Тема. Моє улюблене свято
Мета: формувати уявлення про свята різних народів, щоб відзначати їх відповідно до традицій; практикувати граматичний матеріал; виховувати шанобливе ставлення і дотримання принципів взаєморозуміння, злагоди між усіма народами, етнічними, національними, релігійними групами.
Тип уроку: комбінований урок
Тема. Моє улюблене свято
Мета: формувати уявлення про свята різних народів, щоб відзначати їх відповідно до традицій; практикувати граматичний матеріал; виховувати шанобливе ставлення і дотримання принципів взаєморозуміння, злагоди між усіма народами, етнічними, національними, релігійними групами.
Обладнання: ілюстрації із зображенням свят, картки on, in, at для кожного учня, картки-оцінки, плакат для підведення підсумків уроку, постер і завданням на картках для аудіювання, проблемне питання для аудіювання, індивідуальні завдання для аудіювання, конверти із завданнями для групової роботи, відео для фіз.хвилинки, травневе дерево із стрічками.
Тип уроку: комбінований урок
Вік учнів: 5 – А
Вчитель: Зозуля І.С.
Дата: 21.02.2018
Методична проблема вчителя: «Використання міждисциплінарних зв’язків для формування соціокультурної компетенції підвищення мотивації учнів»
Методична проблема: «Технології успішної соціалізації учнів під час навчально-виховного процесу»
Перебіг уроку
Let’s practice sounds [r] – [l], [w], [٨] and [ai]
Red lorry, yellow lorry (twice) [r] – [l]
Why do you cry, Willy?
Why do you cry?
Why, Whilly, why, Whilly,
Why, Whilly, why? [w]
In every country under the sun,
There is a tradition, or there is none.
If there us one, try and find it.
If there is none, never mind it. [٨] – [ai]
The theme of our lesson is “My Favourite Holiday”. Today we’ll practice the prepositions of time to use them correctly and remember the traditions of some holidays to celebrate them according to their customs.
During the lesson I’ll give you cards for your work:
Answer my questions:
На дошці подані речення з помилками. Завдання учнів – виправити їх.
in at on
Ukrainian people celebrate Christmas on January. Ukrainians sing carols in Christmas Day. Dan always visits his aunt on Easter. In Britain you can watch the Queen’s speech on TV in Christmas on 3 p.m. We don’t go to school in weekends and at holidays. People usually have pumkin pie and sweet potatoes at Thanksgiving Day. Loving couples like to go to a café in the 14-th of February. Lemons Festival started at 1933. Ann always has a lot of holidays in her birthday. Children open their Christmas presents on the morning. Tom has his long holidays at summer. We usually visit our Granny on Easter. People in Old England celebtate May Day with flowers, games and dances at spring.
Ukrainian people celebrate Christmas in January. Ukrainians sing carols on Christmas Day. Dan always visits his aunt at Easter. In Britain you can watch the Queen’s speech on TV at Christmas at 3 p.m. We don’t go to school at weekends and on holidays. People usually have pumkin pie and sweet potatoes on Thanksgiving Day. Loving couples like to go to a café on the 14-th of February. Lemons Festival started in 1933. Ann always has a lot of holidays on her birthday. Children open their Christmas presents in the morning. Tom has his long holidays in summer. We usually visit our Granny at Easter. People in Old England celebtate May Day with flowers, games and dances in spring)
Let’s have fun like in Old England and dance. Stand up and repeat.
Video “Maypole Dance”
Look at the poster. I’ll give you some definitions. Match new words with their pictures.
Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday.
Jewish – man that lives in Israel Lights – opposite of dark |
menorah - a holder for candles |
giant – very big Trafalgar Square - the main square in London the New London Synagogue – the Jewish church in London |
dreidel – a spinning top Hebrew – Jewish language |
jamfilled – with jam inside |
While listening to the text for the first time answer the question: Where do people celebrate Hanukkah?
