Урок "Моя професія. Професійні інструменти та обладнання"

Про матеріал

Конспект уроку з англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням з теми "Моя професія (штукатур; лицювальник-плиточник; маляр)"

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Урок з англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням з теми «Робота і професії»





(штукатур; лицювальник-плиточник; маляр)



                                                                                                                                  викладач англійської мови

                                                                                                                                               ВПУ №7 м. Калуша

                                                                                                                                                        Якимець У. П.









1. Тема: Моя професія. Професійні інструменти та обладнання

2. Мета:

 а) навчальна мета:  систематизувати та активізувати лексичний  матеріал, вдосконалювати

навики практичного володіння англійською мовою у всіх видах мовленнєвої діяльності;

                     б) розвиваюча мета: розвивати навички монологічного  мовлення, вміння розуміти на

                    слух діалогічне мовлення, розвивати навички читання, пізнавально-професійні інтереси учнів

                     та логічне мислення;  

 в) виховна мета: виховувати більш усвідомлене ставлення до обраної професії,  зацікавленість

у розширенні своїх знань.

3. Обладнання: мультимедійна презентація, текст для читання, роздаткові матеріали,

                             візуальний словничок з професійною лексикою.

4. Тип уроку:  комбінований




Greeting      1. Привітання.

T:Good morning, Students!

    How are you?

Ps: Good morning, teacher!

      We are fine, thank you!

I am glad to see all of you today and happy to start our lesson.

Today we are going to speak about your future profession. We’ll discuss its peculiarities, benefits and

of course the importance of learning English language in your profession.

Aim               2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

You have been studying at our vocational school and have been training for your future profession

for about two years. I hope you realize the importance of your profession, the level of your responsibility

before people. You must know perfectly not only the technique of plastering; you must be real artists in your

trade. In order to become good professionals you always should remember that you have to study a lot

and improve your knowledge constantly, always develop your skills and have a lot of practice.

Slide 1

So, I have chosen the following motto of our lesson: “Today is a great day to learn something new.”

Who can translate this motto?

Do you agree with this statement?

I wish all you days to be very interesting and informative. You must remember that you should study

 hard not only here, at our Higher Vocational School, but during all your life you should improve your

 knowledge in order to be good professionals.  Do you agree with me?

Slide 2

The topic of our today’s lesson is “My Profession. Professional Tools and Equipment”.

Slide 3

The aims of our lesson are:

to activate knowledge and vocabulary on the topic

to develop   speaking skills involving pupils in discussion


to develop interest to the foreign language


Warm-up        3. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.


Slide 4

Match the professions with their definitions:

  1. A plumber
  2. A plasterer   
  3. A welder   
  4. Woodworking 
  5. An electrician
  6. Car mechanic 



a. is a tradesperson who specializes in installing and maintaining systems used for potable (drinking) water, sewage and drainage in plumbing systems
b.  is a tradesman who works with plaster, such as forming a layer of plaster on an interior wall or plaster decorative moldings on ceilings or walls.
c. is a tradesperson specializing in electrical wiring of buildings, stationary machines, and related equipment.
d.  is the activity or skill of making items from wood, and includes cabinet making, wood carving, joinery, carpentry
e. is a tradesperson who specializes in fusing materials together.
f. In repairing cars, their main role is to diagnose the problem accurately and quickly



Slide 5 (keys)

Check on

Homework          4. Перевірка домашнього завдання.


Slide 6

For home task you had to prepare short answers why have you chosen the profession of a plasterer, what will it bring for you in the future?


ІІ. Основна частина уроку


Reading and

 vocadulary                       1. Подання нового матеріалу.


Slide 7

Read out the skills plasterers need to possess. Choose 3 the most important skills for you personally and write them down.

  • Excellent hand-eye co-ordination skills
  • Practical abilities – good with your hands and tools
  • Physical strenth
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Good attention to detail
  • Interpersonal skills, as you will often have to speak to clients
  • Confidence with numbers – you have to calculate wall, ceiling and floor areas and the volume of materials needed
  • Artistic ability (particularly for decorative jobs and fibrous plastering)




 Listening comprehension                      2. Розвиток навичок аудіювання  (Career Paths. Buildings. Express                         Publishing   ex. 6, 7 p.5)

Slide 8


Listen to a conversation between a supervisor and a construction worker and complete the conversation.


Worker: Ms. Clemmons, excuse me. Did you get my purchase request?

Supervisor: 1____, ____. What do you need?

Worker: Well, I need 2______ ___ ________ screwdrivers.

Supervisor: Okay. Is that all?

Worker: 3 ___ _______. I also need a claw hummer and needle-nose pliers.

