Урок на тему: «Економіка Великої Британії»

Про матеріал
Урок розроблено з метою: систематизувати знання здобувачів освіти з теми та надати їм більше інформації про економіку Великої Британії; практикувати словниковий запас здобувачів освіти; формувати в здобувачів освіти навички читання, письма та соціокультурні навички.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Economy of United Kingdom

Номер слайду 2

Номер слайду 3

Номер слайду 4

The United Kingdom is the second largest financial economy in the World, second only to the United States and is home to many of the World's largest banks and companies.

Номер слайду 5

London, the country's capital is the largest financial centre in the World, has the largest city GDP in Europe and is home to over 100 of Europe's 500 largest corporations with such corporations as HSBC and BP.

Номер слайду 6

The United Kingdom is also a member of the G7, G8, G-20 major economies, the Commonwealth of Nations, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Trade Organisation, the European Union, and the United Nations.

Номер слайду 7


Номер слайду 8

Great Britain is primarily an industrial and commercial nation. Major industries, such as transportation, communications, steel, petroleum, coal, gas, and electricity had been nationalized by Labour governments. The country is a world leader in international trade.

Номер слайду 9

Agriculture. Agriculture in Great Britain is intensive and highly mechanized. Income from livestock and dairy products is about three times that from crops. Horticultural products are also important, especially in southern England. The most important crops were wheat (14.1 million metric tons), potatoes (7.8 million), barley (7.4 million), sugar beets (8.5 million), and oats (504,000). A variety of fruits and vegetables is also grown. Livestock included about 11.8 million cattle, 44 million sheep, 7.6 million pigs, and 136 million poultry.

Номер слайду 10

Forestry and Fishing. Of the approximately 2.2 million hectares (about 5.4 million acres) of woodlands in Great Britain, about 40 percent are in England, 49 percent in Scotland, and 11 percent in Wales. The most common trees are oak, beech, ash, and elm. Pine and birch predominate in Scotland.

Номер слайду 11

Номер слайду 12

The deep-sea fishing industry has declined since the 1960sit remains most important to the economy of Scotland and is a major source of employment in certain fishing ports. Marine fishes harvested include Atlantic mackerel, Atlantic herring, cod, haddock, European plaice (various flatfishes, including flounder), Atlantic salmon, whiting, common cockle, and Norway lobster. The principal freshwater fish caught is rainbow trout. Domestic fish production provides about three-quarters of Great Britain's needs. Notable fishing-product industries are located at Hull, Grimsby, Fleetwood, North Shields, Lowestoft, and Plymouth in England and at Aberdeen and Peterhead in Scotland.

Номер слайду 13

Номер слайду 14

Manufacturing. Manufacturing is an important sector of the modern British economy and there is a considerable amount of published research on the subject of the factors affecting its growth and performance. Principal factors in the industrial prominence of Britain were its early leadership in the wool trade, favorable climate, mineral wealth, development of shipping and naval control of the seas, acquisition of territorial possessions and colonial markets, much greater freedom from political and religious wars and persecutions than existed in continental Europe, and development of improved manufacturing methods and labor-saving machinery. Great Britain has remained one of the most highly industrialized countries of the world.r

Номер слайду 15

Mining. The UK has a small coal reserve along with significant, yet continuously declining natural gas and oil reserves. Coal mining was a significant part of the UK economy. In 2004, total UK coal consumption (including imports) was 61 million tonnes. An alternative to coal-fired electricity generation is underground coal gasification (UCG). UCG involves injecting steam and oxygen down a borehole, which extracts gas from the coal and draws the mixture to the surface—a potentially very low carbon method of exploiting coal.

Номер слайду 16

Номер слайду 17

Energy. Annual electrical output in the early 1990s exceeded 317 billion kilowatt-hours, of which about 75 percent was generated in conventional thermal facilities using fossil fuels. Britain was a pioneer in the development of nuclear plants for the production of electricity. The world's first commercial-scale nuclear power station at Calder Hall in Cumberland became functional in 1956. By the early 1990s nuclear power supplied about 16 percent of Great Britain's electricity production.

