УРОК "Places.Directions" . Англійська мова. 5 клас.

Про матеріал
Розробка уроку " Місця. Напрямки" . Англійська мова. 5 клас. Продовження вивчення теми. В розробці уроку подається диктант- дефініцій, чант по темі "Напрямки та місця", робота по підручнику( слухати та читати діалог, визначати та малювати маршрут). На уроці учні працюють в парах та індивідуально, читають діалог по ролям.
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Form 5                                  Topic: Places. Directions

Outcomes: Students will be able to talk about places and give directions; to draw a route.

  •  to repeat and activate the vocabulary of the topic
  •  to improve speaking skills                                                

Materials and resources: New Challenges 1 Students`  Book, Workbook, Audio CDs,handouts


  1. The beginning of the lesson
  1. Greetings (1-2min)

Good morning,everyone! I`m glad to see you. How are you getting on?

  1. The aim

Today we continue to speak about places and directions.

  1. The main part of the lesson
  1. Warm up (3-5 min)
  • Where do you  usually go in  your free time?

I usually go to …. ( ask each other in turn)

  • What places are there near our school?( using the structure There`s a… There are…)
  1. Vocab repeating. SBp 108. (8-10 min)

2.1.Guessing dictation. Guess and write the place.

  1. A place where sick people receive medical treatment.
  2. A place where people pay to have a room to sleep in, and where they can sometimes eat meals.
  3. The local office of the police.
  4. A place for parking cars.
  5. A place where people keep on or borrow money.
  6. A place where you can buy stamps, sent letters and parcels.
  7. A place with a stage where you can watch plays.
  8. A place with platforms where trains stop passengers to get on or off .
  9. A place where tourists can go to get information.
  10. A large public garden for visiting
  11. A group of shops where you can buy different goods.
  12. A large area with swimming pools and water slides.


  1. Hospital 2. Hotel  3. Police station  4. Car park post office 5. Bank 6. Post office 7. Theatre 8. Railway station 9. Tourists information 10. Park 11. Shopping centre 12. Water park
    1. Worksheet. Directions.(5-7min)
  1. Moving break. Chant (3-4 min)

Police station, post office

Theatre and church (2 times)

Go past and go down

Opposite and cross(2 times)


  1. Reading and Listening. SBp.46 (10-15 min)
    1.  Read and listen to the dialogue. Are the sentences True or False?
    2.  Read in roles.(Jake,Emily,Laura; Emily and Woman)
    3.  Pair work. Practise reading. Section two.
  2. Draw the route. SBp.46. Map of York. (5 min)

Look at the underlined key words in Exercise 3. Draw the woman`s route on  the map. The starting point – Railway Station.

  1. The end of the lesson
  1. Summing up. (2-3 min)

What did we do at the lesson?

Name places /directions as many as you can.

  1. Homework WBp.42







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