Supervisor: That’s 4 ___ ______ _____ tools. Are they that important?

Worker: Oh, yes. I can’t 5 ___ ______ ______ ______ them.

Supervisor: 6____ ______.  I’ll put the order in today.


  1. Flathead and Philips
  2. Not really
  3. No, sorry
  4. Do my job without them
  5. A lot of
  6. Fair enough


Slide 9

Check yourself

  • Worker: Ms. Clemmons, excuse me. Did you get my purchase request?
  • Supervisor: 1 No, sorry. What do you need?
  • Worker: Well, I need  2  Flathead and Philips screwdrivers.
  • Supervisor: Okay. Is that all?
  • Worker: 3 Not really. I also need a claw hummer and needle-nose pliers.
  • Supervisor: That’s 4  a lot of tools. Are they that important?
  • Worker: Oh, yes. I can’t 5 do my job without them.
  • Supervisor: 6 Fair enough. I’ll put the order in today.


Slide 10

Listen again. Choose the correct answers.


  1. What is the conversation mainly about?

A   the price of new tools

B what tools are needed

C how tools were lost

D the best tools for a job


  1.  What is true of the woman?

A She did not receive the purchase request  (запит на покупку)

B She wants the man to pay for new tools

C She does not think the tools are important

D She cannot do her job without new tools.



Topical Vocabulary              3. Лексична практика  



1). Перегляд навчального відео


Watch a 5-minutes video and give the translation of some words, word combinations and actions. Some of them you already know and some are new for you.

                             video “Construction Vocabulary”





Give the translation:


  1. This is the construction.
  2. Scaffolding
  3. Wheel barrow
  4. Tarpaulin
  5. Bricks
  6. Wall
  7. Insulation boards
  8. Polystyrene
  9. Construction foam
  10. Insulate
  11. Stepladder
  12. Plaster
  13. Stucco    
  14. Concrete saw
  15. Gravel
  16. Pave
  1. Це будівництво.
  2. Риштування
  3. Тачка
  4. Брезент
  5. Цеглини
  6. Стіна
  7. Ізоляційні плити
  8. Полістирол
  9. Монтажна піна
  10. Ізолювати
  11. Драбина
  12. Штукатурка   ** (synonyms)
  13. Штукатурка
  14. Пила для бетону
  15. Гравій
  16. Викладати бруківку, брукувати


 * * A synonym is a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language. Words that are synonyms are said to be synonymous. 


    2). Instruments matching

Slide 11

  1. Below is a list of tools and the descriptions of what we use the tools for.            

    Match up the tools with the description.


hammer, masonry drill, paintbrush, plane, pliers, sandpaper, saw, screwdriver, spirit level, tape measure.


  1. we make holes in walls with this  (masonry drill)
  2. we use this to make sure that surfaces are level.( spirit level)
  3. we smooth planks of wood with this(sandpaper)
  4. we knock nails in with this(hammer)
  5. we bend wire or remove nails with this(pliers)
  6. we cut wood with this(saw)
  7. we use this to find out how long things are(tape measure)
  8. we rub down wooden surfaces with this before we paint them(plane)
  9. we turn screws with this(screwdriver)
  10. we use this to apply colour to surfaces.( paintbrush)


3). Professional vocabulary presentation and practice with the help of visual vocabulary

а). Let’s work with picture vocabulary. Your task is to give the translation of the items in the picture and write down the unfamiliar words for you. Some of them you already know.



PUTZ TaliaGOM 40l Bucket Mixers https://www.plasterers1stopshop.co.uk/image/cache/catalog/22-BibandBraceRoyal-500x500.jpg

Bucket                                                      mixer                                                    overall

Medway Super Safety Boot S3 https://www.plasterers1stopshop.co.uk/image/cache/catalog/product/57063a54c27b4_Stelzen-Consumer-Line-Groesse-L_5-500x500.jpg                    https://www.plasterers1stopshop.co.uk/image/cache/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5veHRvb2xzLmNvLnVrL21lZGlhL2NhdGFsb2cvcHJvZHVjdC9kLzcvZDc1OTM4NjQzMWRjMmY2NmU0ZDg4ZmZjNjBmM2RjOWFlOWZlZTY2N18xLmpwZWc=-500x500.jpeg

Safety Boot                                                   Stilts                                                tape measureКонец формы

ADM 30 Laser Range Finder 2 Speed Cordless Screwdriver 180 AFB Basic            https://www.plasterers1stopshop.co.uk/image/cache/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5veHRvb2xzLmNvLnVrL21lZGlhL2NhdGFsb2cvcHJvZHVjdC9PL1gvT1gtUzI0NjgwMi5qcGdfMTBfMV8xLmpwZw==-500x500.jpeg