Номер слайду 18

Currency and Banking. London is the world capital for foreign exchange trading. The currency of the UK is the pound sterling, represented by the symbol £

Номер слайду 19

The Bank of England is the central bank, responsible for issuing currency. Banks in Scotland and Northern Ireland retain the right to issue their own notes, subject to retaining enough Bank of England notes in reserve to cover the issue. The Bank of England, chartered in 1694, was nationalized in 1946 and is the bank of issue in England and Wales. Great Britain has 17 major commercial banks with more than 17,000 domestic and overseas branches, most of which are offices of the four leading banks: Lloyds, Barclays, National Westminster, and Midland. Several banks in Scotland and Northern Ireland may issue currencies in limited amounts.

Номер слайду 20

Tourism. Tourism is very important to the British economy. With over 27 million tourists arriving in 2004, the United Kingdom is ranked as the sixth major tourist destination in the world. London, by a considerable margin, is the most visited city in the world with 15.6 million visitors in 2006, ahead of 2nd placed Bangkok (10.4 million visitors) and 3rd placed Paris (9.7 million).

Номер слайду 21

Номер слайду 22

Communications. The Post Office, founded in 1635, maintains about 20,000 branch offices throughout Great Britain and administers a postal savings system. The postal system was revised and penny postage established in the 1830s. In 1969 the post office was reorganized as a public corporation. A parcel post system has largely supplanted privately run express companies in the carrying of light parcels. Telecommunications are administered by British Telecom (known as BT since 1991), founded as a state corporation but privatized in the 1980s.

Номер слайду 23

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA), both public bodies, are licensed to provide television and radio broadcasting services. The BBC operated 2 television channels as well as 5 national networks and 33 local radio stations. It is financed mainly through the sale of annual licenses for television receivers. The BBC also provides foreign radio broadcasts in many languages. The IBA, which oversees the operation of independent television and radio, was created by Parliament in 1954 (until 1972 it was known as the Independent Television Authority).

Номер слайду 24

The service sector is the dominant sector of the UK economy, a feature normally associated with the economy of a developed country, and makes up about 73% of GDP. This means that the Tertiary sector jobs outnumber the Secondary and Primary sector jobs. The service sector is dominated by financial services, especially in banking and insurance.

Номер слайду 25

London is a major centre for international business and commerce and is the leader of the three "command centres" for the global economy (along with New York City and Tokyo). It is also a major legal centre, with four of the six largest law firms in the world headquartered there. Many multinational companies that are not primarily UK-based have chosen to site their European or rest-of-world headquarters in London: an example is the US financial services firm Citigroup. The creative industries accounted for 7% GVA in 2005 and grew at an average of 6% per annum between 1997 and 2005.

Номер слайду 26

The United Kingdom is a developed country with social welfare infrastructure, thus discussions surrounding poverty tend to be of relative poverty rather than absolute poverty. According to the OECD, the UK is in the lower half of developed country rankings for poverty rates, doing better than Germany, Italy and the US and less well than France, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia and the Scandinavian countries. The poverty line in the UK is commonly defined as being 60% of the median household income. In 2007-2008, this was calculated to be £115 per week for single adults with no dependent children; £199 per week for couples with no dependent children; £195 per week for single adults with two dependent children under 14; and £279 per week for couples with two dependent children under 14. In 2007-2008, 13.5 million people, or 22% of the population, lived below this line. This is a higher level of relative poverty than all but four other EU members. In the same year, 4.0 million children, 31% of the total, lived in households below the poverty line, after housing costs were taken into account. This is a decrease of 400,000 children since 1998-1999.

Номер слайду 27

Перегляд файлу

Управління освіти і науки в Житомирській облдержадміністрації

Баранівський професійний ліцей









Конспект урок з англійської мови для 10 класу на тему:

«Економіка Великої Британії»











викладач іноземної мови та зарубіжної літератури

Волошин Віталій Миколайович




















Lesson №

Topic: «Economy of Great Britain»

Educational aim: to systematize students’ knowledge of topic and give them more information about the economy of Great Britain.

