Урок на тему "Reducing"

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План уроку з ілюстраціями по темі"Reducing". В цій розробці описано покроковий хід уроку з прикладами та завданнями. також прикріпленні посилання в ютуб.
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Комунальний заклад освіти «Спеціалізована школа №7 з поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов»





Пойманова Наталя Анатоліївна

Англійська мова

Категорія ІІ



План-конспект уроку для 6 класу «Переробка»










                                                                         червень 2022












Англійська мова  Пойманова Н.А._7


















Theme: Recycling.

Aim of the lesson: Educating children about the importance of recycling and the environment provides a path to a greener future. 

Visual aids: pictures, films, tape and additional texts.

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment.

     a. Greeting.

b. Marking absentees.

c. Report of the duty.

  1. Introduction with the new theme: Recycling.

T - Good morning! Today we are going to speak about recycling. One of the measures to protect the environment is reducing, reusing and recycling.

Reducing is about minimising the amount of waste we produce in our everyday activities.
We can exercise reducing our waste by:

  • Purchasing and using less items. For example, bringing our own carrier bags when we go shopping can help to reduce the number of plastic bags used!


Reusing is about looking for ways to use materials again. Glass containers, plastic bottles, and cloth bags are all reusable materials. You can use these items over and over to store food, stationery, or anything you can think of! Next time you go grocery shopping, look in your cart and try to think of ways to reuse all of the containers in it!

Recycling is about converting waste into materials that can be reused — so don’t be so quick to throw everything in the trash!

It’s a good habit to separate recyclable materials from your trash and place them into designated recycling or compost bins.















c. Listen to the poem. What is it about?

Our planet is in trouble 
We hear it every day 
And yet, we all continue 
To throw it all away 
We're threatening our future 
Endangering our lives 
If we don't take some action 
Our planet won't survive 
Think Green! To save the planet! 
Think Green! Do all you can! 
Think Green! For all our children! 
Recycle all you rubbish 
Don't buy things you don't need 
If we all put together 
Something can be done 
If we think green and act fast
The war will soon be won.






d. Let`s watch a short video.


T - Most of us use a product made of paper every day. Paper production represents about 1.2% of the world's total economic output and makes up more than 40% of the composition of landfills. The good news is more and more people are recycling paper. Each group will receive texts containing information about recycling different items. Almost everything we see around us can be recycled.

The recycling process is a cycle and is composed of three stages:


collecting and sorting


selling of the recycled products to consumers

In this stage, waste materials are collected and then processed and sorted according to its type and use.

The manufacturing stage is the phase where the collected and sorted materials are processed into new reusable products.

Recycled products are sold to consumers.

T – Lets play the game. Using your smartphone click on the

following link (already minimized on their screens)


You will see a room. There is a lot of rubbish lying everywhere. You need to drag and drop the rubbish in the correct recycling bin. For example, if the object is

made of glass, you need to drag it to the recycle bin marked ‘glass’. You have 3minutes. . The student with more rubbish thrown into the correct bins wins.


Why is recycling important?

Recycling has a lot of benefits that can help people and save the environment as well. Its importance can be observed in many different ways. Here are some great reasons why recycling is important: Recycling Saves the Earth Recycling different products will help the environment. For example, we know that paper comes from trees and many trees are being cut down just to produce paper. By recycling it, we can help lessen the number of trees that are cut down. Products made from raw materials that came from our natural resources should be recycled so that we can help preserve the environment.


Let`s do some  exercises.

  1. Read the text.

Recycling Saves Energy It takes less energy to process recycled materials than to process virgin materials. For example, it takes a lot less energy to recycle paper than to create new paper from trees. The energy from transporting virgin materials from the source is also saved. Saving energy also has its own benefits like decreasing pollution. This creates less stress on own health and our economy.

Recycling Helps Mitigate Global Warming and Reduce Pollution By saving energy in industrial production through recycling, the green house gas emissions from factories and industrial plants are lessened and the use of fuels that emit harmful gasses during production is also minimized. Recycling non-biodegradable waste (rather then burning it) will contribute a lot to help reduce air pollution and greenhouse gasses that depletes the ozone layer. Recycling Reduces Waste Products in Landfills

2.Give Yes or No answers:


Can we recycle metal, paper and plastic?



Can we recycle food, fruit and vegetables?



Is recycling important?



Does recycling help to save the environment?



Should natural resources be recycled?




3. Answer the questions:

  1. How many stages is the recycling process composed? _______
  2. What is the first stage of recycling? _____________
  3. What are the benefits of recycling? _____________
  4. Why is recycling important? ____________
  5. What can we recycle? ______________
  6. How can you help the nature? _________________

4. Situation. Imagine you are a tree. What would be your persuasive message about recycling?


Making conclusions with one or two sentences.


The end of the lesson. Giving marks. Giving home tasks: Writing an essay: Recycling in our country.













Why is recycling important?

Recycling has a lot of benefits that can help people and save the environment as well. Its importance can be observed in many different ways. Here are some great reasons why recycling is important: Recycling Saves the Earth Recycling different products will help the environment. For example, we know that paper comes from trees and many trees are being cut down just to produce paper. By recycling it, we can help lessen the number of trees that are cut down. Products made from raw materials that came from our natural resources should be recycled so that we can help preserve the environment.


Recycling Saves Energy It takes less energy to process recycled materials than to process virgin materials. For example, it takes a lot less energy to recycle paper than to create new paper from trees. The energy from transporting virgin materials from the source is also saved. Saving energy also has its own benefits like decreasing pollution. This creates less stress on own health and our economy.

Recycling Helps Mitigate Global Warming and Reduce Pollution By saving energy in industrial production through recycling, the green house gas emissions from factories and industrial plants are lessened and the use of fuels that emit harmful gasses during production is also minimized. Recycling non-biodegradable waste (rather then burning it) will contribute a lot to help reduce air pollution and greenhouse gasses that depletes the ozone layer. Recycling Reduces Waste Products in Landfills
Landfills are mostly composed of non-biodegradable waste which takes long time to decompose. By recycling, we can lessen the waste materials that are placed into landfills and we are able to make the most out of these materials. If we don’t recycle, more and more garbage will go to landfills until they all get filled up.

  1. Doing exercises.
  1. Give Yes or No answers:


Can we recycle metal, paper and plastic?



Can we recycle food, fruit and vegetables?



Is recycling important?



Does recycling help to save the environment?



Should natural resources be recycled?



  1. Write the benefits of recycling: Recycling Saves the Earth, many trees are being cut down, save the environment, observed in many different ways, lessen the number of trees that are cut down, preserve our natural resources, kill our perfect planet .
  1. __________________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________________
  3. _________________________________________________
  4. __________________________________________________
  1. Answer the questions:
  1. How many stages is the recycling process composed? _______
  2. What is the first stage of recycling? _____________
  3. What are the benefits of recycling? _____________
  4. Why is recycling important? ____________
  5. What can we recycle? ______________
  6. How can you help the nature? _________________


  1. Situation. Imagine you are a tree. What would be your persuasive message about recycling?


  1. Making conclusions with one or two sentences.


  1. The end of the lesson. Giving marks. Giving home tasks: Writing an essay: Recycling in our country.



До підручника
Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 6 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
26 вересня 2023
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