Урок на тему "Speaking about art"

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Урок- презентація до уроку англійської мови в 11 класі по темі " Speaking about art" до підручника О. Карпюк
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Номер слайду 1

Номер слайду 2

The Approaching Storm. Looking at the picture, you can easily understand how keenly the artist felt nature in every detail. He was able to impart a sinister atmosphere of the coming storm. You feel the threatening silence before the storm. The sky is overcast. The first gust of wind shakes the trees, the next moment it will start raining. The artist enlivens the landscape by two horse and dog huddling together in a little group, seeking protection from a man in danger. This landscape is a typical example of sentimental and poetic painting. 1. What can we understand, looking at the picture?2. What was the painter able to impart?3. What can we feel , looking at this landscape?4. How does the artist enlivens the landscape?гостро відчував-передати зловісну атмосферу-загрозлива тиша-порив вітру-оживляти пейзаж-тулитись разом-

Номер слайду 3

2. art8. work of art7. masterpiece5. painting1. mosaic4. collage g.) a way of representing things or expressing ideas, using pictures, sculpture, and other objects that people can look ata.) something produced by an artist, especially something that most people agree is of very high quality:b.) a picture, statue etc that is of extremely high quality f.)a picture made using very small pieces of glass or stone d.) a picture made by sticking paper, cloth, or other pictures onto a surfacec.) a picture made using paint6. Still life e.) a picture of an object or several objects, especially fruit or flowers3. landscape h.) a picture of the countryside

Номер слайду 4

Woman’s Head with Sombrero By Pablo Picasso. Circus Girl By Georges Rouault. F.)Icarus . By Henri Matisse. Landscape by the Sea By August Macke. Painting (1937). By Ben Nicholson. Street Scene By L. S. Lowry1 I’d find it rather disturbing. 2 It’s a very warm painting. 3 Suitable for a hall. 4 Interesting for a few moments. 5 I’d grow bored with it rather quickly. 6 A very peaceful painting. Listen to someone talking about paintings, then match the paintings (A-F) with the following comments about them (1-6). Listen again and decide which pictures he would put on a wall in his home. A BCDE

Номер слайду 5

I like painting. It _________________ happy. I loved using paint when I was young. I _________________ drawing, even in elementary school. My school reports _________________ in art. I won the school painting competition many times. My friends say painting is difficult. I disagree. _________________ is pick up a brush _________________ on the paper. Anyone can do it. It’s child’s play. I don’t understand why people say they can’t paint. For me, ___________________. It’s the most natural thing _________________. My friends say my paintings look so real, and that their paintings look like children’s paintings. I’m not sure why this is. I’m lucky, I guess. I don’t know what _________________ painting. It really helps me to relax. LISTENING

Номер слайду 6

Номер слайду 7

Номер слайду 8

“Fishermen at Sea” is an early oil painting by English artist J. M. W. Turner. The painting depicts a moonlit view of fishermen on rough seas. It juxtaposes the fragility of human life, represented by the small boat with its flickering lamp, and the sublime power of nature, represented by the dark clouded sky, the wide sea, and the threatening rocks in the background. The cold light of the Moon at night contrasts with the warmer glow of the fishermen's lantern.

Номер слайду 9

Van Gogh. Sunflowers

Номер слайду 10

the subject of a painting (what is depicted in it)the composition (how space is arranged) and the coloursthe detailsthe impression made by the picture. To begin with, you should say that the painting belongs to a particular genre. It can be the portraitthe landscape (seascape, townscape)the still lifethe genre scenethe historical/ mythological painting1.1. If you remember some information about the painter, say it then1.2. Give your opinion about the painting.  Use adjectives:lifelike = true to lifedreamlike = work of imaginationconfusingcolourfulromanticlyricalpowerfuloutstandingheart-breakingimpressive. Describe a painting according to the plan:

Номер слайду 11

2. Mention the colours and the composition2.1. Colours can be:warm/ cold colours bold colours oppressive colours bright colours deep colours light colours soft and delicate colours 2.2. Mention the composition/ the space:2.3. Try to describe what you can see in general. In the centre/middle of the painting we can see a …. In the foreground there is a…. In the background there are…. In the far distance we can make out the outline of a… On the left/ right stands/ sits… 3. Give some details. At first glance, it looks strange/ confusing/ depressing/ … But if you look closely, you can see… It looks like …. The artists managed to capture the sitter’s impression/ the atmosphere of a…../ the mood of the moment, etc.

Номер слайду 12

3.1. Make guesses about the situation: They might be talking about…She may have just woken up…It looks as if …4. In the end, give your impression. Use the words and phrases: Well, I feel that I am unable to put into words what I feel looking at the painting. To my mind, it is a masterpiece that could stand the test of time. Well, it seems to me that I couldn’t put into words the impression made on me by this painting. I feel extremely impressed by this painting. It is brilliant, amazing. It is a real masterpiece by (….. the painter). To begin with, this painting is a portrait which belongs to the brush of (…. the name of the painter)This artist lived in the ……century and worked in the style known as Classicism, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Surrealism, Cubism, Expressionism, Abstract Art. To my mind, it is a … picture, which shows (….say what you see)The picture is painted in …… colours. These colours contrast very well. The dominating colours are …. The colours contrast with each other. They might be talking about…She may have just woken up…It looks as if …

Номер слайду 13

Home task: Ex. 1p. 194 Ex. 2p.195 Using the plan on slides 11-13, describe your favourite painting in writingp.175, 178,183 – learn the vocabulary

До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
25 квітня 2021
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