Посібник містить різні види завдань з англійської на етапі введення учнів в іншомовну атмосферу (warming up) для 5-11 класів.
Матеріал представлено за 10 видами діяльності, відповідно до тем, що вивчаються в 5-11 класах, зокрема: “Hobby”, “Weather”, “Family”, “Food”, “School”, “Cuisine”, “Environment”, “Invention”, “Youth”, “Great Britain”, “Profession”, “ Computer”, “Householding”, etc.
Запропоновані види робіт укладені з урахуванням новітніх тенденцій розвитку сучасної освіти – застосування інноваційних технологій та особистісно-зорієнтованого підходу в навчанні.
Працюючи над посібником, автор керувалася Державним стандартом базової і повної загальної середньої освіти, чинною редакцією Навчальних програм з іноземних мов для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів і спеціалізованих шкіл із поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов 5-9 класів (затверджених Наказом Міністерства освіти і науки України від 07.06.2017 № 804) та Навчальних програм з іноземних мов для 10-11 класи. К., 2017 р.;
Відділ освіти , молоді та спорту Олевської міської ради
Міський методичний кабінет
Warming up Activity
Посібник для вчителя
Англійська мова
5- 11 клас
Дехтяренко Еліна Миколаївна,
Вчитель англійської мови
Дружбівського НВК
Рекомендовано методичною радою Дружбівського НВК
( протокол № 2 від 4 листопада 2017 р.)
Автор: Е.М. Дехтяренко, вчитель англійської мови
Дружбівського НВК,
вчитель першої кваліфікаційної категорії.
Рецензенти: Л.Н. Іваненко, методист відділу освіти молоді і
спорту Олевської міської ради
Посібник містить різні види завдань з англійської на етапі введення учнів в іншомовну атмосферу (warming up) для 5-11 класів.
Матеріал представлено за 10 видами діяльності, відповідно до тем, що вивчаються в 5-11 класах, зокрема: “Hobby”, “Weather”, “Family”, “Food”, “School”, “Cuisine”, “Environment”, “Invention”, “Youth”, “Great Britain”, “Profession”, “ Computer”, “Householding”, etc.
Запропоновані види робіт укладені з урахуванням новітніх тенденцій розвитку сучасної освіти – застосування інноваційних технологій та особистісно-зорієнтованого підходу в навчанні.
Працюючи над посібником, автор керувалася Державним стандартом базової і повної загальної середньої освіти, чинною редакцією Навчальних програм з іноземних мов для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів і спеціалізованих шкіл із поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов 5-9 класів (затверджених Наказом Міністерства освіти і науки України від 07.06.2017 № 804) та Навчальних програм з іноземних мов для 10-11 класи. К., 2017 р.;
Даний збірник допоможе урізноманітнити діяльність на етапі warming up, розширювати словниковий запас учнів, розвивати інтерес до іноземної мови.
Збірник може бути корисним учителям англійської мови.
I. Warming up Activity:
Список використаних джерел…..…………………………………………………31
Мовленнєва зарядка (warm up) є одним із найважливіших етапів року іноземної мови. Це вміло організований початок уроку ( не більше 5 хвилин), який здатен ввести учнів в іншомовну атмосферу та стимулювати їх подальшу роботу. Така атмосфера уроку передбачає доброзичливий тон вчителя, володіння голосом, жестами, мімікою, вміння витримати психологічну паузу і розірвати паузу мовчання. Перші хвилини уроку часто є дуже важкими для вчителя, тому що треба задати тон усього уроку, створити певну атмосферу і налаштувати учнів на творчу працю.
З допомогою мовленнєвої зарядки можна досягти багато цілей:
Гарна мовленнєва зарядка має бути цікавою, незвичною, дотепною і нескладною. Різні види такої зарядки урізноманітнюють початок уроку. Учитель може ставити запитання, заохочувати учнів до парної або групової роботи, вивчати короткі вірші або пісні, складати діалоги, працювати з ілюстраціями, прислів’ями, грати, використовувати надруковані завдання. [ 2]
Пропоную деякі види мовленнєвої зарядки, які допоможуть учителю створити невимушене спілкування до будь-якої теми уроку.
Ask students to sort out the words according to the part of speech.
Message, History, never, visit, teacher, boring, important, bring, read, always, usually, swat, popular, gym, Maths, translate, difficult, visit, weekly, file.