Practical aim: to practice students’ vocabulary skills;

Developmental aim: to develop students’ reading, writing and socio-cultural skills.

Cultural aim: to educate respect for the history of the country. 

Equipment: textbooks, pictures, handouts.


Course of the lesson


I. Introduction.


1. Greeting, introduction of the topic of the lesson.

T: Good morning. How are you? Today we are going to start a new topic «Economy of Great Britain» and revise general information about British economy.


2. Warming-up.

T: Letʼs speak about Economy. Answer my questions.

1. What is an economy?

2. What is the main task of economy?

3. What role does economy play in our society?

4. What are «three whales of economy»?

5. What natural resources do you know?

6. What natural resource we use at home for cooking?

7. What is a capital in economics?

8. What is a labour?

9. What branches of economy do you know?

10. What branches of agriculture do you know?

11. What branches of industry do you know?

12. What kind of goods produces each branch of industry?


Possible answers:

1. An economy is an area of the production, distribution and trade, as well as consumption of goods and services by different agents. (Економіка ‒ область виробництва, розподілу та торгівлі, а також споживання товарів та послуг різними агентами.)

2. Economists study the ways a society uses scarce resources such as land, labor, raw materials, and machinery to produce goods and services. (Економісти вивчають способи використання суспільством обмежених ресурсів, таких як земля, робоча сила, сировина та машини для виробництва товарів та послуг.)

3. There is an economic role, such as provide for national defense, address environment concerns, protect property rights, and make market more competitive, for government in a market economy whenever the benefits of a government policy outweigh its costs. (Існує така економічна роль, як забезпечення національної оборони, вирішення проблем щодо навколишнього середовища, захист прав власності та підвищення ринку більш конкурентоспроможним для уряду в умовах ринкової економіки, коли переваги урядової політики перевищують його витрати.)

4. Industry, Agriculture, Service.

5. Natural resources are air, water, wood, oil, wind energy, natural gas, iron, and coal.

6. Natural gas, electricity, agricultural products.

7. In economics, capital consists of assets that can enhance one's power to perform economically useful work. (В економіці капітал складається з активів, які можуть підвищити власні сили для виконання економічно корисної роботи.)

8. Labour: 1) physical or mental work, especially of a hard or fatiguing kind; 2) a job or task done or to be done. (Праця: 1) фізична або розумова робота, особливо важка або стомлювальна; 2) робота чи завдання, яке виконане або має бути виконане.)

9. Macroeconomics & Microeconomics.

10. The five branches are: Agronomy; Horticulture; Agricultural Engineering; Agricultural Economics; Animal Science. (Пʼять галузей: Агрономія; Садівництво; Сільськогосподарське машинобудування; Економіка сільського господарства; Наука про тварин.)

11. Industry sectors: Primary sector of industry (the raw materials industry); Secondary sector of industry (manufacturing and construction); Tertiary sector of industry (the «service industry»); Quaternary sector of industry (intellectual services industry).

(Галузі промисловості: Первинний сектор галузі (сировинна промисловість); Вторинний галузь промисловості (виробництво та будівництво); Третинний сектор галузі («сфера послуг»); Четвертичний галузь промисловості (галузь інтелектуальних послуг).)

12. 1) equipment and details; 2) equipment, machinery (техніка, устаткування), buildings; 3) everyday goods and services; 4) intellectual services.


II. Checking homework.

Students tell about political system of Great Britain.


III. Main part of the lesson.


1. Vocabulary practice.


1.1. Write down new lexical material into your vocabularies.

1) agricultural production – сiльськогосподарська промисловість;

2) power industry – електроенергетика;

3) fuel industry – паливна промисловість;

4) metallurgical industry – металургійна промисловість;

5) machine-building – машинобудування;

6) building industry – будівельна промисловість;

7) chemical industry – хімічна промисловість;

8) mining industry – гірничодобувна промисловiсть;

9) cellulose paper industry – целюлозно-паперова промисловість;

10) automobile industry – автомобільна промисловість;

11) shipbuilding – суднобудування;

12) aircraft industry – авіаційна промисловість;

13) electronic engineering – електротехніка;

14) light industry – легка промисловiсть;

15) textile – текстильна промисловість;

16) food industry – харчова промисловість.


