Урок "Магазини і покупки" для 6 класу

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Пропоную конспект уроку для 6 класу на тему "Магазини і покупки" до підручника А. Несвіт. До уроку додається презентація Power point, на основі якої створений конспект. Але можна використовувати без презентації.

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Тема: Магазини і покупки.

Мета: Повторити й активізувати лексичні одиниці теми.

           Повторити граматичний матеріал: some, any.

           Розвивати вміння монологічного і діалогічного мовлення.

           Продовжувати формувати навички аудіювання.

           Розширювати кругозір учнів.


                                    Хід уроку

І. Організаційна частина.

1) Greeting. Aims.

2) Warm –up.

- Do you like shopping? Why?

- What can people buy? Let’s make a mind-map.

  • What do you like to buy?

e. g. I like to go shopping because I like to buy …

ІІ. Основна частина.

  1. Revising vocabulary. Slides 2 – 12.
  • Review the names of shops and what you can buy in these shops.

Grocer’s, bakery, butcher’s, greengrocer’s, confectionery, fishmonger’s, dairy’s, clothes shop, newsagent’s, department store.

  1. Practicing vocabulary.
  1. Slide 13. Look, read and say where you will go to buy…

e. g. To buy …. I’ll go to the …

           b) Slides 14, 15. Imagine that today is a shopping day in your family. You are in the kitchen and you are writing a shopping list. Read, translate and guess what shops you are going to visit. Pay attention to the translation of some/ any.

  1.  a: Is there any salt?

                b) No, there isn’t any.

                    (We are going to visit ___________________ )    

  1. a) Have we got any cheese?

                b) No, but there is some meat in the fridge.

                     (We are going to visit __________________ )

  1. a) Have we got any potatoes?

               b) Yes, we have. But we don’t have carrots.

                   (We are going to visit ___________________ )

          4.  a) We don’t have any bread, do we?

               b) No, there isn’t any bread left.

                    (We are going to visit __________________ )

  1. Listening. Slide 16.
  • It’s time for rest. Watch and listen to a song. Be ready to repeat the words of the song.
  1. Speaking. Pair – work. Make up the same dialogues by changing the underlined words. Slide 17.
  • Where are you going?
  • To the grocer’s shop.
  • What will you buy there?
  • A piece of cheese.
  • May I come with you?

Yes, if you please.

  1. Writing. Correct the following sentences if it is necessary. Slide 18.
  1. The dairy is the shop where we can buy milk.
  2. We can buy apples at the confectionery.
  3. Sausage is sold at the baker’s.
  4. You can buy fish at the fishmonger’s.
  5. Sweets and chocolate are sold at the newsagent’s.
  6. Potato is sold at the greengrocer’s.
  7. Shops with many departments are called markets.

ІІІ. Заключна частина.

  1. Hometask.
  2. Summary of the lesson.



21 жовтня 2018
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