Урок-конспект з англійської мови на тему "Наука і наукові винаходи"

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Урок-конспект на тему: "Наука і наукові винаходи" поглибить знання учнів про відомі винаходи, технології, відкриття відомих науковців та винахідників. Учні ознайомляться з історією виникнення таких винаходів як: пральні машини, посудомийні машини, міхрохвильові печі, котрі полегшили життя сучасного суспільства.
Перегляд файлу

ТЕМА: Наука і наукові винаходи.

ПІДТЕМА: «Сучасні технології у нашому житті»

МЕТА УРОКУ: 1. Закріпити та автоматизувати вживання вивченої лексики та структур у знайомих та нових ситуаціях. Розвивати монологічне та діалогічне мовлення учнів.

Удосконалювати вміння та навички учнів у чотирьох видах мовленнєвої діяльності.

Розвивати пам’ять, мовну здогадку, логічне мислення учнів

Сприяти формуванню пізнавального інтересу учнів, розширювати кругозір.

МОВНИЙ МАТЕРІАЛ:     лексика, структури з теми.

картки з завданнями для парної роботи та груповими завданнями; тематичні ілюстрації.


Організаційний момент.

Т. Good morning, children! I am glad to see you!

Ps. Good morning, teacher! We are glad to see you, too.

Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Science plays an important role in our life. New inventions appear every day and make our life easier, longer and better. Both at home and at work we can feel a great effect of modern technology on our lives. Washing machines, dishwashers, microwaves have made our life much easier. Many of the things that make our lives better are the results of advances in technology.

Запитання до учнів:

Do modern science and technology improve your life?

PI) Yes, they do. I use the Internet to search for information, to prepare my homework, to play games.

P2) Yes, they do. I use the mobile phone to communicate with my parents and my friends, to send messages, to listen to music, to play games. P3) Yes, they do. I use television to watch films, news, cartoons, programs for different tastes and interests.

Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Our today’s  topic is “Science and inventions”. Today we’ll continue our talk about well- known inventions and discoveries, about famous scientists and inventions. We’l1 remember the words on the topic and  practise them in texts, games, dialogues and exercises.

Lexical drill.

Interactive exercise «Bush of Associations» 

What words and word-combinations dо you associate with the word “Inventions”? Write down these words on the blackboard, then make up sentences with these words.

A sewing machine       An automobile A television

A light bulb      A computer      A telephone A dishwasher Inventions       A video recorder

A radio  

A microwave oven

A cooker

              A CD player

An iron  

A digital camera

A toaster

A vacuum cleaner          A washing machine

A ventilator

A refrigerator A mobile phone

 Match the parts of word-combinations.

1.  A vacuum cleaner 1. To cook meals

2.  A washing machine 2. To press clothes

3.  A dishwasher          3. To clean the carpets

4.  A microwave oven 4. To do the cooking

5.  An iron         5. To wash clothes

6.  A cooker      6. To find information

7.  A computer 7. To wash up

8.  A mobile phone       8. To watch films and news

9.  A television 9. To communicate with people Key: 1-3 2-5 3-7 4-1 5-2 6-4 7-6 8-9 9-8 Make up sentences using the structure!

A vacuum cleaner is used to clean the carpets

Lexics game. Match the inventions with the inventors.

1.  The electric light bulb          1. Alexander Graham Bell 1875

2.  The Law of gravitation        2. Samuel Morse 1838

3.  The telephone         3. Thomas Edison 1879

4.  The theory of evolution       4. Charles Darwin 1859

5.  The telegraph          5. Isaak Newton1687

6.  The steam engine 6. Albert Einstein 1905

7.  The theory of relativity        7. Marie Curie 1911

8.  Radium       8. James Watt

Make up sentences using the structure

The telegraph was invented in 1838 by Samuel Morse Interactive technology «Microphone».

Imagine that a reporter came to you. He wants to interview you about your attitude to modern inventions. Answer his questions.


Which inventions do you use in your everyday life?

Учні відповідають на запитання репортера. Вони складають речення з опорою на таблиці попередньої вправи. Варіанти відповідей учнів:

I use an automobile in my every day life, when I go to school with my parents. I can’t live without computer. I can surf the Internet, prepare my school work, read the news.

As for me, I can’t live without television. I like watching films, news, cartoons, programs for different tastes and interests.

I think that a telephone is a very important part of our life. I use it every day. I sometimes use a video recorder, when I want watching When I want listening to  music, I use a CD player.

I use a microwave oven every day, when I want to warm up my meals.

I use a digital camera, when I want taking  some photos.

I use a washing machine, when I want doing the laundry.

І саn’t imagine my life without mobile phone, because I like to communicate with my friends.

I use a refrigerator in my everyday life, when I want to conserve the products. 12) I often use a vacuum cleaner, because it is used to clean the carpers.

I often use a ventilator in summer, when it is hot.

I don’t use a sewing machine in my everyday life, but my mother does.

I often use an iron, because it is used to press clothes.

I don’t use a radio in my everyday life, but my grand-mother does.

