Урок "Музеї. Шедеври мистецтва"

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План-конспект уроку до теми "Музеї. Шедеври мистецтва" містить повністю спланований урок. У конспекті подані матеріали для читання та обговорення. Матеріали можуть бути використані не лише на уроці, а і для проведення вікторини.
Перегляд файлу

Корнелюк Володимир Іванович, вчитель англійської мови

Охтирська ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів ім. Р.К.Рапія, м. Охтирка Сумська область

                                            План-конспект уроку в 11 класі

Тема     «Музеї. Шедеври мистецтва»

Мета:  - поповнення словникового запасу з теми та його активізація;

  • удосконалення навичок монологічного продукування та сприйняття на слух;
  • розвиток навичок ситуативного мовлення

Тип уроку: комбінований


І. 1. Привітання, актуалізація та мотивація навчальної діяльності учнів

  T.: How are you today? Are you in a good mood? Looks at each other and say a compliment to your neighbor.

2. 1.Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

   2. T.: To start our lesson, please, answer some questions:

- Why do people go to the museums or art galleries?

- Which famous museums do you know? Which of them have you visited?

- What makes people create works of art?

- What makes people collect them?

- What makes people go to see them in the museums and art galleries?

3. T.: Today we’ll go on an excursion to museums and art galleries. Are you ready? So, let’s get on an imaginary bus and visit some of them. While travelling in our bus, let’s check if you are an artistic person or not. Quiz “Are you an artistic person?” Answer “Yes” or “No”

1. Do you know the difference

Between “colour” and “shade”?



2. Do you like drawing?



3. Have you ever heard of Wagner, Picasso, Constable?



4. Are you a museum goer?



5. Would you stop to admire the sunset on your way to an important meeting?



6. Do wonderful landscapes stand vividly in your memory for a long time?



7. Do you like meeting new people?



8. Are you fond of reciting poems?



9. Do you often change your hairstyle?



10. Have you ever wanted to paint pictures on the walls of your home?



11. Have you ever tried to compose songs?



12. Do you often visit art galleries?



T.: Score the points for your answers. If you have more “Yes” – you are definitely an artistic person. If more “No” – you could be characterized as a person who sees the world in black and white colours.

T.: Well, no doubt, you are characterized as persons who love art..

II. Основна частина уроку

  1. T.: If you have never been to museums, you have missed a lot. What have you missed? A number of things: from ancient books to modern architecture. Let’s go the museums. Do you know where they are? Match the names of famous museums with their home places.

1.The National Gallery                                                  a) Moscow

2.The Museum of Western and                                     b) London

Oriental Art

3.The Museum of One Street                                         c) Kyiv

Exhibition Hall

4.The State Tretyakov Gallery                                       d) Kyiv

5.The Louvre                                                                  e) Rome

6.The Uffizi-Renaissance Art                                        f) Madrid

Hall of Fame

7.The Prado                                                                   g) Florence

8.The British Museum                                                   h) London

9.The Vatican Museum                                                 i) Paris

 T.: Now work in pairs and check your answers.

2. T.: I see you are ready to talk about art, you’ll be excellent guides and visitor at the galleries.

What do people like doing during the trip?

3.T.: Look at the pictures. They are the reproductions of famous painters. Do you know what museums keep them? (Teacher shows some pictures from Kyiv Museum of Western and   Oriental Art). Now you are supposed to read the text and answer some questions.

4. Reading the text “Kyiv Museum of Western and   Oriental Art”


The Museum, of Art named after Bohdan and Varvara Kharienko was founded in 1919 on the basis of their pri­vate museum. The museum is also called the Museum of Western and Oriental Art. Now it keeps one of the best collections of foreign art in Ukraine.

From 1919 the number of exhibits has been more than 13 times increased. Visitors can view many remarkable samples of foreign art: Ancient Greek, Roman, Italian, French, Spanish, Flemish, Dutch, Japanese, Chinese, Turkish, Egyptian, etc,

Famous founders of museum's collections were Boh­dan Khanenko and his wife Varvara. They always dreamt to open the public museum of art. In Kyiv, Finally their dream came true.

The collection of the museum consists of 25 thousand 'of exhibits and is considered to be the biggest foreign art collection in Ukraine,

Among the museum's collection there are real fine ail masterpieces. There is, for example, the world-famous work of Diego Velazquez, The Portrait of Infanta Margaret, located in the Spanish hall of the museum.

The famous portrait appeared in Kyiv after Bohdan Khanenko had purchased it in Berlin on the sale of Hamburg council Weber’s collections. The presentation of the painting in Kyiv was arranged very mysteriously.

Khanenko hadn't informed the guests of the banquet about the true reasons. When the curtain was taken away from Velasquez’ masterpiece, the audience was really im­pressed. The picture created a real excitement in cultural life of that time Kyiv.

The building of the museum was constructed under the project of a famous architect from Saint Petersburg F Meltzer in the 80s of the 19th century. Then it was re­constructed and decorated several times according to the plans of the Khanenko family.

This building is considered to be the shell and the architectural addition to the great art collections of the Khanenko family.

So, Kyiv Museum of Western and Oriental Art is fa­mous not only in Ukraine but also for abroad.

5.After reading task

a).  Answer the questions.

1.Have you heard these names before?

2.Whose family was the museum named after?

3.What is another name of his museum?

4.When was it founded?

5.Who designed the draft of the museum building?

    b)  Find facts about the dates and numbers.

1. The Museum of Art was founded in ...


 b) 1991

c) the 19th century

2.  The number of exhibits has been increased more than ...

a)30 times

b)3 times

c)13 times

3.  The collection of the museum is considered to be the biggest foreign art collection in Ukraine and has ....

a) 25 thousands of exhibits

b) from 2 to 5 thousand of exhibits

c) more than 50 thousand of exhibits

6. T.: Well, here we are: at some museums and art galleries. Let’s visit them and enjoy the atmosphere of them.

Students are the guides and they speak about famous museums.

T.: It’s difficult to overestimate the role of art in our life. I’m sure you’ve enjoyed our excursion.

III. Summing-up

1. T.: Our lesson is coming to the end. Use these expressions to give your feedback about the lesson:

- I’ve learnt that…

- I was surprised that…

- I was shocked that…

- I’m influenced by…

T.: I think you have learnt a lot of interesting things. Remember a popular proverb: “There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence transform a yellow spot into the sun”.

I wish you to enjoy the life and its beauty. Transform a yellow spot into the sun, a green spot into the grass, a blue colour to paint the sky blue.

  1. Home assignment

To write down impressions into Opinion Book as all visitors do about the virtual excursion.

  • To comment on the quote by Confucius “A picture is a poem without words”



9 лютого 2019
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