1.2. Choose the right variant of answer.

1. The main aim of economy is:

a) economical usage of natural resources;

b) satisfing the consumersʼ needs;


c) development of industries.


2. The three whales of economy are:

a) natural resources, capital, labour;

b) industry, agriculture, service;

c) property, trade, manufacture.

3. The deposits of iron ore, coal, oil, gas, firtile soil, forests, fresh water belong to:

a) labour;

b) natural resources;

c) capital.

4. The branch which provides economy with oil, gas, coal is:

a) metallurgical industry;

b) chemical industry;

c) mining industry.

5. The branch which provides economy with metal:

a) machine-building;

b) metallurgical industry;

c) mining industry.

6. The branch which provides economy with products:

a) mining industry;

b) light industry;

c) food industry.

7. The branch which produces clothes, footwear, cloth:

a) light industry;

b) chemical industry;

c) cellulose paper industry.

8. The branch which produces machinery and equipment:

a) metallurgical industry;

b) power industry;

c) machine-building.

9. The branch which provides economy with crops, milk, meat:

a) agriculture;

b) food industry;

c) light industry.

10. The branch which provides economy with synthetic materials:

a) building industry;

b) chemical industry;

c) food industry.

11. The branch which produces energy:

a) metallurgical industry;

b) mining industry;

c) power industry.

12. The branch which produces concrete, brick, sand, chalk:

a) machine-building;

b) building industry;

c) chemical industry.

13. The branch which produces TV-sets, computers, cameras:

a) power industry;

b) machine-building;

c) electronic engineering.

14. The branch which provides economy with paper:

a) chemical industry;

b) cellulose paper industry;

c) building industry.

15. The branch which provides economy with cars:

a) shipbuilding;

b) machine-building;

c) automobile industry.


Keys: 1 ‒ b; 2 ‒ b; 3 ‒ b; 4 ‒ c; 5 ‒ b; 6 ‒ c; 7 ‒ a; 8 ‒ c; 9 ‒ a; 10 ‒ b; 11 ‒ c; 12 ‒ b; 13 ‒ c; 14 ‒ b; 15 ‒ c.


1.3. Find the right translation.

1) agricultural production

2) power industry

3) metallurgical industry

4) machine-building

5) building industry

6) chemical industry

7) mining industry

8) cellulose paper industry

9) automobile industry

10) shipbuilding

11) aircraft industry

12) electronic engineering

13) light industry

14) textile industry

15) food industry

a) електротехніка;

b) автомобільна промисловість;

c) текстильна промисловість;

d) машинобудування;

e) целюлозно-паперової промисловості;

f) сiльськогосподарська промисловість;

g) харчова промисловість;

h) авіаційна промисловість;

i) електроенергетика;

j) металургійна промисловість;

k) легка промисловiсть;

l) будівельна промисловість;

m) гірничодобувна промисловiсть;

n) суднобудування;

o) хімічна промисловість.


Keys: 1 ‒ f; 2 ‒ i; 3 ‒ j; 4 ‒ d; 5 ‒ l; 6 ‒ o; 7 ‒ m; 8 ‒ e; 9 ‒ b; 10 ‒ n; 11 ‒ h; 12 ‒ a; 13 ‒ k; 14 ‒ c; 15 ‒ g.


1.4. Column A gives the names of the industries. In column B, find the names of the products they produce. Combine columns A and B.



