Урок "Конструкція to be going to з різними типами речень"

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Teaching grammar Тема: конструкція to be going to з різними типами речень Ціль: використання конструкції to be going to з різними типами речень на практиці, повторення та закріплення даної конструкції Тип уроку: урок закріплення знань
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Teaching grammar

Тема: конструкція to be going to з різними типами речень

Ціль: використання конструкції to be going to з різними типами речень на практиці, повторення та закріплення даної конструкції

Тип уроку: урок закріплення знань

Today we start the new topic. But first listen short dialog.

MOTHER: Polly, you granny's just phoned. She feels bad.

POLLY: I know. I am going to visit her on Sunday. 

MOTHER: But we are going to the shop on Sunday.

POLLY: I forgot about it. OK, give me a phone, we will choose another day.

Прослухавши діалог, що привернуло вашу увагу? Як ви переклали речення : «I am going to visit her on Sunday»?  «To be going to» - це досить поширена конструкція,  яка використовується як спосіб, за допомогою якої передається майбутня дія.

Now let`s look at it in details (правила дублюються рідною мовою):

1. We translate it in Ukraine like «збиратися» або «мати намір щось зробити».

I am going to read a book – Я збираюсь читати книгу. (учні повторюють приклад на англійській, і пробують перекласти на українські із допомогою вчителя)

2. First of all, this expression suited to situations when we are planning to carry out in advance any action in the near future.

I am going to clean a flat - Я збираюсь прибрати квартиру.

3.  We can divide this construction  in two . The verb «to be», that is what we are changing depending on the person and number of the subject, and the second part «going to» the expression remains unchanged.

She is going to be a teacher – Вона збирається бути вчителем.

I am going to do my homework. – Я збирають виконати моє домашнє завдання.

They are going to work at this factory. – Вони збираються працювати на цій фабриці.

4.  We make the negative  form  with help of  negative particle not.

She is not going to be a teacher – Вона не збирається бути вчителем.

I am not going to do my homework. – Я не збирають виконати моє домашнє завдання.

They are not  going to work at this factory. – Вони  не збираються працювати на цій фабриці.

5. We make the question by putting the form of the verb to be  in the beginning of the sentence.


Is she going to call me? – Вона збирається мені дзвонити?

Are you going to the shop? –  Ти збираєшься в магазин?

Are they going to have dinner? – Вони збираються обідати?


Practical part.

1) Read and translate into Ukraine.

1. She is going to read a magazine.

2. I am going to be a teacher.

3. My sister is going to play piano.

4.  We are going to learn new words.

5. They are going to swim in the river.

6. He is going to clean the flat.

7. He is going to write a letter to his brother.

8.  We are going to have a dinner with our friend.

2) Make the sentences in negative.

Ex. I am going to play football – I am not going to play football.

1. It is going to snow.

2. She is going to take her umbrella.

3.  I am going to read a book .

4. We are going to see a new film

5. It is going to rain.

3) Make up the questions starting by word in brackets.

Ex. You are going to be a teacher (What...? ) – What are you going to be?

1. We are going to play in the playground (Where...? )

2. You are going to get to the cinema at 5 o`clock (When ...? )

3.  It is going to rain (Is...?) 

4. Her daughter is going to leave school (Who…?)

5. The teacher is going to speak to my mother (Who...?)

4) Read and try to find sentences with «to be going to»  and verb «to be going» in Рresent Continuous.

1. I am going to visit theater today.

2. I am going to shop now.

3. Perhaps they are going to the museum this evening.

4. She is going to water the flower.

5.  My brother is going to play football in the yard.

6. My mum is going to my teacher now.

7. I am going to  talking on the phone with my best friend

5) Answer the questions.

1. Where are you going to be on Monday&

2. Where are you going to go on Sunday?

3.What are you going to have  for breakfast ?

4. Where are you going to spend  the summer ?

5. What are you going to do after school today?

6) Make a short dialog with you matе.  Topic  «What I am going to do after school today?»

5 травня 2021
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