I often use a cooker, because it is used to cook meals.

1 don’t use a dishwasher in my everyday life, but my mother does.

I can’t imagine my life without toaster, because I like toasts very much.

 I use a light bulb in my everyday life, because I can’t imagine my life without electricity.

A role-play “My New Pen-Friend».

Interactive technology «Panel».

And now we have a role-play. Imagine that Vlad is your new pen-friend. Ask your questions about his attitude to new inventions and technology. 

What is y our name?

How old are you?

Where are you from?

Have modern technologies changed your life?

What inventions make your life better and easier?

Can you imagine your life without mobile phone?

Do you use a computer?

Can you imagine your life without Internet?

Is television one of the best inventions of all time?

 Have you got a homepage in the social network “Vkontakte“?

I can’t imagine my life without my favourite gadgets.  And what about you? Does they play an important role in your life?

 What devices do you use every day? – Nice to meet you!

Listening. Text “Edison’s first invention”.

Listen to the text “Edison’ s first invention”, do the test and answer the questions. Pre-listening task. Find the definitions to the following words:

was about  to catch sight  to get busy

to “fire” 

«Edison’s First Invention»

When Edison was a boy of fifteen, he worked as a telegraph operator. He had to be on duty from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. and give a signal every hour to prove that he did not sleep. The signal were made with astonishing exactness. One night an inspector arrived and saw Edison sleeping in a chair.

He was about to shake him when he caught sight of a mechanism on a table near the telegraph instrument. He waited to see what would happen. When the hand of the clock pointed to the hour, the instrument got busy and one lever threw open the key while the other sent the signal over the wire.

The inspector seized the sleeping boy, roused him and “fired” him. That is why the first of Edison’s numerous inventions was never patented.

3) Етап перевірки розуміння змісту тексту. Учні виконують тест «True or false»

            True or False? True    False

1              Edison invented the telegraph                         

2              When Edison was a boy of 15, he worked as a telegraph operator               3         He worked from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.              

4              He worked at night                   

5              Edison sent signals with astonishing exactness                     

6              The inspector came because no signals were coming                       

7              Edison showed his invention to the inspector                         

8              The inspector did not wake the boy up to see how the mechanism worked              

9              The inspector advised Edison to patent his invention                        

10           Edison was fired for sleeping on duty             

Key: 1.F   2.T   3.F   4.T   5.T   6.F   7.F   8.T   9.F   10.T 3) Answer the questions:

Who was Edison?

What did he invent?

What mechanism did he invent when he was 15 years old?

Was the inspector glad to see this mechanism?

What did he do?

Did the inspector advise Edison to patent his invention?


Tell us about inventions and inventors:

Eugene Paton

Galileo Galilei

Isaac Newton

Albert Einstein

Charles Darwin

Alexander Bell Cards with tasks:

1.Make up dialogues. Discuss the following questions with your partner  Do your mobile phones cost a lot?

How did you get your mobile phone (as a present, saved money to buy it, earned the money for buying it, found it)?

What are your phones equipped with?

Would you like to buy a new mobile phone? Why? Why not?

Are mobile phones necessary for teenagers? Why? Why not?

Why do teenagers prefer to have expensive mobile phone?

What are the advantages of having a mobile phone?

What are the disadvantages of having a mobile phone?

2.Make up a dialogue. You want to buy a new mobile phone.

Tell your friend about your invention

Ask your friend to help you to choose a new mobile phone

Discuss the configuration of the mobile phone you’d like to buy

Discuss the supplementary functions you’d like to have in your new mobile phone and explain why you need them

3.Make up a dialogue. Your  friend needs your help in making a purchase

Ask your friend what he/she wants to buy

Discuss the configuration of the mobile phone your friend would like to buy Discuss the supplementary functions your friend would like to have in his/her new mobile phone

Ask your friend why he/she needs these supplementary functions Lexics game “Blitz test”.

You work in groups. I read questions, you give short answers. 

1)   Who invented the refrigerator?

– Oliver Evans.

2)  Which of these inventors invented the television: John Baird, Philo Farnsworth, Vladimir Zworykin?

–    John Baird.

3)    This inventor was educated by his mother. Who was he? What did he invent? –    Thomas Edison. He invented the electric light bulb.

4)    Who invented the telegraph?

–    Samuel Morse.

5)   Who is the inventor of the telephone?

–    Alexander G. Bell.

6)    Who was James Cook?

–A famous English  navigator and discoverer.

7)    What did Alexander Fleming discover?

  Penicillin.8)     What is Isaak Newton famous for?

  He discovered the Law of Gravitation.

9)   What did Michael Faraday discover in 1825?

– Electric current.

10) What did James Watt construct in 1775?

– The steam engine

11) Who is the founder of the Theory of Relativity?

– Albert Einstein.

12) Who organized the laboratory of electric welding in Kyiv?

– Eugene Paton.

13) What did Louis Pasteur invent?

– Anti-rabies treatment.

14) Who wrote the book “The Origin of Species”?

– Charles Darwin.

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