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
Adverb |
Nickname, lazy, invite, expect, expect, rollerblading, often, clumsy, join, kind, diving, exiting, chess, sometimes, never, hardly, reading, strange, collect, soon.
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
Adverb |
Often, uncle, enjoy, clever, happy, cousin, dentist, grow up, famous, cook, nice, always, relative, seldom, special, usually, native, visit, look after, kindly.
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
Adverb |
Microwave oven, boil, hairdryer, fry, tablecloth, pan, fry, chop, fresh, slice, daily, cold, often, vacuum cleaner, sometimes, tasty, do shopping, cook, useful.
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
Adverb |
Fat, pour, delicious, cuisine, ham, watermelon, stuff, fresh, pancake, spinach, course, mix, healthy, grate, rich, mash, never, sprinkle, weekly.
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
Adverb |
Christmas, the best, usually, Easter, great, send, gift, often, wish, give, guest, celebrate, always, famous, happy, exiting, spend, invite, party.
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
Adverb |
Sun, chilly, fog, snowy, east, wet, report, now, see, sun, daily, yesterday, sunbath, careful, blow, put on, raincoat, often, cloud, sometimes, umbrella, warm.
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
Adverb |
Monthly, crossroad, now, exiting, museum, never, traffic lights, seldom, visit, car, cross, guide, travel, sometimes, beautiful, sights, boring, in the left, emazing, plain, train, see, take.
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
Adverb |
Water, apple, pear, cabbage, spinach, cocoa, strawberry, cucumber, milk, apricot, pineapple, coffee, watermelon, cola, cherry, carrot, tea, cauliflower, beet, onion.
Fruit |
Vegetables |
Drinks |
Winter, Sunday, September, Monday, Spring, November, Summer, October, Autumn, December, Tuesday, January, Wednesday, February, Saturday, Thursday, March, April.
Days |
Months |
Seasons |
Students should unscramble the worldchain and choose connected words.
Cousin, PE, author, choir, aunt, tidy up, Craft, uncle, Chemistry, drama, symphony, cook, go shopping, grandmother, difficult, famous, drums, publish, sing, rap, diet, water, activity, non-fiction, vacuum-cleaner.
Sunny, mountain, hot, umbrella, weekly, comedy, newspaper, press, watch, coast, border, capital, consist of, plain, crazy about, sights, ticket, exiting, climate, hiking, romantic.
Skippig rope, hamster, apron, coffee, keyboard, favourite, cinema, parrot, coat, water, feed, mouse pad, free time, pineapple, shop, swimming, sausage, beading, skirt, wrestling, blazer, roast chicken, pour, send, scroll, embroidery, shop, museum.
Occupation, casual, interesting, wish, male, forest, dancing, trend, watch, sky, rain, address, emos, surf, divorced, download, wind, high-flyer, single, Mermaid, screen, musical, flowers, Tom And Jerry, send, decoration, e-mail, express, fantastic, festival, Snow White, gift.
Journalist, health, kitten, tidy up, retell, tic-tac-toe, babysitter, fit, kind, make bed, read, choose, hopscotch, soccer, feed, cook, tiger, Tom and Jerry, earn, boxing, oven, Cinderella, darts, funny, teacher, swimming, elephant, frying pan, listen, play.
Rubbish, fast food, fashion, quiz show, plain, pollute, punks, autocue, hygiene, wild, vitamins, strange, taxi, presenter, train, disappear, leukemia, casual, camera, vehicle.
Launch, period, hairstyle, bagpipes, kitchen, cabbage, balloon, shadow clock, chores, modern, castle, balcony, space, cucumber, hourglass, hang around, consist of, garage, carrot, explorer, weekly, jeans, wool, onion.
Add, read, fence, heart, dentist, flour, explain, garden, bed, arm, nurse, mix, exercise, flowers, chair, table, stomach, surgeon, put, novel, cupboard, walk, lungs, exemine, grate, fry, mirror.
Cough, morning, waiter, violence, bridge, playing games, headache, lunch, order, boring, Big Ben, doing puzzle, cold, wake up, menu, thriller, monument, jogging, virus, clean teeth, tasty, comedy, take photos, karate.
Eraser, a play, diary, window, masterpiece, cake, sharpener, performance, bakery, blackboard, guide, birthday hat, ruler, audience, seller, ruler, look, guests, felt pen, bag, fantastic, cash desk, teacher, exiting, invite.
