УРОК "Nature and weather. All seasons are beautiful"

Про матеріал
Subject: Nature and weather. All seasons are beautiful. Objectives: to master phonetic, speaking, and writing skills; to summarize the knowledge of the topic; to revise grammar material: Past Simple; to develop pupils' ability to work in groups; to develop listening skills; to develop pupils' attention; to develop an interest in learning English.
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The Educational Department of Kyiv Administration











Lesson Plan on the topic:

“Nature and weather.

 All seasons are beautiful”

in the 6th form.





 From the teaching

   Experience of an English

   Teacher of Lyceum

       “Ecology and Culture”

        Secondary School

                                                                                                Vovk Halyna Myhailivna



6 Form

Subject. Nature and weather. All seasons are beautiful.

Objectives: to master phonetic, speaking and writing skills;

to summarize the knowledge of the topic;

to revise grammar material: Past Simple;

to develop pupils' ability to work in groups;

to develop listening skills;

to develop pupils' attention;

to develop the interest to learning English.

Equipment: a blackboard, “happy faces”, “faces”, pictures “4 seasons”, pictures, cards with the irregular verbs and other grammar tasks; Planet of Irregular Verbs.



  1. Introduction.

1. Greeting.

T. Good morning pupils! Nice to see you again at our English lesson. How are you?

P. 1: Fine, thank you.

P. 2: I'm all right.

P. 3: Not bad.

P. 4: Tip-top.

P. 5: So-so.

P. 6: I' m beautiful.

P. 7: I'm wonderful... (додаток 1)



2. Aim.

T. Today we are going to speak, read, write and play games. Our topic today is “Nature and weather. All seasons are beautiful”.

On your desks you have the Sun and the Cloud. This is like a forecast but not the weather one. This is your mood forecast. If you have a good mood, add some sun beams to your sun and if you have a bad mood, add some raindrops to the cloud. I give you a few seconds to do this task. Hurry up, please! Time is up! Show your pictures, please! (додаток 2)

Well, I see that everybody is happy so we can start our lesson. Let's begin! Look at the board and repeat after me following poem:

We are glad to meet again

If it snows, if it rains,

It doesn't matter! (2 times)

Hurry up! Don't be late!

We shall read and then translate,

We shall sing , we shall write,

We shall poems recite.

Look at the presentation. (додаток 3)

T. We've got a magic box with “happy faces”. Now take your “faces” and if you feel well, great – draw a smile; if you feel neither well nor bad, draw a face without smile; and if you are sad and unhappy, draw a sad face. Now show me your faces, please! Now look at the presentation. Song “Smile”(додаток 4)

3. Warm-up.

T. Let's speak about weather and nature.

What day is it today?

What season is it now?

What are spring months?

What are summer, autumn, winter months?

What is the weather like today?

Do you like today's weather?

Is it sunny day today?

Is the snow thawing?

Is it foggy today?

Is it windy today?

What colour is the sky?

Can you see green leaves in the trees?

T. Well, children I'm going to ask you some more questions about weather and If you like such weather, show happy faces, If you don't show sad faces. And so...

Do you like sunny weather?

Do you like cloudy days?

Do you like windy weather?

Do you like rainy days? (додаток 5)

T. If we don't like rainy weather let's sing songs “Rain, rain go away”.

 (додаток 6)

T. Now catch a ball and translate my sentences.

e.g. Подивись, листя падає.

Ночі стають холодніші.

Подивись, сніг починає танути.


ІІ. Main part.


1. Vocabulary Revision.

T. Children, look at the board, please! You can see some pictures and the words there. Match them. Work in teams in chain.


2. Vocabulary Practice.

T. And now we are playing the Game “Clap your hands” if the sentences are true.

1. Winter comes after spring.

2. We can ski, skate and play snowballs in winter.

3. Autumn is the coldest season in a year.

4. Summer is warmer than spring.

5. There are twelve months in a year.

6. February is the shortest month in a year.

7. It often snows in summer.

8. Leaves are yellow in spring.

9. It gets warm in spring.

10. It is sunny today.


3. Reading Practice.

T. The teams have got text about their day-off. Your task is to put pictures instead of words. (додаток 7)


4. Relaxation.

T. Well done, children. It's high time to have a rest. Let's sing our favourite song “If you are happy...”(додаток 8)


5. Listening Practice.

T. Well done, friends. Now listen to the story which happened to me the other days and be ready to answer my questions.(додаток 9)

Now answer my questions.

1. What lesson was it?

2. What did the teacher say about spring, summer, autumn, winter?

3. Did all children listen to the teacher attentively?

4. What did the teacher ask the boy about?

5. What was the boy's answer?


6. Speaking Practice.

T. Let's unite in 4 groups: who likes spring (summer, autumn, winter) sit here.

Tell us why you like that season. The group which manages the task the first will get the extra point.


7. Grammar Practice. Game.

T. Do you remember irregular verbs? Let's visit The Planet of Irregular Verbs. We must find the second forms of the following verbs. Imagine that you are going to a fairy country. Our friend Dunno can't learn these magic words. Let's help our friend to learn these unusual verbs. Now look at the presentation. (дивитись таблиці)

And what about you? You don’t know irregular verbs, do you? Then we want to help you! We found fairy-tale about regular and irregular verbs. We learnt that in English there are many irregular verbs, which have very interesting forms in the Past Tense. We should to learn them! All schoolchildren have been learning these magic verbs from the 4th form and they know themvery well. Let’s listen to this fairy-tale with us and help our friend – Dunno.(додаток 10)


8. Writing Practice.

T. Let's summarize and write a composition about winter.


III. Summing-up.

T. How do you feel now? Show me your “faces”.

Do you like our topic?

Did you like our today's lesson?

What was the most interesting task for you?

Well done, children. You were great today. I'm pleased with you.


IV. Homework.

Your homework are to finish your compositions and retell about your favourite season, write down test 1,2.




5 січня 2021
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