Конспект заняття з теми "Видатні люди Британії. Складний додаток"

Про матеріал

Матеріали відкритого заняття з навчальної дисципліни «Практичний курс англійської мови» з теми «Famous people of Great Britain. Complex Object» підготовлені відповідно до основних вимог особистісно орієнтованої педагогіки, містять методичні рекомендації та коментарі щодо його проведення, практичний і теоретичний матеріал, що допоможе викладачам і студентам, зорієнтуватись в особливостях структури особистісно орієнтованого заняття. Представлені матеріали також містять широке коло ідей щодо творчого використання ІКТ при викладанні іноземної мови.

Перегляд файлу




































Subject: Famous People of Great Britain. The Complex Object.


  • to let students know some information about outstanding people of Great Britain, to  form their visual images, to develop students’ language skills through monologue speech; to teach students to create and present project works; to teach students to find appropriate equivalents for translation; to increase students` vocabulary; develop students` skills of asking questions. To revise the Grammar material on Complex Object and forms of the Infinitive;
  • to develop students` brain and visual memory, ability of concentration, imagination; to promote students’ creativity, to motivate students in expressing their opinions on the problems under discussion; to form their research skills, ability to act in front of the audience, communicative skills, abilities of introspection and self- estimation;
  • to cultivate student`s respect to culture and heritage of other countries; to develop students` mental outlook.

Equipment: a multimedia board, a projector, a laptop, portraits of famous British people, tests, cards of self- estimation.

Methods and techniques: association method, brain storming, the game “Guess who”, the game “Quick winners”, project work















Hi, everybody! I hope you are well and full of energy and enthusiasm, and in a good mood to start our lesson. Today we’ll have an unusual lesson.

But before speaking about it I’d like you to greet each other and to make some compliments, to give the lesson a pleasant start. Let`s start from my greeting

  • Nice to see you, Karina! –  Nice to see you, too!
  • How are you? – I`m fine, thank you!
  • How is it going? – It`s OK.
  • Are you fine? – Sure. And you? I`m fine, too.
  • I`m glad to see you! – I`m glad to see you, too.
  • You look wonderful today! – Thank you. So do you
  • I`m so pleased to see you today! – So am I.
  • You are charming today! – Thank you, it`s so kind of you.
  • Have a nice day, Dasha! – Thank you a lot. I wish you a good day, too.



Thank you, very much! The compliments are made! So much positive energy! I`m sure we can start our lesson and it`ll be very successful!

As I`ve already said today we are going to have an unusual lesson. We are to work in different Labs. At the end after visiting all these Labs I hope that you will be ready to present your skills portfolio. So, let`s decide what should be done to achieve our success in studying the material.

(привітання, повідомлення теми, мотивація навчально-пізнавальної діяльності студентів, їх позитивне налаштування на роботу, орієнтацію щодо місця заняття в цілісному навчальному курсі. Формування особистісних очікувань студентів від заняття. Відповіді на запитання:

“що я вивчаю?

“навіщо я вивчаю?”

“чого прагну досягти”

«що необхідно для цього зробити?»

Конструювання плану вивчення теми; розробка складових плану на заняття)


Now I’d like you to get acquainted with them.

  • a Vocabulary Lab will give you an opportunity to memorize some new words and word combinations on the subject of today`s lesson;
  • The second Lab is a Creative Lab where you can express all your imagination and fantasy, express your wide outlook and personal tastes;
  • a Reading Lab will expand your knowledge and outlook on the subject of today`s lesson and develop your skills in reading and translating English material of quite a high level.
  • a Grammar Lab will help you to practice some grammar structures and revise the material learnt before;
















As you can see the work in these Labs will help you to analyze your achievements in different fields of studying English and will help you to see the results of your individual work, your strong and weak points.

So, as you know, our today’s lesson will be devoted to the topic, which is usually quite interesting to students. Today we`ll speak about famous people of Great Britain. But before we start, let`s revise what we have already learnt about this wonderful country and let`s show our guests our wide outlook.


(association method)





















 (Brain-storming about GB)


Thank you very much. It was not bad. You know a lot and today we`ll do our best to find out more.

The subject of today`s lesson was not a secret for you, because your home task was to prepare some computer presentations about those famous people who are closely related to your interests. It was up to you which scope to choose.

Every nation has its Heroes. So do the British people. They have people who are known all over the world for their achievements in sport, literature, science and other spheres. You were to tell us about them.  But before you start, let`s visit our Vocabulary Lab and learn or revise some topical vocabulary.


New Vocabulary  & Word-Formation

Famous People

  1. fame, famous; to be famous for – відомість, слава, славнозвістність; відомий; бути відомим чимоcь
  2. outstanding  - видатний
  3. award, awarded,  - присуджувати нагороду, премія, нагорода
  4. reward, rewarded  - винагородити за щось, винагорода (часто грошова)
  5. pay a reward — давати винагороду, винагороджувати
  6. honour, in honour – честь, на честь
  7. research, researcher – наукове дослідження, дослідник
  8. invent, inventor, invention, invented, inventing, who invented, having inventedвинаходити
  9. discover, discovery  - відкривати, відкриття
  10. develop, developmentрозвивати, розвиток
  11. science ['saɪəns], to make progress in science, scientist - наука
  12. create – творити, створювати
  13. quotation – цитата
  14. idiom – ідіома (a state expression)

Now your task is to make your own sentences with 3 of the words proposed.

I hope these words will help you to form your expressions on the topic.

And now it`s time to see what you prepared at home. Welcome to our Creative Lab. Who wants to be the first to visit it?