Laser Range Finder                                    Cordless Screwdriver                                        Ear Plugs

https://www.plasterers1stopshop.co.uk/image/cache/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5veHRvb2xzLmNvLnVrL21lZGlhL2NhdGFsb2cvcHJvZHVjdC9PL1gvT1gtUzI0NzgwMS5qcGdfMTBfMV8xLmpwZw==-500x500.jpeg https://www.plasterers1stopshop.co.uk/image/cache/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5veHRvb2xzLmNvLnVrL21lZGlhL2NhdGFsb2cvcHJvZHVjdC8xLzEvMTE0NV8wMTQuanBn-500x500.jpeg                 https://www.plasterers1stopshop.co.uk/image/cache/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5veHRvb2xzLmNvLnVrL21lZGlhL2NhdGFsb2cvcHJvZHVjdC9PL1gvT1gtUzQ4NDAwOV8xXzEuanBn-500x500.jpeg

Respirator                                                      Safety Helmet                                                     Gloves 

https://www.plasterers1stopshop.co.uk/image/cache/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5veHRvb2xzLmNvLnVrL21lZGlhL2NhdGFsb2cvcHJvZHVjdC9PL1gvT1gtUzI0ODEwMS5qcGdfMjFfMV8xLmpwZw==-500x500.jpeg     https://www.plasterers1stopshop.co.uk/image/cache/categories/carbon-steel-trowels-500x500.jpg      https://www.plasterers1stopshop.co.uk/image/cache/catalog/product/57a8a9556b0a4_609712-609715-500x500.png

Safety glasses                                             Plastering Trowel                                               Brush


Plastering Spatulas       NeLa Putty Knife 102mm (4")      https://www.plasterers1stopshop.co.uk/image/cache/catalog/product/570639ec026eb_450504-ss-logo-500x500.jpg

Plastering Spatula                                                Putty Knife                                    spirit level


Polystyrene floats          Scrim TapePUTZ Tools Trowel Case

polystyrene FLOATS                                                   scrim tape                                tools case (tool box)




b). Group work

As you can see our picture vocabulary presents not only tools for plastering but also some items of safety equipment. Our next task is to divide new topical vocabulary into two columns.

The first group writes down Tools for Plastering and the second Items of Safety Equipment


Tools for Plastering

Items of Safety Equipment









4). Safety rules: reading and translation

Our next task is closely connected with the previous one. You have made a list of items of safety equipment,

so let’s discuss some safety rules during your work, because safety is really important and our lives often

depend on it.


Slide 12

  1. Look at the slide and translate the sentence: “Safety first. The safe way is the best way!”

Do you agree with this statement?

Write it down and never forget.


Slide 13

  1. Let’s look at the next slide “Site Safety Rules”. Read out one by one and give the translation.


Now you know the safety rules and I hope you will always remember them!


Slide 14

           Translate and write down the translation of the sentence:

“Success will be with you, as long as you place safety as the first priority”


5). Reading with individual tasks (paired work)


Now I’ll give you the next under the title “Building Your House”. It’s rather short, it concerns the profession of a builder, but it has also some philosophical meaning.


Pair 1   Your first task is to read the text individually and then to retell it in Ukrainian in order everyone could understand the main meaning.

Pair 2   Your task is to do ex. 3. Decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F).

Pair 3   Read the text and answer the questions.

Pair 4    Match the word-combinations with their Ukrainian equivalents.



An elderly builder was ready to retire. He told his employer-contractor of his plans to leave the

house-building business to live a more leisurely life with his wife and enjoy his extended family. He would

miss the paycheck each week, but he wanted to retire.

The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house.

The builder said yes, but over time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He used inferior

materials and worked care­lessly. It was an unfortunate way to end a dedicated career.

When the builder finished his work, his employer came to inspect the house. Then he handed the front-


door key to the builder and said, ‘This is your house... my gift to you.’

The builder was shocked!

What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so


So it is with us. We build our lives, a day at a time, often putting less than our best into the building.

Then, with a shock, we realize we have to live in the house we have built. If we could do it over, we would

do it much differently.

But, you cannot go back. You are the builder, and every day you hammer a nail, place a board, or

erect a wall. Someone once said, 'Life is a do-it-yourself project.’ Your attitude, and the choices you make

today, help build the ‘house’ you will live in tomorrow. Therefore, build wisely! It is the only life you will

ever build. Even if you live it for only one day more, that day deserves to be lived gra­ciously and with

dignity. Your life tomorrow will be the result of your attitudes and the choices you make today.

