Урок на тему "London"

Про матеріал
ТЕМА: Лондон та його визначні місця. МЕТА: Активізувати ЛО теми. Поглибити знання учнів про визначні місця Лондона. Перевірити рівень мовної та мовленнєвої компетенції за темою. Повторити граматичний матеріал. Розвивати вміння сприймати на слух. Розвивати навички говоріння, читання та письма. Виховувати почуття поваги до пам’яток культури й потребу в пізнанні світової культури. ОБЛАДНАННЯ: підручник, робочий зошит, плакат з граматичним матеріалом, роздатковий матеріал, магнітофон. ХІД УРОКУ I. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення. 1. Greeting and Aim. The topic of our today’s lesson is “ London “. Today we’ll continue speaking about London and you’ll know more about its places of interest. Besides we’ll check if you remember the vocabulary and grammar of the topic well. 2. Phonetic drill. Let’s learn a funny rhyme about Sir Christopher Wren ( as you already know he was a famous English architect who built St. Paul’s Cathedral ). First of all let’s review that we pronounce ch as or and wr as , and ph as . The children repeat the rhyme after the teacher. Sir Christopher Wren, Said “ I’m having lunch with some men. If anyone calls, Say, I’m designing St. Paul’s. 3. Warming-up. The teacher has already written some words on the blackboard: Capital, Eiffel Tower, Becketov, Christopher Wren, St. Paul’s Cathedral, St. Sophia’s Cathedral, Statue of Liberty, Stonehenge, Carnegie Hall, Seine, Big Ben, Thames. T.: Let’s see what you know about this city. Look at the words on the blackboard and tell which of them are connected with our topic “ London “ The children choose the words which are connected with the topic “ London “. The teacher comments their choice: T.: Capital, because London is the capital of Great Britain. Christopher Wren, because he was a famous English architect who built St. Paul’s Cathedral. St. Paul’s Cathedral is one of the most beautiful English churches. Big Ben is the famous clock on the Houses of Parliament. Thames is the big river in London. II. Основна частина уроку. 1. Vocabulary revision. a) The teacher shows the pictures with the sights of London. The teacher asks the questions and the children answer them: T.: - What sight is this? Ch.: - This is … . b) London quiz 1. what is the big clock on the houses of parliment called? a. Big Brett b. Big Brandon c. Big Billy d. Big Ben e. Big Becky f. Big Bellend 2. What is the big ferris wheel in London called g. The London Eye h. The London Mouth i. The London Cheek j. The London Nose k. The London Teeth l. The London Ear 3. Where does the Queen live? m. Shropshire Palace n. Mountfitchit Castle o. Mulsbury Palace p. Westham Palace q. Buckingham Palace 4. Which football team's stadium is NOT in London? r. Arsenal s. Totenham Hotspur t. Manchester United u. Chelsea 5. What is the big river running through London called? v. The river Seven w. The river Thames x. The river Cam y. The river Tyme The children have to guess the sight of London. 2. Listening comprehension. ( In touch 1 SB ) 1) While-listening activity. a) Children listen to the tape-recorder and number the pictures: a 1; …. b) T.: And now we’ll have a short excursion around London. Imagine that you are in London now. Listen to the guide and write the letters near the sights on the map. Children listen and write the letters on the map. 2) Post-listening activity. T.: Now let’s check. The children check if they did the task correct. 3. Communication activity. T.: Now let’s make our own excursion around London. There are four groups. Each group can choose the sight to present. I’ll give you photos with the sights of London. Now you have a few minutes to get ready. Are you ready? 4. Writing. 1) Grammar revision. T.: Now let’s review the formation of the degrees of comparison. 2) T.: Now make up the sentences using the table. The pupils make up sentences and write them on the blackboard and in their copy-books. Ex.: The first bear is happier than the second bear. The first bear is the happiest. 3) Quiz “ London Eye “. The teacher gives the cards with London Eye. Children have to write the sights of London. III. Заключна частина уроку. 1. Homework. Ex. 5,p. 75. Підготуватися до контрольної роботи. 2. Summarizing. What fact about London you have learnt today was the most interesting for you? Why? Оголошення оцінок.
Перегляд файлу

ТЕМА: Лондон та його визначні місця.