  1. The Royal family
  2. Actors
  3. Politicians
  4. Sport
  5. Scientists
  6. Artists
  7. Musicians
  8. Writers














(asking questions\correcting mistakes)
























Thank you, ladies, for your interesting presentations…and now let`s check if all of you were attentive or if your visual memory is OK.

  (The Game “Guess Who”)














You are to exchange your papers and be ready to check. Look at the correct answers. Who has the largest number of correct answers?

Well, not bad … is the quick winner of today`s contest.

It`s a pity, but we have only mentioned some outstanding Britons.   You should understand that it`s impossible even to mention all of them, because as it has already been told us more than 80 British people were awarded the Nobel Prize! It is more than any other nation in the world except of the United States. We have spoken only about some of them. If you are interested in details, you may find the brief information about many of them in the Internet.

And now it`s time to go to our third Lab – A reading one.

And now let`s practice your translating skills. I`ve been choosing the material to read for a long time and finally I decided not to give you texts about any of the famous people because it`s impossible to decide who is worthy to be chosen.

So I`ve brought you some famous quotations by British writers and I`ve decided to suggest you translating them into Ukrainian or Russian if it is easier for you.  So do your best to translate them in appropriate way. Don`t forget that a real translator or interpreter never translates word by word. He expresses the idea. I hope that English will be your future profession even more than the profession of a primary school teacher, so let`s practice.

  1. “To be or not to be, that is the question”.(Hamlet)
  2. “The beginning of the end”.
  3. “All is well that ends well”.  (a comedy by Shakespeare)
  4. “Life is not all cakes and ale”. – Життя прожити – не поле перейти.
  5. “Brevity is the soul of wit”. – Стислість сестра таланту. Краткость сестра таланта (from Shakespeare's Hamlet (II. ii. 90))
  6. “Much ado about nothing”.(a comedy By Shakespeare) – багато шуму із нічого
  7. “All the world’s a stage and all the men and women are merely (лише) players”. (Hamlet) – увесь світ – театр, а люди в ньому актори
  8. Sweets to the sweet - прекрасное - прекрасной [шекспировское выражение] Hamlet: "What, the fair Ophelia?" Queen: "Sweets to the sweet: farewell!" (Scattering flowers.) (W. Shakespeare, ‘Hamlet’ act V, sc. 1) — Гамлет: "То есть как: Офелия?!" Королева (разбрасывая цветы): "Нежнейшее - нежнейшей. Спи с миром!" (перевод Б. Пастернака)
  9. Love is blind
  10. Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.
  11. Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.


And now some more difficult quotations

Oscar Wilde’s aphorisms and paradoxes

  1. There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.
  2. Experience is the name everyone gives to his mistakes.
  3. The best way to make the children good, is to make them happy.
  4. Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.
  5. Whenever people agree with me, I always feel I must be wrong.
  6. To get into the best society, nowadays, one has either to feed people, amuse people, or shock people — that is all!
  7. ...I like talking to a brick wall — it’s the only thing in the world that never contradicts me!
  8. It is always worth asking a question, though it is not always worth answering one...


Time is limited! You have only 5 minutes to present your ideas!

Now you see that it is not an easy task to be a translator. Being a translator, you must not only know the language but feel it.

And my watch tells me that it`s time to go to our Grammar Lab.








Today we`ll revise the material connected with the Complex Object. I have already explained you this material. I did it last year. So we are only to revise it and of course, improve.

(revising\explaining the material)

  1. What is Complex Object?
  • Я хочу яблуко
  • Я хочу читати
  • Я хочу, щоб ти знав це
  • Я хочу написати листа
  • Я хочу пити
  • Я хочу, щоб ви добре знали цю тему
  • Я чув, як вона співає
  • Я чув, як вони сваряться
  • Я чув, що він дуже розумний
  • Я чув, що він живе поблизу.
  1. How many groups of formation are there in this rule?
  2. Which group does the sentence belong to?
  • Я відчув як хтось торкнувся мого плеча
  • Я хочу, щоб ви допомогли мені
  • Не примушуйте мене робити це
  • Він спостерігав, як діти грались у дворі
  • Я радий, що ви прийшли
  • Нехай він сходить до магазину
  • Ми не сподівались, що він приїде
  1. What Infinitive should be used for translation? (cards)
  • Я радий, що бачу вас
  • Я радий, що побачив вас
  • Я радий, що вас навідують ваші друзі
  • Я радий, що ви тут
  • Я радий, що вичекаєте на мене
  • Я радий, що ви чекаєте на мене уже 20 хвилин
  • Я радий, що його запросили
  • Я радий, що від ваш знайомий

5. Let`s translate.

Згода чи незгода із зазначеними положеннями інших учасників обговорення. Взаємооцінювання.

Здійснення рефлексії (зупинка предметної діяльності студентів, аналіз викладачем змісту знань, якими володіють студенти; відтворення послідовності виконання дій, її характеристику; формулювання висновків; усвідомлення ситуації досягнення мети; переживання ситуації успіху; аналіз відповідей не тільки з позицій правильності, а й з урахуванням того як міркував студент; підкріплення позитивної мотивації.)

And now it`s time to fill in our skills portfolio blanks. Take your time and write what you have learnt today. Fill in the blanks of the PORTFOLIO CARD!







Thank you for the lesson. You really worked very well and succeeded. Your marks are excellent.


1. Learn the topical words of the lesson by heart.

2. Make a list of questions to one of the outstanding persons of GB who you would like to interview.

3.Make your own sentences with Complex Object on the topic of British art.

4. Write a review on the book by any British writer you like or on any film with British actors starring. (according to the sample and plan )

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14 серпня 2019
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