Мета:повторити й активізувати лексичний матеріал; удосконалювати навички монологічного мовлення; розвивати уміння спілкуватися на англійській мові; виховувати культуру спілкування; повагу до батьків та людей старшого віку.
Обладнання : картинки, підручники, ноутбук
Тип уроку: повторення
The motto of our lesson
ABC- be Active
Red, yellow, green and blue
Hello guests
How are you?
Fine, thank you
Red, yellow, green and blue
Hello children
How are you?
Red, yellow, green and blue
Hello teacher
How are you?
Fine, thank you
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent today?
What season is it?
Do you like such weather?
I have a father
I have a mother
I have a sister
I have a brother
Hand in hand
With one one another
( Мама, жінка, сестра, брат, дядьо, родич, племінник, бабуся, дід, тьотя)
Who are the members of your family?
What is your father’s name?
Do you have brothers or sisters?
What does your mother look like?
Tall, short, slim, plump, angry
Kind, helpful, curious, thirsty
Pleasant ,nice, friendly, rude
What traits of character would you like to have?
What traits of character would you like to get rid of?
10.Sing a song about family.
11. Answer the questions.
Do you have a friend?
What is his name?
How old is he?
What does she look like?
12. Writing
Ex3p 18
13. Summing up
14. H/W
Ex6 p37 complete the e-mail
Ex3p.21 complete the sentences