Урок на тему "Excursion about London"

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Practical: to develop listening, reading and writing skills; to practice speaking

Educative: to encourage student's to make a personal response to the material studied; to extend their knowledge about places of interest of London.

Developing: to develop student's ability to express their thought logically, to broaden their outlook.

Pictures, handouts, map of London.

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            “Excursion about London











Practical: to develop listening, reading and writing skills; to practice speaking

Educative: to encourage student’s to make a personal response to the material studied; to extend their knowledge about places of interest of London.

Developing: to develop student’s ability to express their thought logically, to broaden their outlook.

Pictures, handouts, map of London.


І. Introductory talk

T. Good morning, students. I am very glad to see you today.
I know that all of you like traveling very much. Tell me, please, if you have ever been to some other cities?
What are you interested in when you visit another city? (places of interest)
Do you want to go London? Why?
Aim of the lesson.
T. So, the theme of our today’s lesson is “The sightseeings of London”. We’ll listen to the texts about London and make a wonderful tour to this city.
Phonetic exercises:
T. Read the following proper names after me, please, and use them in your speech.
1. the Buckingham Palace
2. the Westminster Abbey
3. the Houses of Parliament
4. the Trafalgar Square
5. the St. Paul’s Cathedral
6. the British Museum
7. the Science Museum
8. the Natural History museum
9. the National Gallery
10. the Tate Gallery
11. the National Portrait Gallery
12. the Covent Gallery

ІІ. Check up. Reading

T. Your home task for today was to read the text “London” and to answer the questions about London
Are you ready to read the text?
a) Let’s start (5-6 pupils). Open your copy-books and I’ll see your written task. (Pupils answer the questions on the text).

ІІІ. Listening

1. T. Listen to the text “An excursion about London”. What places can you visit in London. Write their names on the appropriate line.

Street markets Museums
Art galleries, Places of interest
Theatres, clubs
Key: 1.Places of interest 2. Museums 3. Art galleries 4. Street markets
5. Theatres, clubs

London is the place to be, with so many different things to do and places to visit. Here are a few.

Royal London
You can visit Buckingham Palace, the Queen’s London home and see the changing of the Guard at 11 a.m. every day. In the Tower of London, you can see the Crown Jewels and visit the place where many famous prisoners lived and died. You can take a boat trip on the Thames to Hampton Court, where Henry VIII lived with five of his six wives. In the gardens of the palace is a famous maze, which is easy to get into but no so easy to get out of!

Rainy Days
London is one of the best places to be on a rainy day (which is quite often!), because of its museums and galleries. If you like machines, you must go the Science Museum. Next door you will find the Natural History Museum which is one of the world’s great museums with its excellent collections from ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. Art-lovers can visit the National Gallery, the Tate Gallery or the National Portrait Gallery.

London attracts shoppers from all over the world for the latest fashions. The main shopping area is in the West End, around Oxford Street. There are also famous street markets at Portobello Road, Camden Lock and Petticoat Lane where you can buy anything from bargain jewellery to expensive antiques.

Going Out
There is always a wide choice of plays to see at London’s many theatres in the West End around Covent Garden. There are many clubs with modern music like house or jungle or more traditional music like samba. Music lovers can also find many places for top quality classical, jazz and pop music.

2. Post-listening task (Writing)

T. Complete the sentences and write them down into your copy-books.

A) Complete the sentences.
1. Buckingham Palace is the ______ London _______.
2. The Tower of London is the place where many famous _______ lived and died.
3. Hampton Court is the _______ where Henry VIII lived.
4. There are famous street _______ at Portobello Road, Camden Lock and Petticoat Lane.
5. There are many _______ in the West End around the Covent Garden.
6. The Natural History Museum is one of the world’s great museums with its excellent _______ .

B) Listen to the text once more. Write some more similar sentences.
1. Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s London home.
2. The Tower of London is the place where many famous prisoners lived and died.
3. Hampton Court is the place where Henry VIII lived.
4. There are famous street markets at Portobello Road, Camden Lock and Petticoat Lane.
5. There are many theatres in the West End around the Covent Garden.
6. The Natural History Museum is one of the world’s great museums with its excellent collections.

IV. Now let’s play the “Tour game”

London is rich in famous places. And now we’ll make an excursion about London. The pupils will be guides and tell us about some historical places in London.
Dear guests, dear pupils let us imagine that you are in the capital of Great Britain.
Now, we are sitting in a red double-decker and are going to see the sightseeings of London.
1. Topic “London
2. The first stop on our way is the Westminster.
3. The second stop is the Buckingham Palace.
4. The third stop is the Tower.
5. The fourth stop is the St. Paul’s Cathedral.

1. London
London, one of the biggest cities in the world is the capital of Great Britain. The population of London is more than 9 million people. London stands on the banks of the river Thames.
London traditionally is divided into four parts. They are the Westminster, the City, the West End and the East End.
Westminster is the historical area in London and the place of government offices.
The City is financial centre of London.
The West End is famous for fashionable shops and entertainment centres.
The East End is industrial district of London.

2. Westminster.
Westminster is the historical area in London. Famous monuments and buildings are there. One of the most beautiful places is Westminster Abbey, all the kings and queens of England have been crowned there.
There is one place in Westminster Abbey which the tourists like to visit most of all. This is the Poet’s Corner. Many greatest poets are buried there. Dickens, Kipling, Byron, Burns are among them.

3. The Buckingham Palace.
Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen. Westminster Palace is the seat of British Parliament. Most of people know this building as the Houses of Parliament. There are two tall towers at the corners of the building.
One of them is the Clock Tower with the famous Big Ben.

4. The Tower.
Another place, which is worth seeing in London is the Tower. The Tower is situated on the North bank of the Thames. In different times this castle was a fortress, a royal palace, a prison.
Now it is a museum of armour and also the place where Crown Jewels are kept.

5. St. Paul’s Cathedral
The greatest of English churches is St. Paul’s Cathedral. It was built by a famous English architect, Sir Christopher Wren. Many great men of England are buried under the hugedome of the Cathedral.
The Trafalgar Square is considerated to be the very centre of London. In the middle of it stands the monument to admiral Nelson.

Memory Work

T. London is the most beautiful city in the world and the largest city after Tokyo and New York.
1. A great English writer Samuel Johnson said “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life, for there is in London all that life can afford”.
2. “I hope to see London before I die”, wrote William Shakespeare in “Henry IV”. As for me I also hope to see London before I die.
Read the quotations, write them into your exercise-books and remember them.


At the end of our lesson I’d like to propose you a short oral test.
Choose the correct answer, please.



Chose the correct answer:

1. Big Ben is … in London.
a) a square b) a monument c) a clock

2. The British Museum is famous for it’s …
a) modern paintings b) library c) collection of pictures

3. The Tower of London is now used as …
a) a museum b) a palace c) a prison

4. The official London residence of the Queen is…
a) Spencer House b) Buckingham Palace c) Westminster Palace

5. Hampton Court is the place where …
a) Henry VIII lived b) Queen Victoria lived c) Henry IV lived

6. The main shopping area is in the …
a) City b) West End c) East End

7. Art-lovers can visit the …
a) Science Museum b) Natural History Museum c) National Gallery

8. London’s underground is called the …
a) tube b) railway c) Metro

9. London’s double-deckers are …
a) green b) red c) blue

10. All the kings and queens of England were crowned in …
a) St. Paul’s Cathedral b) Westminster Abbey c) St. Peter’s Church

Hometask. Write about London.


25 березня 2018
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