МЕТА: Активізувати ЛО теми. Поглибити знання учнів про визначні місця Лондона. Перевірити рівень мовної та мовленнєвої компетенції за темою. Повторити граматичний матеріал.                                                                       Розвивати вміння сприймати на слух. Розвивати навички говоріння, читання та письма.

Виховувати почуття поваги до пам’яток культури й потребу в пізнанні світової культури.


ОБЛАДНАННЯ: підручник, робочий зошит, плакат з граматичним матеріалом, роздатковий матеріал, магнітофон.


                                          ХІД УРОКУ

  1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.


  1. Greeting and Aim.

The topic of our today’s lesson is “ London “.

Today we’ll continue speaking about London and you’ll know more about its places of interest. Besides we’ll check if you remember the vocabulary and grammar of the topic well.


  1. Phonetic drill.

Let’s learn a funny rhyme about Sir Christopher Wren ( as you already know he was a famous English architect who built St. Paul’s Cathedral ).

First of all let’s review that we pronounce ch as       or         and wr as        

          , and ph as            .

The children repeat the rhyme after the teacher.


                 Sir Christopher Wren,

                 Said “ I’m having lunch with some men.

                 If anyone calls,

                 Say, I’m designing St. Paul’s.


  1. Warming-up.

The teacher has already written some words on the blackboard:


Capital, Eiffel Tower, Becketov, Christopher Wren, St. Paul’s Cathedral, St. Sophia’s Cathedral, Statue of Liberty, Stonehenge, Carnegie Hall, Seine, Big Ben, Thames.


T.: Let’s see what you know about this city. Look at the words on the blackboard and tell which of them are connected with our topic “ London “

The children choose the words which are connected with the topic “ London “. The teacher comments their choice:

T.: Capital, because London is the capital of Great Britain.

     Christopher Wren, because he was a famous English architect who built St. Paul’s Cathedral.

      St. Paul’s  Cathedral is one of the most beautiful English churches.

      Big Ben is the famous clock on the Houses of Parliament.

      Thames is the big river in London.


  1. Основна частина уроку. 


  1. Vocabulary revision.
  1. The teacher shows the pictures with the sights of London. The teacher asks the questions and the children answer them:

T.: - What sight is this?

Ch.: - This is … .

  1. London quiz
  1. what is the big clock on the houses of parliment called?
    1. Big Brett
    2. Big Brandon
    3. Big Billy
    4. Big Ben
    5. Big Becky
    6. Big Bellend


  1. What is the big ferris wheel in London called
    1. The London Eye
    2. The London Mouth
    3. The London Cheek
    4. The London Nose
    5. The London Teeth
    6. The London Ear
  2. Where does the Queen live?
    1. Shropshire Palace
    2. Mountfitchit Castle
    3. Mulsbury Palace
    4. Westham Palace
    5. Buckingham Palace
  3. Which football team's stadium is NOT in London?
    1. Arsenal
    2. Totenham Hotspur
    3. Manchester United
    4. Chelsea
  4. What is the big river running through London called?
    1. The river Seven
    2. The river Thames
    3. The river Cam
    4. The river Tyme



The children have to guess the sight of London.

  1. Listening comprehension. ( In touch 1 SB )
    1. While-listening activity.

     a)     Children listen to the tape-recorder and number the pictures:

a 1; ….

               b)  T.: And now we’ll have a short excursion around London. Imagine that you are in London now. Listen to the guide and write the letters near the sights on the map.

                Children listen and write the letters on the map.

  1. Post-listening activity.

                  T.: Now let’s check.

                   The children check if they did the task correct.

  1. Communication activity.

T.: Now let’s make our own excursion around London. There are four groups. Each group can choose the sight to present. I’ll give you photos with the sights of London. Now you have a few minutes to get ready. Are you ready?

                4. Writing.

                    1) Grammar revision.

                         T.: Now let’s review the formation of the degrees of comparison.

                    2) T.: Now make up the sentences using the table.

                            The pupils make up sentences and write them on the blackboard and in their copy-books.

                   Ex.: The first bear is happier than the second bear. The first bear is the happiest.

                     3) Quiz “ London Eye “.

                          The teacher gives the cards with London Eye. Children have to write the sights of London.

  1. Заключна частина уроку.
    1. Homework.

Ex. 5,p. 75. Підготуватися до контрольної роботи.


  1. Summarizing.

What fact about London you have learnt today was the most interesting for you? Why?

Оголошення оцінок.





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