1) agricultural production

2) power industry

3) metallurgical industry

4) machine-building

5) building industry

6) chemical industry

7) mining industry 

8) cellulose paper industry

9) automobile industry

10) shipbuilding

11) aircraft industry

12) electronic engineering

13) light industry

14) textile industry

15) food industry  







a) planes, spacecrafts, missiles;

b) iron, manganese, titanium and uranium ores;

c) chemicals, fertilizers, plastics, synthetic materials;

d) wheat, barley and oats (пшениця, ячмінь та овес);

e) steel, iron, cast iron;

f) turbines, plant equipment, industrial robots, electric motors;

g) passenger cars;

h) canned food products (консервовані харчові продукти);

i) paper and paper products;

j) tractors, combines, excavators;

k) household appliances, including refrigerators, washing machines, and TV-sets;

l) ocean liners, sea and river vessels (океанські лайнери, морські та річкові судна);

m) pottery, china, sand;

n) copper, zinc, graphite, coal, silver, gold;

o) bread, cakes, cookies, sweets;

p) hydroelectric power station, thermal power station, nuclear power station;

q) cotton, silk, chiffon;

r) cement, limestone, concrete, brick (цемент, вапняк, бетон, цегла);

s) natural gas and oil;

t) diesel locomotives, railway cars, trains;

u) clothes, linen, footwear;

v) precision instruments, electron microscopes;

w) detergents, shampoos, creams, cosmetics (миючі засоби, шампуні, креми, косметика);

x) fruit, vegetables and farm products.


Keys: 1 ‒ d, x; 2 ‒ p; 3 ‒ b, e; 4 ‒ f, t; 5 ‒ r; 6 ‒ c, w; 7 ‒ n, s; 8 ‒ i; 9 ‒ g, j; 10 ‒ l; 11 ‒ a; 12 ‒ k, v; 13 ‒ m, u; 14 ‒ q; 15 ‒ h, o.


2. Speaking.

T: Which of the following factors are most important for the development of agriculture / mining industry / fuel industry? Which are the least important?

(Які з факторів, зазначених нижче, найбільш важливі для розвитку сільського господарства / гірничої промисловості / паливної промисловості? Які найменш важливі?)

• mineral resources;

• soil;

• well-developed metallurgy;

• well-developed export-import relations with other countries;

• mountains;

• climate;

• relief of the land;

• deposits of oil and gas;

• water resources.




• climate;

• water resources;

• relief of the land.

Mining industry:

• mineral resources;

• soil;

• mountains.

Fuel industry:

• deposits of oil and gas;

• well-developed export-import relations with other countries;

• well-developed metallurgy.





3. Reading.

T: Read and translate the text.

Economy of Great Britain

The United Kingdom is one of the world’s largest exporters of manufactured goods per head of population. For every person employed in agriculture eleven people are employed in mining, manufacturing and building.

Apart from coal and iron ore Britain has very few natural resources. Its agriculture provides only half the food it needs. Most of the raw materials such as oil and various metals (copper, zinc, uranium ore and others) have to be imported. Britain also has to import timber, cotton, fruit and farm products.

Britain used to be richly forested, but most of the forests were cut down to make more room for cultivation. The greater part of land is used for cattle and sheep breeding, and pig raising. Among the crops grown on the farms are wheat, barley and oats. The fields are mainly in the eastern part of the country. Most of the farms are small. Farms tend to be bigger where the soil is less fertile.

Britain produces high quality expensive goods, which has always been characteristic of its industry. A shortage of raw materials, as well as the high cost of production makes it unprofitable for British industry to produce semi-finished goods or cheap articles. Britain mostly produces articles, requiring skilled labour, precision instruments, chemicals. Britain high quality consumer goods and articles made of various kinds of synthetic (man-made) materials.

The original basis of British industry was coal mining, and the early factories grew up not far from the main mining areas.

Glasgow and Newcastle became great centres of engineering and shipbuilding. Lancashire produced cotton goods and Yorkshire woollens, with Sheffield concentrating on iron and steel. Birmingham developed light engineering. There appeared a tendency for industry and population to move to the south, particularly to the London area. Britain’s industry is now widely dispersed. Great progress was made in the development of new industries, such as the aircraft, automobile, electronic industries and others. A number of atomic power reactors were made. Great emphasis was made on the development of the war industry.


