Тест граматичний до теми "Shops and shopping"

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Тестові завдання на закріплення вивченого граматичного матеріалу по темі "Магазини і покупки" для 6 класу до підручника А. Несвіт. Тестові завдання спрямовані на перевірку вивчення вживання some/ any та much/ many.

Перегляд файлу


  1. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.
  1. There are some/ any bananas on the table.
  2. Do you want some/ any milk in your coffee?
  3. Was there some/ any water in the glass?
  4. Mother gave children some/ any bread and butter.
  5. Is there some/ any cheese on the plate?
  6. Give me some/ any tea, please. I’m thirsty.
  1. Fill in much/ many in the sentences.
  1. I have ___________ interesting books at home.
  2. How __________ juice do you want?
  3. There weren’t __________ people in the streets because it was Sunday.
  4. We don’t have __________ bread. Let’s go shopping.
  5. How __________ sandwiches do you eat in the morning?
  6. I had __________ money so I decided to go shopping.
  1. Choose the correct variant.
  1. I saw _______ nice dresses in that shop yesterday.
  1. some                      b) any                        c) much
  1. How ______ time do you need?
  1. some                       b) much                     c) many
  1. I’ve bought _______ meat and bread.
  1. some                       b) any                         c) many
  1. Is there ______ milk in the fridge?
  1. some                        b) any                         c) much
  1. I don’t like crowded shops, there are too _______ people there.
  1. some                        b) much                      c) many
  1. There isn’t ________ sausage in the fridge, so we won’t have sandwiches.
  1. some                         b) any                         c) much
До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
21 жовтня 2018
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