  1. Before you  read  the text, note the meanings of the following words.
  1. builder — будівельник
  2. retire — вийти на пенсію
  3. employer-contractor — роботодавець
  4. house-building business – бізнес з будівництва будинків
  5. extended — збільшений
  6. paycheck - зарплатня
  7. inferior — гірший
  8. unfortunate way – невдалий спосіб
  9. dedicated – відданий, обраний
  10. a day at a time - день за днем
  11. erect — спорудити
  12. gra­ciously - милостиво
  13. dignity — гідність
  14. attitude – ставлення
  1.     Read the text ‘Building the House’.
  2.     Decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F).
  •   1. The builder was going to build a house for himself.
  •   2. His employer-contractor asked the man to leave the house-building business.
  •   3. The builder dreamed of spending much more time with his family.
  •   4. The workman didn’t try his best while building the house.
  •   5. The builder was presented with the house he had built.
  •   6. The builder didn’t expect the employer to be so generous.


  1.     Read the text again and discuss these questions.
  1.  What can you say about the builder’s attitude to his work? What was the reason of it?
  2.  Why do you think the employer-contractor gave his worker such a gift?
  3.  Do you agree that you build your life yourself?
  4.  What could you do if you decided to live your life differently?
  5.                 Match the word-combinations with their Ukrainian equivalents.
  1. to leave the house-building business
  2. to build just one more house
  3. inferior materials
  4. to work care­lessly
  5. to inspect the house
  6. career
  7. front-door key
  8. a day at a time
  9. hammer a nail
  10. place a board
  11. erect a wall
  12. build wisely
  1. спорудити стіну
  2. покинути будівельний бізнес
  3. оглядати будинок
  4. матеріали низької якості
  5. працювати недбало
  6. кар’єра
  7. покласти дошку
  8. забивати цвях
  9. будувати мудро
  10. ключ від вхідних дверей
  11. день за днем
  12. збудувати ще один будинок


  1.                 Write down the underlined sentences and do the written translation of these phrases.


ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку

Homework                    1. Домашнє завдання.

                                Learn new topical vocabulary.

                                Make up dialogues, using new words and phrases.

                                 Finish exercises to the text “BUILDING YOUR HOUSE”


Summarizing 2. Підведення підсумків уроку.


                     Picture vocabulary matching  (slide 16)

                     What new information did you get to know?

  • Qualities for a good plasterer
  • Safety rules

It`s time to finish our lesson. I enjoyed it very much. You worked hard at the lesson. You did your best to

be good at our lesson, to get to know more professional vocabulary for your future profession. Remember if you

want something done well, do it yourself, make right decisions and do not forget that you are not only professional

builders, you also build your own lives, so do everything wisely!





















Handouts for Pupils 

English lesson

“My Profession. Professional Tools and Equipment”.

  1. Read out the skills plasterers need to possess. Choose 3 the most important skills for you personally and write them down.
  • Excellent hand-eye co-ordination skills
  • Practical abilities – good with your hands and tools
  • Physical strenth
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Good attention to detail
  • Interpersonal skills, as you will often have to speak to clients
  • Confidence with numbers – you have to calculate wall, ceiling and floor areas and the volume of materials needed
  • Artistic ability (particularly for decorative jobs and fibrous plastering)
  1. Listening

Listen to a conversation between a supervisor and a construction worker and complete the conversation.


Worker: Ms. Clemmons, excuse me. Did you get my purchase request?

Supervisor: 1____, ____. What do you need?

Worker: Well, I need 2______ ___ ________ screwdrivers.

Supervisor: Okay. Is that all?

Worker: 3 ___ _______. I also need a claw hummer and needle-nose pliers.

Supervisor: That’s 4 ___ ______ _____ tools. Are they that important?

Worker: Oh, yes. I can’t 5 ___ ______ ______ ______ them.

Supervisor: 6____ ______.  I’ll put the order in today.

  1. Flathead and Philips
  2. Not really
  3. No, sorry
  4. Do my job without them
  5. A lot of
  6. Fair enough


Listen again. Choose the correct answers.


1. What is the conversation mainly about?

A   the price of new tools

B what tools are needed

C how tools were lost

D the best tools for a job


2.  What is true of the woman?

A She did not receive the purchase request  (запит на покупку)

B She wants the man to pay for new tools

C She does not think the tools are important

D She cannot do her job without new tools.





  1.  5-minutes video watching.