Економіка Великобританії

Сполучене Королівство є одним з найбільших експортерів вироблених товарів у світі на душу населення. На кожну людину, зайнятої у сільському господарстві, одинадцять людей зайняті у гірничій промисловості, виробництві та будівництві.

Крім вугілля та залізної руди, у Британії є дуже мало природних ресурсів. Сільське господарство забезпечує лише половину необхідного продовольства. Більшість сировини, наприклад, нафту та різні метали (мідь, цинк, уранову руду та інші), потрібно імпортувати. Великобританія також змушена імпортувати деревину, бавовну, фрукти та сільськогосподарські продукти.

Британія завжди була багата на ліси, але більшість лісів були вирубані, щоб зробити більше місця для вирощування. Більша частина земель використовується для скотарства і вівчарства, та свинарства. Серед сільськогосподарських культур, вирощених на фермах, є пшениця, ячмінь та овес. Поля знаходяться головним чином у східній частині країни. Більшість господарств невеликі. Господарства, як правило, є більшими там, де ґрунт менш родючий.

Британія виробляє високоякісні дорогі товари, що завжди було характерним для її галузі. Дефіцит сировини, а також висока вартість виробництва робить британській промисловості невигідним виробництво напівфабрикатів або дешевих виробів. Британія в основному виробляє вироби, що вимагають кваліфікованої праці, точних інструментів, хімікатів. Британія ‒ споживч високоякісних товарів та виробів з різних видів синтетичних (рукодільних) матеріалів.

Початковою основою британської промисловості був видобуток вугілля, а ранні заводи виросли недалеко від основних гірничих районів.

Глазго та Ньюкасл стали великими центрами інженерингу та суднобудування. Ланкашир виробляв бавовняні вироби, а Йоркширські вовняні фабрики разом із Шефілдом, зосереджуються на залізі та сталі. Бірмінгем розвинув світлотехніку. Виявилася тенденція пересування промисловості та населення на південь, особливо до району Лондона. Зараз промисловість Великобританії широко розповсюджена. Великий прогрес був досягнутий у розвитку нових галузей промисловості, таких як авіабудування, автомобілебудування, електроніка та ін. Було виготовлено ряд атомних енергетичних реакторів. Великий акцент робився на розвитку військової промисловості.



1) manufactured goods – промислові товари;

2) per head of population – на душу населення;

3) apart of smth. – крім чогось;

4) used to be smth. – був кимось колись;

5) used to do smth. – робив щось колись;

6) to make room for smth. – звільняти простір (місце) для чогось;

7) to breed smth. – розводити, вирощувати (тварин);

8) to tend to do smth. – мати тенденцію робити щось;

9) article – виріб, товар, предмет виробництва;

10) to require smth. (doing smth.) – вимагати, потребувати чогось (робити щось);

11) precision instruments – точні інструменти;

12) to be widely dispersed – широко розповсюджуватись;

13) to make emphasis on smth. – надавати чомусь особливого значення, приділяти комусь особливу увагу;

14) raw materials – сировина;

15) soil – грунт;

16) fertile – родючий;  

17) semi-finished goods – напівфабрикати;

18) chemicals – хімічні препарати.





3.1. Find the English equivalent for the following Ukrainian vocabulary in the right-hand column.

1. недостатня кількість сировини

2. дорогі товари високої якості

3. свинарство

4. вівчарство (розведення овець)

5. ввозити деревину

6. бути багатим на ліси

7. різноманітні метали

8. сировина

9. звільняти місце

10. військова промисловість

11. синтетичні матеріали

12. точні інструменти

13. атомний реактор

14. електронне обладнання

15. напівфабрикати

16. початкова основа

a) raw materials;

b) various metals;

c) to be richly forested;

d) to import timber;

e) to make room for smth.;

f) sheep breeding;

g) pig raising;

h) high quality expensive goods;

i) shortage of raw materials;

j) semi-finished goods;

k) precision instruments;

l) electronic equipment;

m) man-made materials;

n) the original basis;

o) atomic power reactor;

p) war industry.