Teacher proposes for 3-4 students to find among their classmates those who did or likes doing something. Pupils ask questions (given by the teacher) everybody in the classroom, writing the answers “yes” or ”no” in the note. After that 3-4 students say how many classmates answered “yes” or ”no”.
Pupil 1: Do you cook omelette?
Pupil 2: Did you eat cake yesterday?
Pupil 3: Do you like cauliflower?
Pupil 4: Did you buy butter yesterday?
Pupil 1: Do you like sightseeing?
Pupil 2: Did you go to Kyiv last year?
Pupil 3: Do your parents like travelling by train?
Pupil 4: Have you ever been in museum of water?
Pupil 1: Are you keen on computer games?
Pupil 2: Has your friend got a computer?
Pupil 3: Do you spend 2 hours at the computer?
Pupil 4: Does your mum like surfing the internet?
Pupil 1: Did you watch TV programme about art last week?
Pupil 2: Have you got a painting of famous artist?
Pupil 3: Does your friend paint pictures?
Pupil 4: Have you ever visited Art Gallery?
Pupil 1: Do you like rock music?
Pupil 2: Did you listen to music yesterday?
Pupil 3: Does your mum like opera?
Pupil 4: Have you got any musical instrument?
Pupil 1: Do you like horror film?
Pupil 2: Did your dad watch comedy yesterday?
Pupil 3: Does your mum like soap opera?
Pupil 4: Are you crazy about fantastic?
Pupil 1: Did you wash up yesterday in the evening?
Pupil 2: Do you go shopping?
Pupil 3: Does your father take the garbage out?
Pupil 4: Is your chore to feed the pet?
Pupil 1: Have you got a nephew?
Pupil 2: Does your aunt live near your house?
Pupil 3: Does your dad help mum about the house?
Pupil 4: Did you have dinner all together yesterday?
Pupil 1: Do you know something about Newton?
Pupil 2: Did you watch TV programme about invention last week?
Pupil 3: Are you keen on Physics?
Pupil 4: Do you use some invention in your life?
Pupil 1: Can you play table-tennis?
Pupil 2: Do you do morning exercises?
Pupil 3: Does your dad like boxing?
Pupil 4: Did you watch last football match?
Write verbs and adjectives to the word in order to make more word combinations.
verbs |
adjectives |
(Verbs: read, translate, order, buy, take, write, like, bring, take, give back, etc.
Adjectives: interesting, boring, fantastic, famous, favourite, exiting, thick, old, new, etc.).
verbs |
adjectives |
(Verbs: watch, take, love, choose, sell, keen on, fond of, etc.
Adjectives: new, old, interesting, boring, bad, horror, fantastic, famous, exiting, favourite, amazing, etc.).
verbs |
adjectives |
(Verbs: throw away, reuse, press, carry out, put, share, take, etc.
Adjectives: old, bad, plastic, glass, organic, different, paper, etc.).
verbs |
adjectives |
(Verbs: wash, vacuum, buy, sell, bring, carry out, put, take, etc.
Adjectives: chip, expensive, nice, old, good, new, clean, dirty, next, etc.).
verbs |
adjectives |
(Verbs: decorate, cut, buy, sell, bring, carry out, put, etc.
Adjectives: beautiful, high, real, fantastic, chip, strange, expensive, nice, old, good, new, etc.).
verbs |
adjectives |
(Verbs: throw, play, put, share, bring, buy, give back, take, etc.
Adjectives: old, round, small, leather, nice, super, bad, different, etc.).
verbs |
adjectives |
(Verbs: love, feed, walk out, take, carry, to pet, stroke, etc.
Adjectives: fluffy, small, beautiful, nice, super, bad, etc.)
verbs |
adjectives |
(Verbs: show, buy, order, put into, take out, sell, give, etc.
Adjectives: expensive, chip, lucky, small, old, new, last, next, etc.).
verbs |
adjectives |
(Verbs: make, send, choose, show, buy, sell, describe, observe, etc.
Adjectives: special, strange, rich, expensive, chip, lucky, ancient, modern, old, last, next, etc.)
verbs |
adjectives |
4.10 MEAT
(Verbs: cut, mince, roast, slice, grill, fry, buy, sell, bring, put, etc.