Give the translation:


  1. This is the construction.
  2. Scaffolding
  3. Wheel barrow
  4. Tarpaulin
  5. Bricks
  6. Wall
  7. Insulation boards
  8. Polystyrene
  9. Construction foam
  10. Insulate
  11. Stepladder
  12. Plaster
  13. Stucco    
  14. Concrete saw
  15. Gravel
  16. Pave



















  1. Below is a list of tools and the descriptions of what we use the tools for.            

    Match up the tools with the description.

hammer, masonry drill, paintbrush, plane, pliers, sandpaper, saw, screwdriver, spirit level, tape measure.

  1. we make holes in walls with this 
  2. we use this to make sure that surfaces are level
  3. we smooth planks of wood with this
  4. we knock nails in with this
  5. we bend wire or remove nails with this
  6. we cut wood with this
  7. we use this to find out how long things are
  8. we rub down wooden surfaces with this before we paint them
  9. we turn screws with this
  10. we use this to apply colour to surfaces.


  1. Fill in the table.

Tools for Plastering

Items of Safety Equipment














































PUTZ TaliaGOM 40l Bucket Mixers https://www.plasterers1stopshop.co.uk/image/cache/catalog/22-BibandBraceRoyal-500x500.jpg

bucket                                                      mixer                                                    overall

Medway Super Safety Boot S3 https://www.plasterers1stopshop.co.uk/image/cache/catalog/product/57063a54c27b4_Stelzen-Consumer-Line-Groesse-L_5-500x500.jpg                    https://www.plasterers1stopshop.co.uk/image/cache/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5veHRvb2xzLmNvLnVrL21lZGlhL2NhdGFsb2cvcHJvZHVjdC9kLzcvZDc1OTM4NjQzMWRjMmY2NmU0ZDg4ZmZjNjBmM2RjOWFlOWZlZTY2N18xLmpwZWc=-500x500.jpeg

safety boots                                                   stilts                                                tape measureКонец формы

ADM 30 Laser Range Finder 2 Speed Cordless Screwdriver 180 AFB Basic            https://www.plasterers1stopshop.co.uk/image/cache/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5veHRvb2xzLmNvLnVrL21lZGlhL2NhdGFsb2cvcHJvZHVjdC9PL1gvT1gtUzI0NjgwMi5qcGdfMTBfMV8xLmpwZw==-500x500.jpeg

laser range finder                                    cordless screwdriver                                        ear plugs

https://www.plasterers1stopshop.co.uk/image/cache/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5veHRvb2xzLmNvLnVrL21lZGlhL2NhdGFsb2cvcHJvZHVjdC9PL1gvT1gtUzI0NzgwMS5qcGdfMTBfMV8xLmpwZw==-500x500.jpeg https://www.plasterers1stopshop.co.uk/image/cache/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5veHRvb2xzLmNvLnVrL21lZGlhL2NhdGFsb2cvcHJvZHVjdC8xLzEvMTE0NV8wMTQuanBn-500x500.jpeg                 https://www.plasterers1stopshop.co.uk/image/cache/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5veHRvb2xzLmNvLnVrL21lZGlhL2NhdGFsb2cvcHJvZHVjdC9PL1gvT1gtUzQ4NDAwOV8xXzEuanBn-500x500.jpeg

respirator                                                      safety helmet                                                     gloves 

https://www.plasterers1stopshop.co.uk/image/cache/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5veHRvb2xzLmNvLnVrL21lZGlhL2NhdGFsb2cvcHJvZHVjdC9PL1gvT1gtUzI0ODEwMS5qcGdfMjFfMV8xLmpwZw==-500x500.jpeg     https://www.plasterers1stopshop.co.uk/image/cache/categories/carbon-steel-trowels-500x500.jpg      https://www.plasterers1stopshop.co.uk/image/cache/catalog/product/57a8a9556b0a4_609712-609715-500x500.png

safety glasses                                             plastering trowel                                         brush


Plastering Spatulas       NeLa Putty Knife 102mm (4")      https://www.plasterers1stopshop.co.uk/image/cache/catalog/product/570639ec026eb_450504-ss-logo-500x500.jpg

plastering spatula                                                putty knife                                    spirit level


Polystyrene floats     Scrim TapePUTZ Tools Trowel Case

polystyrene FLOATS                                                scrim tape                                tools case (tool box)









C:\Users\ula\Downloads\IMG_8498.JPG                             C:\Users\ula\Downloads\IMG_8499.JPG




 C:\Users\ula\Downloads\IMG_8504.JPG          C:\Users\ula\Downloads\IMG_8506.JPG   










Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 2
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Кузьменко Людмила
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Чехова Анжела Юріївна
    Це супер! Це те, що мені потрібно! Дякую і наснаги Вам на багато років вперед!
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
5 травня 2019
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (2 відгука)
Безкоштовний сертифікат
про публікацію авторської розробки
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