Урок на тему «Sport. My favourite kind of sport.»

Про матеріал
Про матеріал Тема уроку: "Спорт. Мій улюблений вид спорту." Клас: 6 Мета уроку: - сприяти вмінню учнів використовувати вивчену лексику за темою уроку та сприяти вмінню учнів висловлювати власне ставлення до запропонованої ситуації; - практикувати у вживанні граматичного часу; - сприяти розвитку навичок усної взаємодії та писемного продукування, навичок зорового сприймання на слух, розвитку пам'яті, уваги, мовної здогадки; - впливати на виховання вести здоровий спосіб життя, працелюбності, культури спілкування. Очікувані результати: на кінець уроку учні зможуть говорити на тему, використовувати лексичний матеріал у письмовій та усній взаємодії про улюблений вид спорту. Тип уроку: Урок-гра. Реалізація змістової лінії: «Громадянська відповідальність» (демонструють знання, наводять приклади), «Здоров’я і безпека» (аудіювання).
Перегляд файлу


6 Form

вч. Поліщук А.С.

Тема: «Спорт. Мій улюблений вид спорту.»

Мета: - сприяти вмінню учнів використовувати вивчену лексику за темою уроку та сприяти вмінню учнів висловлювати власне ставлення до запропонованої ситуації;

  • практикувати у вживанні граматичного часу;
  • сприяти розвитку навичок усної взаємодії та писемного продукування, навичок зорового сприймання на слух, розвитку пам’яті, уваги, мовної здогадки;
  • впливати на виховання вести здоровий спосіб життя, працелюбності, культури спілкування.

Очікувані результати: на кінець уроку учні зможуть говорити по темі, використовувати лексичний матеріал у письмовій та усній взаємодії про улюблений вид спорту.

Тип уроку: Урок-гра.

Обладнання: роздатковий матеріал, наочність, матеріали для читання, CD трек, відео, комп'ютер, презентація.

Реалізація змістової лінії: «Громадянська відповідальність» (демонструють знання, наводять приклади), « Здоров’я і безпека» (аудіювання).


Topic: «Sport. My favourite kind of sport.»

Хід уроку

  1.       Greeting.
  •    Good morning children.
  •    How are you? (We are fine, thank you.)
  •    How did you spend your free time yesterday, after lessons? What did you do? (Pl, P2, P3...)
  •    Do you like sport? What kinds of sport do you go in for? Let’s play a game “Snawball”. (I go in for running. I go in for running and swimming.)
  •   Thank you? I see you know a lot of kinds of sport and you are good sportsmen. Our topic is “Sport. My favourite kind of sport.”
  1.       Фонетична розминка.

        Look at the screen, read the proverbs .

     Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

    A sound mind is in a sound body.

     Health is better than wealth.

3. Мовленнєва розминкa.

 Of course, if you are healthy, you can learn, work and be active in life. What do you do to be healthy?

  •      to wash our hands before meals;
  •      to keep our bodies clean;
  •      to get up early and do morning exercises;
  •      to get enough sleep (not less than 9 hours sleep);
  •      to breathe in a fresh air;
  •      to go in for sports.
  1.       Повторення лексики

       Please, watch the presentation, match the words and their definitions:


 Sportsman, referee, match, score, crowd, team.

Team – group of sportsmen who play together, for example, eleven footballers.

           Sportsman – someone who plays a sport.

           Referee - person who controls the game.

           Match – sport contest.

           Score – number of goals or points each player or team has.

           Crowd – who watches a sporting event.

  1. Fill in the table with the words from the word bank. (Presentation)

                                                 WORD BANK

Basketball, running, karate, swimming, football, gymnastics, golf, windsurfing, aerobics, baseball, cycling, scuba diving.

DO                                 GO                                 PLAY

  1. Гра” Мікрофон”

I see, children, you like sports. Today we have a guest. She is a correspondent from our school newspaper. She wants to ask you some questions for her article.


  • What kinds of winter sports do you know?
  • What summer sports do you enjoy?
  • What games do children like to play in the yard?
  • What ball game do you know?
  • Do you like to play games or to watch them?
  • What sports are very popular among your classmates?
  1.           Game.

What kind of sports is it? Shaw me, please. You have cards.

  1.           Relaxation.

Are you tired? Let’s sing a song.

  1.           Сприймання на слух.

I propose you to listen the text about sports in Ukraine and be ready to do some tasks.

Sports in Ukraine.

Sport is very popular in Ukraine. The main sports are: football, volleyball and 1 ball. They are played at schools and Universities.

Playing tennis, swimming are popular in our country too.

Every school has its own gymnasium and sport grounds. Some of them have stadiums and swimming pools.

There are different sports clubs in our schools. We go in for different kinds of sports after classes.

The best Ukrainian sportsmen are our national heroes. Ukrainian sportsmen take part in international sports competitions. Ukrainian athletes took part in the last Olympic Games in Sydney as a separated team. They won a lot of gold and silver medals there,

Among the best sportsmen at the Olympic Games was Yana Klochkova. She won two gold and three silver medals in Australia. Mykhailo Romanchuk was European champion (2018), silver and bronze medalist of the 2020 Olympic Games

Ukrainian football players like Andrey Shevchenko are well-known in Europe and in the whole world.

The two brothers Klychko are the best boxers in the world. In 2021 Alexander Usik became the third Ukrainian boxer to become the heavyweight boxing world champion

We try to keep fit. We exercise and go jogging every day.

  1.                Post listening task.

 write true or false.

  1.   The main sports in Ukraine are: football, basket-ball and volleyball.
  2.    Playing golf is very popular in our country too.
  3.    There are swimming pools in every school in Ukraine.
  4.    Ukrainian sportsmen took part in the last Olympic Games.
  5.    Three brothers Klychko are the best boxers in the world.
  1.       Читання

Sports in Ukraine is very popular. But do you know about  sports in English school? Read this letter from Mary Smith and do the task.


A Letter from London

Dear Olena,

I enjoyed your letter in which you told me about sports in Ukraine. I will try to tell you about the games we play in England

First of all I must say that the schoolboys play football in England in winter, not in summer. Football is the most popular game in our country, besides England is the home of football. Every school, college, university and town has its football teams.

We do not play ice-hockey much in England, because winters are not very cold. But we play hockey on grass; it is very popular among girls. There are women and men's teams, and our school has a team, too.

Other games that are played in England are tennis, basketball and volleyball. We have gymnastics in our school gym every week, we run and jump, play volleyball, basketball and other games. In summer we have gymnastics in the playground.

Well, I shall finish my letter for today.

With best wishes to you and your family

Your English friend,

Mary Smith.

  1.           Post-reading task

Compare the information about sports and games, which are played in Great Britain, with those which are popular in Ukraine. Write what is the difference.


         In Ukraine         In Great Britain

  1. Football is played in summer, spring and early autumn.   1
  2. Football is very popular.       2.
  3. Ice hockey is very popular in winter.     3.
  4. Hockey on grass and tennis are not played at school at the lesson. 4.
  5. Other games, such as basketball and volleyball, are very popular. 5.
  6. In summer the pupils run and jump at the stadiums.   6.
  1. Speaking.

What is your favourite kind of sport? Are you ready to present your projects? Who will be the first? You’ve worked in groups. The first group ...

  1.     Рефлексія. Home assignment.

               We do a test “Are you sporty?” You have cards.

H/W. Write sport composition about your best sportsman in your form. Marks.


  •       What have we done today?
  •       Was it difficult for you? »
  •       Which activities did you like best of all?
  •       Are you a real sport fan?
  •       Who is your favourite sportsman?



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