The first listening
Hanukkah is the Jewish Festival of Lights. It is celebrated in November or December and lasts for eight days. During these time children have holidays and parties. |
The main symbol of Hanukkah is a special candle holder which is called menorah or hanukkiah. It has nine candles. According to tradition people light candles one by one, one additional light on each night of the holiday, till all the candles are lit. All of them are lit from the main candle every day. |
A giant hanukkiah usually stays in Trafalgar Square in London. It’s really unusual but hanukkiah is standing near the Christmas Tree. So, you can see a truly multicultural celebration. Plenty of Hanukkah London events are taking place at the Jewish museum and the New London Synagogue. |
There are a lot of Hanukkah symbols and playing with the dreidel is one of them. Dreidel is a four-sided spinning top. Each side has Hebrew letters on it. There are a lot of games you can play with the dreidel. In every Jewish family rules are different. These games often involve spinning the top and placing bets on Hebrew letters. |
It is a tradition to eat food fried in oil during Hanukkah. Potato pancakes, jamfilled and chocolate-filled doughnuts are very popular. And dairy food as well. |
Among other traditions are giving presents, chockolate money and greeting cards. Presents have Hanukkah symbols like menorah or dreidel on them. |
Since celebrating Hanukkah and Christmas became really international, there appeared greeting cards with the combination of these two holidays and the greeting 'Very Merry Chrismukkah wishes'! Happy Hanukkah! |
(People celebrate Hanukkah in Britain and in Israel)
While listening to the text for the second time you should read the fact file on the card and circle the correct answer.
1. Hanukkah is the Jewish Festival of ... Candles / Lights / Nights
2. Hanukkah lasts for… seven / eight / nine days.
3. The Hanukkah has nine candles... pancake / dreidel / menorah
4. Families play a game called ... dreidel / coins / spin
5. The special pancakes are made with …. jam / carrots / potatoes
6. People eat jam …. doughnuts / sandwiches / pancakes
7. People give… menorahs / presents / clothes to family and friends.
8. Children sometimes get coins... potato / gold / chocolate
1. Hanukkah is the Jewish Festival of Lights.
2. Hanukkah lasts for nine days.
3. The Hanukkah has nine candles menorah.
4. Families play a game called dreidel.
5. The special pancakes are made with jam.
6. People eat jam doughnuts.
7. People give presents to family and friends.
8. Children sometimes get coins chocolate)
(A teacher can use anotherpost-lstening task (FFILL IN THE GAPS Use the words from the table. Christmas, candle, greeting, celebrated, doughnuts, chocolate, playing, Festival, nine, four) Hanukkah is a Jewish ________ of Lights.
(Children devided into 4 groups according to their cards)
Lemon Group – make a sculpture out of fruit, tell about the holiday in France and think: “How much fuice will you get from these fruit?”
Turkey Group – help turkey to find the grass and read the answer to the question: “How do Americans celebrate Thansgiving Day?”
(A L L T H E F A M I L Y S P E N D T I M E T O G E T H E R)
Christmas Group – make a list of words about the holiday.
Heart Group – preparation before Valintine’s Day.
(Presentations of groups’ works) |
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку
Make a greeting card
What new information did you know?
Використані джерела: 1.Гурська Н. Project Worksheets 5: Навчальний посібник з англійської мови для учнів 5-го класу загальноосвітній навчальних зкладів. – Тернопіль: Лібра Терра, 2010. 2.Карп’юк О.Д. Англійська мова : підруч. для 5-го кл. загальноосвіт. навч. закл. – Тернопіль: «Видавництво Астон», 2013. – 280 с. 3.Несвіт А.М. Англійська мова : підруч. для 5-го кл. загальноосвіт. навч. закл./ А.М. Несвіт. – К. : Генеза, 2013. – 224 с. 4.http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/lesson040.shtml 5.https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/reading-practice/hanukkah 6.http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/uk-now/read-uk/hanukkah |