англійська мова для спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
9 червня 2021
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