Adjectives: fresh, delicious, cold, hot, special, expensive, chip, raw, spicy, etc.).
Students should write word to every letter.
S …...(subjects)
T……(turn on)
B……(Big Ben)
N……(native speaker)
L……(lay the table)
G……(go shopping)
Teacher asks students to make up more words from the letters of the word.
(art, in, on, import, ant, pair, iron, main, it, port, part, rap, mint, top, pot, tip, tint, tar, tart, tap, pat, etc.)
(bat, blue, built, tea, but, bit, eat, fit, tie, lie, flat, tube, let, life, leaf, lift, fable, at, table, fault, flute, foalt, flit, etc.)
(did, die, edit, in, depend, pen, deep, end, diet, pie, pet, ten, nine, tip, den, deed, etc.)
6.4 Comfortable
(table, comfort, flat, drama, beaf, come, for, at, bar, bat, blam, rat, boot, art, belt, are, arm, male, mole, leaf, fort, etc.)
6.5 Happiness
(hen, he, pass, pan, nap, has, she, pen, ship, sip, pine, pin, pie, pipe, shape, sea, sin, etc.)
6.6 Respectable
(act, art, asleep, bap, scar, plate, are, eat, bear, are, bar, respect, table, bat, tab, tap, scale, scab, scare, scope, scrap, sea, see, etc.)
(rat, are, pear, stand, ant, rent, pan, pen, end, ten, set, ages, area, art, trend, dare, date, depart, east, eat, stand, step, rap, part, parent, etc.)
6.8 Rollerblading
(rap, rope, role, red, era, grade, doll, end, dog, ding, roll, garden, robe, blend, bland, bleb, boar, board, blind, bode, etc.)
(roar, red, radio, hire, arise, dash, dear, road, hash, dash, dish, head, horse, dear, era, air, hair, die, hid, his, radish, etc.)
(ship, tip, lap, fish, one, no, ant, anti, aport, rat, share, shop, alone, on, tear, arise, ash, shore, art, sea, eat, earn, earth, hair, ear, thin, this, then, etc.)
Teacher proposes to match the proverbs with their Ukrainian equivalents. Then students guess which theme is connected with these proverbs.
1.While it is fine weather, mend your sail. |
2.Oaks may fall when reeds stand the storm. |
3.It is raining cats and dogs.
4.Every cloud has a silver lining.
a) Буря і дуб повалити може, а очерет не зачепить. |
b) Після дощу приходить ясна погода. |
c) Немає лиха без добра.
d) Ллє як із відра.
1.Too many cooks spoil the broth.
2.A good wife makes a good husband. |
3.Like father, like son.
4.Men make houses, women make home. |
a)Чоловіки будують дім, а жінки сімейний затишок. |
b) Який батько- такий син.
c) У хорошої дружини і поганий чоловік буде молодцем. |
d) У семи няньок дитина без носа.
1.Good health is above wealth.
2.A sound mind in a sound body.
3. Cleanliness is next to godliness.
4.Early to bed early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. |
a) В зоровому тілі - здоровий дух. |
b) Чистота – запорука здоров’я.
c)Хто рано лягає і рано встає - здоров’я, багатство і розум наживе. |
d) Здоров’я важливіше за гроші.
1. A hedge between keeps friendship green. |
2. A friend in need is a friend indeed. |
3. A man is known by the company he keeps. |
4. The best mirror is an old friend.
a) Скажи, хто твій друг і я скажу, хто ти. |
b) Краще дзеркало – старий друг.
c) Відстань друзів зближує.
d) Друзі пізнаються в біді.
1.Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. |
2.An oak is not felled at one stroke. |
3.You never know what you can do till you try. |
4.Business before pleasure.
a) Зроби діло - гуляй сміло.
b) Очі бояться, а руки роблять. |
c) Ніколи не відкладай на завтра те, що можеш зробити сьогодні. |
d) З одного удару дуба не звалити. |
1.A sound mind in a sound body. |
2.In sport and journes men are known. |
3.It’s not wheather you win or lose that matters, it’s how you play. |
4. Sport to the cat is death to the mouse. |
a) Спорт для кішки – смерть для мишки. |
b) У здоровому тілі - здоровий дух. |
c) Люди пізнаються в спорті і в подорожах. |
d) Головне не перемога, а участь.
1.The appetite comes with eating.
2.Tastes differ.
3.Man does not live by bread alone.
