Урок на тему "Diseases and Illnesses"

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Урок розрахований на учнів 6 класу, які вивчають англійську мову на профільному рівні.
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Illnesses and Diseases

Цілі: вчити учнів проявляти активність на етапі закріплення слів з теми: “Human Body, Diseases ”, продовжувати вчити правильно їх використовувати в знайомих лексико-граматичних структурах на рівні фрази, удосконалювати навички вживання Past Simple and Past Continuous в усному та писемному мовленні, навчити читати й  розуміти текст, який містить окремі  незнайомі елементи; розвивати вміння сприймання на слух текст, ігноруючи незнайомі слова; формувати навички монологічного мовлення за темою Health issues на рівні повідомлення; стимулювати співрозмовника на висловлювання, розширити знання учнів про стилі музики, історію їх виникнення; удосконалювати техніку читання, розвивати пам'ять, логічне мислення, виховувати  культуру спілкування,

Очікувані результати:

                                На кінець уроку учні вмітимуть

вживати та використовувати лексичні одиниці з теми “ Human body, illnesses, health problems” в усному та писемному мовленні ;

опрацьовувати текст з метою пошуку інформації;

висловлювати власну думку щодо проблем зі здоров’ям та порад як їх уникнути

вживати  Past Simple and Past Continuous на рівні речення

Обладнання:  НМК Wider World 2, презентація PowerPoint, роздаткові матеріали.

                                               Хід уроку

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення


T: Good morning, dear students! I hope, everything is okay and you are ready for the lesson. 

2. Presenting topic of the lesson

T:I’m sure you’ll enjoy our today’s lesson. The topic of our lesson is “Illnesses and Diseases”. To reach our aim we’ll learn the new words, practise our skills in listening, reading, speaking and writing as well. We’ll master grammar material on topic Past Simple and Past Continuous. You’ll get the additional information about history of music genres.

3) Warm-up

1.What does `LIFESTYLE` mean?

2.What type of lifestyle do you currently have: healthy or vicious?

3.How important is sport/exercising?

4. What do you understand by the word “health”

II) Основна частина уроку

  1. Checking home task
  2. Vocabulary revision:

T: Let’s give some advices using Should or Shouldn’t

S H O U L D    or    S H O U L D N ’ T

  • She has flu. She ……………. stay at home.
  • He has backache. He ……………. carry heavy things.
  • She has a headache. She …………… take painkiller.
  • Steve has stomachache. He ………….. drink lemon and mint tea.
  • You have runny nose. You ………… blow your nose.
  • Daisy has dirty hands. She …………… wash her hands.
  • My brother has toothache. He ………… eat candies.
  • Jennifer has a broken arm. She ………… play volleyball.
  • He feels tired. He ………….. have a rest.
  • Caroline has a sore throat. She ……….. go to a doctor.
  • She has measles. She ………….. go to school.
  • He has a cough. He …………….. drink cold drinks.
  • She has toothache. She ………… go to a dentist.
  • Matt is fat. He …………. eat junk food.
  • Alice has cold. She …………. have a rest.
  • She has headache. She ……………….. take medicine.
  1. Listening

T: You’ll listen to people talking about health problems


Ex. 1 Listen to the people talking about health problems. Match the speakers (1-4) to the sentences (A-E). One sentence is extra.

This speaker

  1.    waited some time before seeing a doctor.
  2.    sometimes eats something harmful.
  3.    missed an event because of illness.
  4.    needed treatment immediately.

E  had to change his/her career plans.

Speaker 1       

Speaker 2       

Speaker 3       

Speaker 4       

Ex. 2 You are going to hear a phone call. Fill in the missing words.

Hi Debra,

Do you remember the leaflet from the local hospital we saw (1)____________? The one about volunteers needed to help ill children? Well, I’ve talked to a person from the hospital. If we’d like to do that, we should go to a meeting with a (2)______________. Her name’s Robertson. It’s (3)-------------------------------------

at 4 p.m. The work sounds easy we just need to talk to the children or (4)    ________________ Interested?

Let me know.


  1. Reading

T: Read the predictions about life after Covid-19.  Choose which sentences is Ok in each gap.


How will life be different after Covid-19?

At the moment, many countries around the world are in lockdown because of Covid-19. Everybody hopes that the world will go back to normal soon. People miss the old times! But will things be the same in future as they were in the past? We asked Alexa Tomlin, a researcher in Futurology, for her opinion.

