Урок "Мої вподобання"

Про матеріал

Данний конспект уроку є для учнів 4 класів за підручником О. Карпюк ( підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) Юніт 1. Повторення та узагальнення матеріалу з теми ( мои вподобання, хобі, гуртки.) В конспекті представленні різні види роботи: робота в парі, робота в групах. Задіяні всі 4 види мовленевої діяльності: аудіювання, письмо, говоріння, читання. Що є дуже важливим в вивченні іноземної мови. В цьому також допогає використання аутентичних пісень та мультиків іноземною мовою, ігор, цікавих завдань, презентацій.

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Unit 1. Lesson 19.  Revision: ‘It`s my life!’ (Повторення теми «Це моє життя»)

Урок узагальнення і систематизація знань і вмінь.

Ключові компетентності: Громадянська відповідальність:

розвиток в учнів готовності до взаємодії з іншими членами суспільства;

виявляє толерантне ставлення до інших;

розуміння унікальності кожної країни.

Підприємли-вість і фінансова грамотність: уміння використовувати методи (аналіз і синтез) для виконання поставлених завдань.

Objectives: to revise and consolidate vocabulary and structures learnt in previous lessons

Vocabulary: Hobbies and interests

Grammar: Present Simple and Present Continuous

Materials: PB Audio, Work book, song “Open, close”), Handouts 1( spiral words), 5 envelope with sentences,  flashcards with words, a box,sheets of paper with tasks, presentation power point.

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to make up sentences of some words, to write out true sentences, read the text, say if the sentences are true or false according to the text, to write affirmative sentences, to transform them into questions and give short answers




  1. T: Good morning pupils/ P:  Good morning teacher.
  2. Today we’ll have revision from our theme: It’s my life. Today we’ll check your homework ( learn words), revise words from the theme, names of clubs, remember rules, to speak about your favourites and your classmates’.
  3. Let’s start our lesson and say Good morning for every one. Pupils say ‘Hello chant’:

18 Best Hello song for kids ideas | classroom songs, preschool songs,  school songs

  1. Let’s check your homework. (You should learn words p.27.) Take a piece of paper and write translation of words in Ukrainian . 1. Pirate 2.ghost 3.dinosaur 4.ride a roller coaster 5. Drive a bumper car 6. Desert island 

( 6 -5 правильних відповідей- Високий рівень, 4- достатній, 3,2 –середній, 1- початковий рівень)

 Let’s continue our lesson. Revision the theme: It’s my life.

Let’s remember words from this topic . Look on the board and match words with their translation.  ( учні, по черзі з’єднують слова на дошці) ( different - різні , be fond of- любити  , be interested- цікавитись , be good at- бути добрим в чомусь , to collect- збирати, join a club – приєднатись до гуртка.) Great job!  

 The main part ( PRACTICE )

Work in pairs. We learnt names of the clubs, let’s remember these words. Let’s divide in pairs. A teacher give out sheets of paper with spiral words. T: Your task is to find so many words ( names of clubs) as you can. Circle these words. You ‘ve got 2 minutes. ( A teacher uses a sand clock.) T: The time is over , let’s revise. How many words did you find? ( -9 words ).Up your hands and read one word from each pair. Pupils read all words.  Thank you for your work, you are smart. Sit on your places.                

Speaking/ Reading. Let’s tell about your favourites, using words: favourite game, favourite sport, favourite colour, favourite toy.For example: My favouriite  game is tennis. P: My favourite game is football. My favourite toy is a doll. ( 3-4 pupils say about their favourites.) Thank you for your answers and let’s look on the screen and tell about favourites these children. ( a presentation power point.) Pupils look on the screen and tell about a club , where these children go. Ex: Ann goes to the drama club. She is good at drama. You did this task very well, and you have letters from these children.

Groups work. ( Reading. ) T: I’ve got 5 envelops from Ann , Ron, Nick , Ben and  Mary. Please, divide into 5 groups for 5-6 pupils. T: Take the envelope and open. You can see a puzzle. You should make up a sentence. Then one pupil of the group go to the board and show with help of gesture What was in your sentence. Others members of groups try to guess.

  • 1. I am fishing now.
  • 2. I am sleeping now.
  • 3. I am singing a song now. – Are you jumping? Yes , I’m./ No, I am not.
  • 4. I am reading a book now.
  • 5. I am playing football now.

Well done. You work in group very well.

Do a physical exercise

Let’s have a rest. Listen then sing a song and move your body. A teacher turn on the song : Open , close. Pupils repeat after video ( 2 minutes)

Writing. Open your workbooks at page 17, task 1. Read what we should do. Circle and write. A teacher remembers with pupils rules Present continues.( How we build up a sentence in Present Continuous. The first place – a noun or  pronoun. The  second- verb( am, is are) The third – verb with ending -ing. Let’s read example. 2,3 sentence is done with a teacher, 4, 5- alone. Let’s check.



  1. I saw , You know many words, you can speak about our favourites, can use rules. I’d like too have a treasure from you. It we’ll be your favourites and hobbies , which you ‘ll write on these lists and put in these box for treasure. Pupils are writing.
  2. What was the most interesting for you on the lesson? ( Pupils : reading, playing, singing..) What did you learn today? Your home task is to remember words and rules from the theme.
  3. Thank you for your work today. You smart today and I’d like that you evaluate yourself with help of LEGO blocks. Look on the board and what each colour means, then up one of which you have on your desk.      Pupils, give me your record books for the marks. 

Good bye, pupils/ Good bye , teacher.



14 листопада 2021
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