Урок на тему "США. Загальні відомості"

Про матеріал
Ознайомлення з загальними відомостями про країну, мову якої вивчаємо. Географічне положення та Клімат. Перегляд яскравої презентації. Вивчення нового лексичного матеріалу. Розвиток навичок читиння і говоріння. Закріплення матеріалу шляхом виконання граматичних вправ.
Перегляд файлу

Заняття №20

Тема:Сполучені Штати Америки. Географічне положення. Клімат.  (The United States of America. Geographical position. Climate).

Вид заняття: практичне

СРС: Суфікси прикметників


навчальна: вивчити лексику професійного спрямування, розширювати світогляд, активізувати вживання в мовленні лексики професійного характеру;

виховна: виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови та майбутньої професії;

розвиваюча: розвивати мовленнєві вміння та навички студентів.

Забезпечення:роздатковий матеріал, практичні завдання до заняття, презентація.

Хід заняття:

І. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу

1. Read and spell the words.

Federal republic, continental, climate, subtropical, tropical, mineral resources, basketball, volleyball football, box.

II.Сприйняття нового матеріалу

C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\usa-14-638.jpgC:\Users\Admin\Desktop\usa-7-638.jpgC:\Users\Admin\Desktop\usa-4-638.jpgC:\Users\Admin\Desktop\usa-1-638.jpg2. Watch the presentation.














3.Read and remember the words and word combinations.

accent (to speak with a strong/light accent) - акцент (говорити сильним/слабким акц.);

to speak clearly/distinctly – говорити чітко;

quickly/slowly - швидко/повільно;

loudly/quietly/in a whisper - голосно/тихо/пошепки;

fluently – бігло;

mother tongue –рідна мова;

global language — мова, розповсюджена в усьому світі;

periodicals — переодична пресса;

to borrow words — запозичення слова;

to simplify – спрощувати;

grammar, vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation - граматика, лексика, правопис, вимова; parts of speech: частини мови;

meaning – значення;

to admit smth - допускати що-небудь;

flexible – гнучкий;

communication – спілкування;

sign – знак;

comprehension – розуміння;

usage  використання;

coast line – берегова лінія;

to separate from – відділяти;

to comprise —включати в себе;

flora and fauna – рослинний і тваринний світ;

machinery -станки, обладнання;

aircraft and navigation —обладнання для авіаційної і суднобудівельної промисловості;

to settle - обоснуватись, поселитись;

to be crowned –короноватись;

to pass a title on to – передати титул;

monarchy – монархія;

master piece – шедевр;

to buryховати (хоронить);

plague – чума;

cathedral - собор

Stock Exchange - Фондовая Биржа

royalty – королівська влада;

fortress – фортеця;

entertainment – розваги;

gold rush - “золота лихоманка;

to be descended from – походити від;


slum areas – трущоби;

suburbs – околиці;

equality of opportunity – рівність можливостей;

natural-born citizen – корінний житель.

4. Read and translate the text with dictionary.  


Today the United States of America is a powerful nation. But 230 years ago the United States was a new nation. It occupied a part of land on the Atlantic coast of North America with a population of about four million people. People from European countries started settling near the East Coast during the 1600’s. In 1776, colonists in the East established an independent nation based on freedom and economic opportunity. Throughout the 19 century, American settlers pushed the frontier to the west, fighting the native Indians, scattered over the land between the Atlantic and Pacific for control. Immigration from Europe peaked in the period from 1880 to 1920. The current population of the USA, made up of immigrants or their descendants from almost every country of the world is over 250 million. Black Americans, Hispanics and Asians constitute large ethnic minorities. In this connection the United States is counted among the most heterogeneous societies in the world with many cultural traditions, ethnic sympathies, national origins, racial groups, and religious affiliations.

The United States is the fourth largest country in area. It covers the entire midsection of North America from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, including Alaska and Hawaii. The US borders on Mexico in the south west, on Canada - in the north. On the border between the USA and Canada there are the Great Lakes The biggest river in this country' is the Mississippi with its tributaries - the Ohio, the Missouri and the Arkansas Rivers. The Rocky Mountains are known as the Continental Divide, because all the waters to their east are destined for the Atlantic and those to their west for the Pacific.

Physical features of the USA are extremely diverse. There are forests and barren deserts, peak mountains (Me Kinley in Alaska is 6193,5 meters) and deep canyons (Death Valley in California is 1064 meters below the sea level). According to the relief the territory of the United States can be divided into three main parts: a) Atlantic East (comprising the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal plain and the Appalachian Mountain System); b) Pacific West (the Cordillera Mountain System and the Pacific Slope); c) the Great Central Plain between them (The Interior Plain).

The Appalachians go along the Atlantic coast. They are old strongly eroded high mountains. The North of the Atlantic Coastal plain has a moderate and humid climate with chilly winters, abundant snowfalls and warm rainy summers. Florida and the Gulf Coastal Plain have a subtropical climate, the influence of the Gulf Stream tells much on it. The climatic conditions favor the cultivation of cotton, rice, sugar cane, lemon and orange trees.