  • Do you think Covid-19 will change the way people work?
  • Certainly! Because of Covid-19, some people have lost their jobs. 1 ___. At the moment, we can’t live without drivers, careers, doctors, nurses, supermarket workers and so on. But musicians, actors, pilots and workers in the holiday industry haven’t worked for a year! Those jobs often seem attractive and exciting. 2 ___ In the future, I think more people will train for work in safer industries. Also, in most industries, at least some staff are working from home these days. 3 ___. But many companies didn’t like this idea. They preferred people to come to the office. 4 ___. But now, working from home is the norm. So I think that in future, more people will have the choice to work from home either full time or part time.
  • Do you think entertainment will change?
  • Yes, I do. Actually, entertainment was changing before Covid-19. 5 ___. Video streaming channels like Netflix were becoming more popular, and computer games were too. 6 ___. People won’t return to cinemas after lockdown, and they might not return to theatres either. People miss places where they can meet and chat with others. 7 ___.
  • What about shopping?
  • Covid-19 has changed the way we shop. People haven’t been able to go to city centres and malls. Many stores have closed temporarily. 8 ___. Actually, many town centre shops were having problems before Covid-19. People prefer to buy things online. 9 ___ I don’t think they will return to the shops after lockdown. So what will happen to town centres? 10 ___. The shops might become flats. I’m not sure, but there are many exciting possibilities.

Reading comprehension test

Начало формыPage 1 of 10

1Gap 1

a. For many years, people such as parents and careers have wanted the opportunity to work from home.

b. Some have had financial problems and will never open again.

c. During lockdown, more people have got used to getting entertainment from their home screens.

d. Maybe managers didn’t trust their workers to work from home, or maybe the computer equipment wasn’t available.

e. Maybe town centres will become centres of art, culture, entertainment and business.

f. They will want to go to bars and nightclubs, and events like music festivals.

g.  However, other people’s jobs are more important than ever!

h.But Covid-19 has taught us that those kinds of jobs aren’t secure.

i. Fewer people were going to the cinema and the theatre because they were expensive.

j. It’s easier to find the thing you want to buy, and you don’t have to spend time and money travelling.

Конец формы 

  1. Grammar. Past Simple and Past Continuous
  1. Choose the correct options.

1 I listened / was listening to the radio when I heard / was hearing this fantastic song. 2 When the teacher said / was saying ‘Stop!’, I still tried / was still trying to finish the last question.

3 I feel really silly! While I danced / was dancing, I fell / was falling and broke / was breaking my elbow.

4 Tim played / was playing a computer game when his mum called / was calling him for lunch.

5 I looked / was looking for a file on my memory stick when I noticed / was noticing there was a virus.

6 Ron found / was finding a really interesting website about dance music while he surfed / was surfing the internet.

7 My mum had / was having breakfast near the computer when she spilled / was spilling her cup of coffee on the keyboard.

8 When you saw / were seeing me yesterday, I didn’t go / wasn’t going to school, I went / was going to the doctor’s – I felt terrible.

9 How many pictures did you take / were you taking while you travelled / were travelling around Ireland?

10 Why did you chat / were you chatting to Philip while I tried / was trying to tell you something really important?

  1. Complete the sentences with the past simple or the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 I (switch off ) the computer because it (make) a strange noise.

2 My dad (listen) to classical music when I (arrive) home from school.

3 We (play) video games when my mum ,(say) ‘Turn the volume down!’

4 My cousin (meet) his wife, Bianca, while he (live) in Italy.

5 My little sister (draw) a picture while I (study) for my French exam.

6 While they (try) to fix the computer, all the lights (go out).

7 When we (leave) school yesterday, it (pour) with rain.

8 When you (see) Paul, he (wear) a black jacket?

9 I (try) to log on when the WiFi (stop) working.

10 While Dad (print) an article, the printer (run out) of paper.

  1. Speaking. At doctor’s


T: Let’s watch the video: “At the Doctor's” and make dialogues in pairs.


  1. How often do you go to the doctor’s?
  2. When and why did you last go to see the doctor?
  3. How are you feeling at the moment?
  4. What’s the health service like in your country?
  5. Would you like to be a doctor?

III) Заключна частина уроку.

  1. Summary.

So, what have we done at the lesson? What new things have we learnt? What was interesting/boring/unusual? Why? I enjoyed the way you’ve worked today! I want to say that all of you were active and smart, your marks are...

Thank you! The lesson is over.

  1. Homework

At home you’re to prepare poster “Tips for healthy lifestyle”.




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