Урок на тему " Улюблений шкільний предмет"

Про матеріал
Lesson Plan. Form 5 Date_________________________________ Тема: « My favourite subject” ______________________________________________________________________ Мета: закріпити новий лексичний матеріал, формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць, удосконалювати компетенції читання, письма й усного монологічного мовлення. Розвивати навички творчості та самостійної роботи; спонукати до спiлкування iноземною мовою. Розвивати лiнгвiстичнi навички учнів. Виховувати пiзнавальну активнiсть учнiв, культуру мислення, активну життєву позицiю. Обладнання:підручник,зошити, роздатковий матеріал. Хід уроку. І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення. 1.Organizational arrangements: T: Good morning, dear boys and girls. Nice to meet you. P: Good morning, dear teacher. Nice to meet you,too. 2. Warm-up: T: I’m sure that you are full of energy and ready for the lesson? Let’s start our lesson. And now read the rules of our lessons : 1.Kindness 2.Don’t interrupt 3. Be active 4. Be confident 5. Be honest Now and here We speak English here. Repeat all together after me: I am pupil. We are good pupils. We are talented pupils. We are interesting pupils. We are happy and funny pupils. We are clever pupils. T: First of all look at the blackboard and we must pronounce some sounds. I’ll read and you should repeat after me together. II. Основна частина уроку. 1.Check on homework 2.Aims Today we are going to speak about favourite subjects and learn a new words. Look a our tree of aims. We must: - write, read, speak at the lesson - repeat school subject - work together at the lesson - tell about favourite subject (Додаток 1) 3. Presenting vocabulary T: Children, look at the screen and repeat the names of the shools subjects (presentation.) I’ll show you some objects and you’ll say on what lesson we need them. A globe ( Geography),A pencils ( Art),A guitar ( Music),A dictionary ( English) A ball ( P. E.),A triangle ( Math),A microscope ( Biology),A flower ( Handicraft) A flag of Ukraine ( History Ukraine) 2.Speaking: 1)Now answer my question When do you go to school?Do you go to school on Saturday?When have you got History?When have you got English?What is your first lesson on Tuesday? What is your fifth lesson on Wednesday? Match the proverbs with their translations. One is odd out.( Додаток 2) 2. Listening and reading 1) Listen and read the text My favourite subject My name is John, I am a pupil of the 5 th form. We learn a lot of different subjects at school. They are: Mathematics, Biology, Literature, English, History, Geography and many others. I know that all subjects are important and I must study them attentively but there are some subjects I don’t like. It is difficult for me to study Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics because I don’t always understand them. But I like such subjects as History, Literature and English very much because I like to read books, speak foreign languages and write composition on different topics. English is my favourite subject. I like to read stories and news in English and try to translate them, do a lot of grammar exercises and watch English movies. When I finish school I will go the university and will become a teacher of English. I need to pass my exams with high marks that is why I must know English very well and do my best at school. 2)Now answer the questions on the text. 1. What subjects does John study at school?2. What are his favourite subjects? Why?3. What subjects John doesn’t like? 4. Why it is difficult for John to study Chemistry and Mathematics?5. What books does he like to read?6. Where John will go after school?7. Does he want to be a teacher or a professor?8. Why does John must know English well? Reflection Let’s play game «Shools subject» Clap you hands if the sentences are correct. We count on Music lessons.We sing on Music lessons.We read on Art lessons.We speak English at the English lessons.We write on the drawing lessons.We read at Ukrainian literature lessons. 3.You have two letters on your desks: T – true, F – false. I’ll say a sentence and you should raise the letter T – if the sentence is true and F – if the sentence is false You have got Biology on Monday and Sunday. You have got Music on Tuesday. You have got History on Tuesday and Friday You have got informatics on Friday. I like to read books by English writers. I am fond of Ukrainian. I hope to use English in my future job. I don’t like project work very much. ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку. 1.Homework 2.Summarizing Read the sentences and guess what lesson is described. (Вчитель зачитує речення, а учні вгадують, про який предмет іде мова.) 1. You use calculators to do the tasks at this lesson (Math). 2. Before this lesson you warm up and then run and jump in the gum (Physical Training). 3. You learn a lot of facts about different countries (Geography). 4. At this lesson you learn about kings and queens (History). 5. You draw portraits and make different things during this lesson (Art). And now answer the main question: «What is your favourite subject? Why?». Thank you for the lesson. Your marks…Good bye. See you soon
Перегляд файлу

Lesson Plan.   Form 5     Date_________________________________

Тема: « My favourite subject”


Мета: закріпити новий лексичний матеріал, формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць, удосконалювати компетенції читання, письма й усного монологічного мовлення. Розвивати навички творчості та самостійної роботи;  спонукати до спiлкування iноземною мовою. Розвивати лiнгвiстичнi навички учнів. Виховувати пiзнавальну активнiсть учнiв, культуру мислення, активну життєву позицiю.