The Cordillera Mountain System occupies the western part of the US. On the eastern side the mountain wall is broken only by the Interior Plain, forming the Wyoming Basin. The Sierra Nevada Cascade range is the West subdivision of the Cordillera Highlands.

It stretches southward through Washington, Oregon and California almost to the Mexican border There are great forests in the Cascades and gold. deposits in the Sierra Nevadas with important lumbering and mining industries developed there.

The western chains of the Cordilleras and the Rocky mountains enclose the Great North-American Plateau. The climate there is continental and dry, the vegetation is of the desert and semi-desert type. Plateaus like the mentioned one are like tablelands through which the Colorado River has carved deep canyons, among which the Grand Canyon in north-western Arizona is the most important.

The vast space and resources of the land, the ideals of freedom and economic opportunity, and hard work helped build the US into the economic giant as it is today. A variety of natural resources provide rawer materials, supporting the economy of the United States. These minerals include coal (the main producing area is mainly the Appalachian Plateau region), nuclear fuels, natural gas (located basically in the sedimentary basins on the flanks of the Cordillera, in California, on the High Plains and Gulf Coast Plain in the east), iron (located in the rocks of the Canadian Shield close to Lake Superior and Lake Michigan), copper bauxite (the ore of aluminum), lead, zinc, phosphates, potash, silver, sulfur. To meet its needs, the US must import additional amounts of tin, nickel, chrome, industrial diamonds and asbestos.

The US economy is based on free enterprise. It has passed antitrust laws, designed to keep one company from controlling entire industries. Government 1 regulations help protect workers from unsafe working conditions and low wages, reduce environmental pollution. In spite of the interference of the government, the US economy is one of the least regulated in the world. Though, from time to time the economy of this country has problems like recessions, depressions and inflation.

5. Give Ukrainian equivalents.

To establish a nation, to be scattered over, diverse, nuclear fuels, abundant, according to smth, lumbering industry, a sedimentary basin, eroded mountains, in this connection, current, a flank, interference, an economic giant, to meet smb’s needs, descendants.

6. Give English equivalents.

Кордон, досягати найвищої точки, меншість, різнорідність, цілий, межувати з, схил, позначатися на будь-чому, сприяти будь-чому, цукрова тростина, поклади золота, гірські ланцюги, пустеля, щит, вуглекислий калій, низька заробітна плата, економічний спад.

7. Guess what it is about.

1. A person who comes to a country to become a permanent resident?

2. A close connection between members, branches or associates?

3. A stream feeding a larger stream or lake?

 4. A broad level elevated area?


5. A deep valley with high steep slopes and often with a stream flowing through?

6. The total number or quantity?

7. An increase in the volume of money and credit relative to available goods resulting in a considerable and continuing rise of prices?

8. A soft bluish white crystalline metallic chemical element that is ductile at ordinary temperatures and that is used as a protective coating in tinfoil and in soft alloys?

9. A rule or order having the force of law issued by an executive authority?

III. Узагальнення вивченого матеріалу

8. Choose the best answer and explain your choice.

1. A natural boundary between Mexico and the US is formed by ...

a) the Rio Grande   b) the Colorado    c) the Columbia

2. The Continental Divide is situated in ...

a) the Cascades   b) the Appalachian mountains  c) the Rockies

3. The Mississippi is ...

a) the longest river in the US  b) the third longest river in the US

c) the longest river in the world

4. Florida and the Gulf Coastal Plain enjoy ...

a) a tropical climate  b) a subtropical climate с) a continental climate

 5. The highest mountain in the US Mount McKinley is situated in ...

a) the Sierra Nevada Cascade Range  b) the Appalachians   c) Alaska

IV. Заключна частина

Підсумок. Оцінювання.

V. Домашнє завдання

1) Вивчіть нові слова та словосполучення.

2) Виконайте письмову вправу.

 Fill in the blanks, using the suitable words from Text.

1.Since 1945 the system of individual ... has made the people of the US among the world’s richest.

2. American business, ..., and culture have ... every other nation in the world.

3. The 13 original colonies on the East ... got their independence from Britain in 1783.

4. In 1787 George Washington and others, sometimes called the Founding Fathers, made the Constitution, a document that ... a strong central government.

5. During the 19th century Europeans crossed the Atlantic ocean, looking for freedoms and ... .

6. By 1890, half a million ... were arriving each year in the US.

7. The United States had an endless supply of ... materials.

8. Though since 1789, every US citizen has been guaranteed to get equal rights, in reality, many ... groups are only now starting to obtain equality.

9. The ...movement of American settlers brought a new set of... forces, which, most probably, shaped the American character.

10. The ... of California increased from 15,000 in 1848 to about 260,000 in 1852 during the period of a massive “gold rush”.


До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
9 серпня 2019
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