Урок із теми "My family"

Про матеріал
Матеріал спрямований на узагальнення та закріплення вивченої теми та формування навичок аудіювання говоріння та письма
Перегляд файлу


ТЕМА: Моя сім’я і  мої друзі .


МЕТА:  Повторити та активізувати лексичні одиниці до теми. Продовжувати                  формувати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення. Удосконалювати техніку читання , вчити описувати свого товариша . Повторити вживання минулого часу ( правильні та неправильні )дієслова. Виховувати повагу до інших.

ОБЛАДНАННЯ:  Підручник , картки для самостійної роботи, магнітофон та мультимедійний проектор.

Хід уроку.



Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you again.

2. Aim.

Today we’ll continue to speak about your friends (слайд 1)

3.Warming up .

a ) Let’s listen the song and put the missing words.

I’ve got good friends

And this is true

You’re very special friends

And this song is for you


Fred, you’ve got brown hair

And you’re very tall

You’ve got a nice smile

You’re great  with a ball


Matt  has got red hair

And his eyes are brown

He has got a CD player

And my  new CD too.


- Do you like this song?

- What is this song about?

c) Let’s read the song and check on.

4. Check on Homework.

Your homework was to learn irregular  words .

You’ve got some tasks. Fill  the gaps.

1.___________ -did                                                     5.___________ - met 


2.give -__________                                                     6. eat -____________


3. __________ -read                                                    7.___________ - ran


4. have- __________                                                    8. get - ____________


                                           9. ___________- came

1.Pete ______ (start) walking to school.


2. He _______(meet) his friend Dan yesterday.


3. Dan ______(take) his pet to school.


4. The children _______ (have) a very good time.


5. I _________(be) in Crimea  last summer.

( слайд 2)


Listen to me. And say me please . What is the fairy character?

1. He is small and very thin. His nose is very long. His hair is short. He has got a hat on. He is kind and helpful. He is made of wood (Buratino) (слайд 3).

2. She is a very nice girl. She has got a round face. Her eyes are large and blue.

Her hair is blue and long. Her nice dress is blue too. She is very kind, clever and smart. She is helpful and friendly. (Malvina) (слайд 4)                                                                                   

3.She is very pretty girl. She loves her mother and her grandmother. She has got a white skirt and blouse on. She has a red hat on. She has got a basket in her hand.

She is helpful, easy-going, friendly and sociable.(Red Riding Hood) (слайд 5)

 2.Physical warming up          

Are you tired?

Stand up

Hands up, hands down

Hands on hips and sit down

Stand up

Bend left, bend right.

One, two, three, hop,

One, two, three, stop. Stand still.

Sit down.

3. Reading Ex.2 p.46

a)  eтап підготовки до читання:

Ex.1p.46. Work in pairs. Write a list of questions to find out how much your classmates know about their friends.

b) етап читання:

 Ex.2 p.46 read and complete the text, use the words:

Stories, helpful, curly, pretty, smile, long, oval, teeth, piano, easy-going. (слайд 6)

c) етап перевірки читання тексту

- What does Susan look like?

- How old is Susan?

- What does she like to do?

4. Speaking.

  Ex.3 p.46.    Read and answer the questions.

5. Writing.

 Read and translate these words (слайд 7)

Pretty, handsome, kind, helpful, plain, shy, smart, thin, skinny,
tall, short, easy – going, cheerful, honest, dull, attentive.

My friend is… 

My friend is not…

6. Game “Guess my friend”

Учні описують  своїх друзів не називаючи їх. Інші відгадують .


-Why this friend is you’re the best friend?

- Do you know ?

Ok. I’ve got some proverbs which will be answer to this question .

  1. A best friend is like  a four leaf clover hard to find and lucky to have. (слайд 8)
  2. True  friends are  like  the sun they always shine. (слайд 9).
  3. Friendship is a light in the darkness.
  4. A best friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you anyway . (слайд 10).

Homework:   Ex.4 p.47;  Ex.6 p.47.

До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
18 травня 2022
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