Обладнання:підручник,зошити, роздатковий матеріал.

Хід уроку.

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1.Organizational arrangements:

T: Good morning, dear boys and girls. Nice to meet you.

P: Good morning, dear teacher. Nice to meet you,too.

2. Warm-up:                                

T: I’m sure that you are full of energy and ready for the lesson? Let’s  start our lesson.

And now read the rules of our lessons :


2.Don’t interrupt

3. Be active

4. Be confident

5. Be honest

Now and here

We speak English here.

Repeat all together after me:

I am pupil.

We are good pupils.

We are talented pupils.

We are interesting pupils.

We are happy and funny pupils.

We are clever pupils.

T: First of all look at the blackboard and we must pronounce some sounds. I’ll read and you should repeat after me together.

II. Основна частина уроку.

1.Check on homework


Today we are going to speak about  favourite subjects and learn a new words. Look a our tree of aims. We must:

- write, read, speak at the lesson

- repeat school subject

- work together at the lesson

- tell about favourite subject

(Додаток 1)

3. Presenting vocabulary

T: Children, look at the screen and repeat the names of the shools subjects (presentation.)

I’ll  show you some objects and you’ll say on what lesson we need them.

A globe ( Geography),A pencils ( Art),A guitar ( Music),A dictionary ( English)

A ball ( P. E.),A triangle ( Math),A microscope ( Biology),A flower ( Handicraft)

A flag of Ukraine ( History Ukraine)

2.Speaking: 1)Now answer my question

When do you go to school?Do you go to school on Saturday?When have you got History?When have you got English?What is your first lesson on Tuesday?

What is your fifth lesson on Wednesday? Match the proverbs with their translations. One is odd out.( Додаток 2)

2. Listening and reading

1) Listen and read  the text

My favourite subject

My name is John, I am a pupil of the 5 th form. We learn a lot of different subjects  at school. They are: Mathematics, Biology, Literature, English, History, Geography and many others. I know that all subjects are important and I must study them attentively but there are some subjects I don’t like. It is difficult for me to study Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics because I don’t always understand them. But I like such subjects as History, Literature and English very much because I like to read books, speak foreign languages and write composition on different topics. English is my favourite subject. I like to read stories and news in English and try to translate them, do a lot of grammar exercises and watch English movies. When I finish school I will go the university and will become a teacher of English. I need to pass my exams with high marks that is why I must know English very well and do my best at school.

2)Now answer the questions on the text.

1. What subjects does John study at school?2. What are his favourite subjects? Why?3. What subjects John doesn’t like? 4.              Why it is difficult for John to study Chemistry and Mathematics?5.              What books does he like to read?6.              Where John will go after school?7.              Does he want to be a teacher or a professor?8.              Why does John must know English well?


Let’s play game «Shools subject»

Clap you hands if the sentences are correct.

We count on Music lessons.We sing on Music lessons.We read on Art lessons.We speak English at the English lessons.We write on the drawing lessons.We read at Ukrainian literature lessons.

3.You have two letters on your desks: T – true, F – false. I’ll  say a sentence and you should raise the letter T – if the sentence is true and F – if the sentence is false

You have got Biology on Monday and Sunday.

You have got Music on Tuesday.

You have got History on  Tuesday and Friday

You have got informatics on Friday.

I like to read books by English writers.

I am fond of Ukrainian.

I hope to use English in my future job.

I don’t like project work very much.

ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.



Read the sentences and guess what lesson is described.

(Вчитель зачитує речення, а учні вгадують, про який предмет іде мова.)

1.  You use calculators to do the tasks at this lesson (Math).

2. Before this lesson you warm up and then run and jump in the gum (Physical Training).

3. You learn a lot of facts about different countries (Geography).

4. At this lesson you learn about kings and queens (History).

5. You draw portraits and make different things during this lesson (Art).

And now answer the  main question: «What is your favourite subject? Why?».

Thank you for the lesson. Your marks…Good bye. See you soon









C:\Documents and Settings\USer\Рабочий стол\Tree-256x256.png



He who makes no mistakes makes nothing. 

                                                                                                     Нова мова – новий світ.

A new language – a new world. 

                                                                                                      Краще пізно, ніж ніколи.

He that nothing asks, nothing learns 

                                                                             Не помиляється той, хто нічого не робить.

Better late than never 

                                                                                 Хто нічого не питає, нічого й не знає






Додаток 2



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