Keys: 1 ‒ i; 2 ‒ h; 3 ‒ g; 4 ‒ f; 5 ‒ d; 6 ‒ c; 7 ‒ b; 8 ‒ a; 9 ‒ e; 10 ‒ p; 11 ‒ m; 12 ‒ k; 13 ‒ o; 14 ‒ l; 15 ‒ j; 16 ‒n.


3.2. Define the following sentences are true or false according to the text. Correct false sentences.

1. The United Kingdom is the largest exporter of manufactured goods. +

2. Britain is rich in very few natural resources. +

3. Britain has to import coal and iron ore. - (timber, cotton, fruit and farm products)

4. The greater part of land is used for sheep breeding, pig raising and flower growing. - (cattle breeding)

5. Britain produces high quality cheap goods. - (expensive goods)

6. Britain mostly produces articles requiring skilled labour, precision instruments and electronic equipment. +

7. Britain exports cotton and woollen goods but not leather goods. - (manufactured goods)

8. Coal mining was the original basis of British industry. +

9. Aircraft, automobile and electronic industries are new Britain’s industries. +

10. Glasgow is famous for engineering and shipbuilding. +


Keys: 1 +; 2 +; 3 -; 4 -; 5 -; 6 +; 7 -; 8 +; 9 +; 10 +.


4. Writing.

T: Complete the following sentences.

1. Great Britain is rich in ... . 2. Britain has very few ... . 3. Britain also has to import ... . 4. Most of the forests were cut down to ... . 5. Among the crops grown on the farms are ... . 6. Britain produces high quality ... . 7. Britain mostly produces article requiring ... . 8. Britain produces and exports ... . 9. The original basis of British industry was ... . 10. Great emphasis was made on the development of the ... .


Keys: 1 ‒ forests; 2 ‒ natural resources; 3 ‒ timber, cotton, fruit and farm products; 4 ‒ make more room for cultivation; 5 ‒ wheat, barley and oats; 6 ‒ expensive goods; 7 ‒ skilled labour, precision instruments, chemicals; 8 ‒ manufactured goods; 9 ‒ coal mining; 10 ‒ war industry.


5. Grammar practice.

T: Fill in the blanks with prepositions.

1. Britain produces goods and articles made ... various kinds of synthetic materials.

2. For every person employed ... agriculture, eleven people are employed ... mining, manufacturing and building.

3. Most ... the raw materials have to be imported.

4. The fields are mainly ... eastern part ... the country.

5. A shortage ... raw materials makes it unprofitable ... British industry to produce semi-finished goods or cheap articles.

6. Sheffield is concentrating ... iron and steel.

7. A present industry has a tendency to move ... the south, particularly ... the London area.

8. Great emphasis was made ... the development of the war industry.


Keys: 1 ‒ of; 2 ‒ in, in; 3 ‒ of; 4 ‒ in, of; 5 ‒ of, for; 6 ‒ on; 7 ‒ to, to; 8 ‒ on.


IV. Final part of the lesson.


1. Home task.

Prepare project about the economy of Great Britain.

(Підготувати проект про економіку Великої Британії)


2. Summing-up.


T: Let’s summarize our material. Answer the following questions.

1. What natural resources does Great Britain have?

2. What raw materials does Britain import?

3. Why does Britain have to import raw materials?

4. What does Britain export?

5. What is the characteristic feature of British industry?

6. Why is it unprofitable for Britain to produce semi-finished goods or cheap articles?

7. What are the main articles produced by British industry?

8. What are Britain’s traditional industries?

9. What are Britain’s main industries today?

10. What are the main industrial centres of Great Britain?

11. What are the main branches of British agriculture?

12. What is the greater part of land used for?

13. What crops are grown on the farms of Britain?

14. Why does Great Britain have to import farm products?


T: What was this lesson about? Did you like it? What new did you learn today?  What was the most difficult for you at this lesson? Your marks are … .

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