Ukrainian Fairy Tales
Активізація навичок аудіювання
та читання
(5 – А form)
Підготувала та провела:
вчитель англійської мови
Ясюченя Наталія Миколаївна
Theme: Ukrainian Fairy Tales. Активізація навичок аудіювання та читання. Розвиток навичок говоріння.
Objectives: ознайомити із особливостями українських казок;
активізувати навички аудіювання та читання;
виховувати позитивне ставлення до казок;
розвивати увагу та творчі здібності учнів;
узагальнити знання учнів про Україну та українські казки;
розвивати навички говоріння та логічної побудови думки;
повторити прикметники, що описують риси характеру;
розвивати вміння співпрацювати у групах та парах;
Resourses used: a CD, , pictures of Ukrainian fairy tales, a story with missing information, a white poster, cards with adjectives, a cartoon story, coloured pencils.
Good day, dear children! I hope it’s a good day for you! Let’s sing to prove it!
“Two fat gentlemen – how do you do”
UKRAINE ( brainstorming game ) what is Ukraine for you?
+ Drawing in a poster
You are right our Ukraine has a lot of amazing things to do and to see. Ukraine is our motherland and your homework was to make up a poem about Ukraine.
Thank you a lot . I’d like to stop your eyes on Ukrainian tales because THEY ARE FULL OF HUMOR, LOVE OF NATURE AND OF NATIVE LAND.
Pre-listening task
Look at the pictures on the blackboard and say which Ukrainian fairy tales are shown. Remember – they are not all Ukrainians!
e.g. Ivasyk-Telesyk, Little Round Bun, Kotygoroshko…Cinderella, Red Riding Hood.
1.2 Listen and match the Ukrainian and English titles of fairy tales.
1 Kotygoroshko - C (Thisledown)
2 Rukavychka - D( The Fly’s Castle)
3 Koza-Dereza - B(The Billy Goat Gruff)
4 Tsarivna-Zhaba - A(The Frog Princess)
While – reading task
Let’s divide into two groups. Each group will have their own story, but some information is lost. Read please and fill in the missing words. Then we will read correctly.
Part I
Ukrainian fairy tales are as old as the . For centuries, people have been gathering stories and integrating into them life experience, dreams, facts and . They told tales to their to teach them how to be good.
Many popular tales are about . Rukavychka – The Fly’s Castle – is about seven animals , from a mouse to a bear, who make their home inside a lost and become friends.
In the story Koza – Dereza, the main character is a Billy Goat Gruff who tells lies and is punished for that.
Part II.
Other fairy tales deal with . Their good characters fight against the evil once. Kotygoroshko – Thistledown – saves his older from the dragon’s dungeon.
The story Tsarivna –Zhaba in which Prince Ivan marries a and helps her to become a beautiful , is also famous.
Some tales are about everyday life. All Ukrainian tales are full of humour, love of nature and of our . There is something for everyone in them.
There is a box with the names of fairy tales – look through the text again , work in pairs and write out at least two adj used to describe the main characters. Some of them are odd.
1 Kotygoroshko - brave, strong, wise
2 Rukavychka - friendly, generous
Why? Retell in one sentence about these tales.
Now let’s try to make up your own fairy tale . Use the key words below –
Once upon a time
A princess
Watch the mime Ukrainian tale – then tell what it is about.
2. Домашнє завдання: to write the end of fairy tale you’ve watched