4.Every cook praises his own broth.
a) Не хлібом єдиним живе людина. |
b) Апетит приходить під час їжі.
c) Кожен кухар свою юшку хвалить. |
d) Про смаки не сперечаються.
1.When in Rome do as Romans do.
2.There is no place like home.
3.East or West – home is best.
4. An Englishman’s home is his castle.
a) Немає місця кращого за дім.
b) Дім англійця — його фортеця.
c) В гостях добре, а вдома краще.
d) У чужому монастирі свої правила не установлюють. |
1.Wear the old coat and buy a new book. |
2.There is no friend so faithful as a good book |
3. Don’t judge a book by its cover.
4.Like author, like book.
1. A new language — a new world.
2. Life is short, art is long.
3. No man is born wise or learned.
4. Live and learn.
Students are asked to make up any story using following words.
One day, to whine, a puppy, to scratch, to pet, to take, poor.
(Example: One day, I heard a strange voice. Somebody whined and scratched the door. When I opened it I saw the little poor puppy in front of me. I couldn’t take it away… Now Scratch lives at home.)
Suddenly, a collection, kinder toys, an advertisement, to find.
(Example: Yesterday I walked in the park. Suddenly, I found a packet on the road. It was full of kinder toys. I was sure somebody lost own collection. So I decided to write an advertisement. In two days it was calling from the boy. He was happy to take back his collection and thanked me very much.)
An umbrella, to forget, to rain, wet, to meet, a friend, a cup of tea.
(Example: Last week I went shopping. It was going to rain, but I forgot my umbrella. Of course my home was far away. I was wet and cold. Luckily, I met my friend who invited me to a cup of tea.)
A park, a sheepdog, patient, to yawn, a master, a bench, a cat, angry, to run.
(Example: One day, I had a rest in the park. I like dogs, so I observed a sheepdog with his master. The master was sitting on the bench and his sheepdog patiently put his head on the paws, sometimes yawning. Suddenly, the cat was appeared and the sheepdog run after it. The master was angry and called his dog, running after him. It was so funny!)
A stranger, a beard, mustache, a scar, a shop, unusual, a birthmark.
(Example: Once upon a time, I saw a stranger at the shop. His face was very unusual. He had got a beard, a mustache. But I was surprised of his deep scar on the cheek. Else, there was a bright birthmark on the neck! What was the man?)
To jump over, a puddle, to fall down, a sportsman. Let’s bet! Balderdash! (Example: I argued with my friend who is the best jumper. He said: ”Let’s bet, I’ll jump over this puddle!” – “Balderdash!”- I answered. He tried but fell down in the puddle. It was funny, but I cheered my friend up.)
A cage, a parrot, to fly out, however, to catch, chores, to clean, to love, a cat.
(Example: I’d like to retell some funny story. Everybody in our family has chores. I have to clean a cage of my parrot. One day, I tried to do that, but the parrot flew out! However, I caught it! Fortunately, the cat wasn’t in the house.)
A shopping list, a brother, to lose, to remember, a mobile phone, to laugh, 1 egg, 2 potatoes.
(Example: My mum asked my brother to buy some food. She gave him a shopping list. But he lost it. He couldn’t call to mum, because he forgot a mobile phone. When my brother came back to home and took out 1 egg, 2 potatoes everybody was laughing. He tried to remember shopping list, but he confused! )
9. Find the Words
Children should find the scrambled words in the table.
There are tables to the themes (Додаток 1):
10.2 ROOM
10.10 FOOD
10. “Handy-Dandy” Method
Teacher hides something in the hand. Teacher says, extending the fist:”Handy-dandy!” (Вгадай, що в мене в руці?). Students guess: Is it a sharpener? Is it a coin? etc.
The hidden things could be:
SCHOOL - a sharpener, an eraser, a piece of chalk, a pen’s top, a piece of paper.
FOOD – a candy, a lolly-pop, a bubble-gum, et.
YOUTH – a ring, an earring, a chain, a lipstick, a bracelet, etc.
GAMES – a counter, crayons, Rubik’s Cube, etc.
COLLECTION – a coin, a stamp, a badge, a kinder toy, etc.
SPORT - a whistle, a watch stop, a tennis ball, chess, etc.
TRAVELLING - money, a ticket, a coin, a watch, etc.
Список використаних джерел:
Додаток 1