Урок "Політична система Великобританії"

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Урок розроблено для студентів 2 курсу гуманітарного коледжу на базі 11 класу.
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План-конспект відкритого уроку на тему

«Політична система Великої Британії»

(ІІ курс шкільний компонент)



Викладач: Качановська Л.П.























План –конспект уроку

Тема уроку: Політична система Великої Британії.

Клас: 11-й (ІІ курс шкільний компонент)


навчальна: 1) сформувати знання з нової лексики за темою  «Політична система Великої Британії»;

                     2) сформувати уміння застосовувати нову лексику з теми заняття;

розвиваюча: 1) розвивати навички усного та діалогічного мовлення;

 2) розвивати вміння працювати з інформацією, брати участь у дискусії, відстоювати  свою точку зору з проблеми;

виховна: 1) розширення знань про політичні системи світу, виховання  толерантного відношення до історії, культури, традицій країни, мова якої вивчається.

Тип уроку: комбінований.

Обладнання: лексика, портрет королеви, фото будівлі парламенту, екран,  мультимедійне устаткування.


Хід уроку

І. Початок уроку. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу. Учні слухають гімн Великобританії.

  1. Повідомлення теми та мети.

T: Good morning boys and girls!

Today we got together to discuss the theme: “British political system and the role  of Queen Elizabeth II and the Parliament.”

Aims and objectives:

  • to introduce and practice vocabulary, grammar;
  • to develop interactive skills based on the country study; to develop logical thinking;
  • to expand students’ knowledge about political system of Great Britain.

T: Our task is to speak about the role of the Queen. Also I want you to extend your knowledge  about the role of the British Parliament, its traditions.Let’s start with anthem.

Thank you. What is anthem?

Sts: It’s a patriotic song.It’s became known as a national anthem from the begining  of the nineteenth century.

Основна частина уроку.

  1. Повторення ЛО теми.

T: So, look at the screen. Our first step is to revise the vocabulary to the topic.








constitutional to appoint

to revise

to examine

to vote

to sign

to pass

to make laws

a bill

to elect

to rule




a house,





2. Мовленнєва розминка.

T: As a speech exercise, I want you to remember: What does the word “democracy” mean?


1 People do what they want within the framework of law.

2 People elect the head of state.

3 People elect their representatives to rule the country.

4 People say what they think.

5 People can live in any place they choose.

6 The head of state guarantees the rights of citizens.

  1. All people and authorities follow the constitution


3. Mind map: “Політична система ВБ”.

T: Yes, that’s right. And now look at the structure of the political system of Great Britain.

(На екрані структура політичної системи Великобританії)

T: What does it consist of?


1. The official head of state is Queen.

2. The British Parliament is an important branch of the political system of Great Britain.

3. I know that Parliament has two houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

4. The majority seats in the House of Commons form the Government with the Prime Minister at the head.

T: Yes, you are right. Well done.

4. Аудіювання.


5. Читання. Текст «The Parliament». 

T: Read the text.

The Parliament

The British Parliament has been in existence since 1215, when King John signed the Magna Carta, and is one of the oldest in the world. Par­liament consists of two chambers, the House of Commons, consisting of members of parliament who are elected, and the House of Lords, consist­ing of unelected peers. The Sovereign, at the moment Queen Elizabeth II, is the third part of the Parliament. The government is officially known as Her Majesty’s Government. The Queen has, in principle, a lot of power over the government, but chooses not to exercise that power. This position has emerged through the ages, though at one time the Sovereign exercised a lot of power over the government, and the country.

In principle, the “Crown in Parliament” is supreme. This means that legislation passed by Parliament, which consists of the House of Commons (elected directly by the people) and the House of Lords (made up of hereditary peers and appointive members—archbishops, senior bishops, law lords, and life peers) becomes law upon royal assent. In practice, legislation is dominated by the prime minister and the cabi­net, who initiate virtually all proposed bills and who are politically re­sponsible for the administration of the law and the affairs of the na­tion. Fiscal legislation is always initiated in the House of Commons. Since the Parliament Act of 1911, the House of Lords has been unable to block fiscal legislation. By the terms of the Parliament Act of 1949, the Lords may not disapprove other bills if they have been passed by two successive annual sessions of the Commons. The power of the Crown to veto legislation has not been exercised in over 280 years.


 Agree or disagree with the statements. Expound the point of view given in the statement or prove that it is false.

1. The British Parliament is one of the oldest in the world.

2. King Edward VIII signed the Magna Carta.

3. Parliament consists of three chambers.

4. The House of Commons consists of unelected peers.

5. The members of the House of Commons are elected.

6. The Sovereign is a part of the Parliament.

7. The Queen has no real power.

8. Legislation becomes law without royal assent.

9. The Sovereign is politically responsible for the administration of the law and the affairs of the nation.

10. Fiscal legislation is always initiated in the House of Lords.

11. The Commons may not disapprove other bills if they have been passed by two successive annual sessions of the Lords.

12. The power of the Crown to veto legislation has not been exercised in over 280 years.


1 T; 2 F; 3 F; 4 F; 5 T; 6 T; 7 T; 8 F; 9 F; 10 F; 11 F; 12 T.


Keys: 1 c; 2 f; 3 a; 4 d; 5 e; 6 b.

6.  Обговорення ролі парламенту в політичній системі ВБ.


T: Now, it’s time to discuss the role of the Parliament in the political system of Great Britain.

How many chambers are there in the Parliament?

Sts: There are two chambers: the House of Commons and the House of Lords.


T: Parliament has real power in the political system of Great Britain. British Parliament is often called “The mother of all Parliaments.” What branch of power does the Parliament represent?

St: Parliament represents the legislative branch of power.


T: What can you say about the House of Commons and the House of Lords?


1The House of Commons controls the Government, makes laws. The Commons have much more real power.

2The House of Lords examines and revises bills and can delay bills for one year.


Teacher: That’s all right. But do you know where the Parliament works?

Sts: Yes, I know. The Parliament works in the Palace of Westminster on the bank of the river Thames.


Teacher: What is the other name of it?

Students: It is called the Houses of Parliament.


Teacher: What shows that the Parliaments` sittings began?

Sts:The face of Big Ben is lighting.


T: What national tradition is there in the hall of the House of Lords?

Sts: I know that near the throne of Lord Chancellor stands the Woolsack

(On the screen  the word “Woolsack”)

T: Yes, of course. The Woolsack symbolizes the wealth of Great Britain.


7. WRITING. Складання речень .

T: Make up sentences to read the information about the British Constitution.

1. constitution / The / of / the / Kingdom / United / is / governed / the / laws / set / of / principles / and / under / the / which / United / Kingdom / is

2. constitutions / Unlike / the / countries, / of / most / it / not / other / out / any / is / single / in / document / set

3. is / Instead / it / made / of / statute / up / law / conventions / common / and / law

4. The / can / Parliament / be / alter / constitution / Act / change / by / of / or / general / agreement / convention. / by / to / a



1.The constitution of the United Kingdom is the set of laws and principles under which the United Kingdom is governed. 2.Unlike the constitutions of most other countries, it is not set out in any single document. 3.Instead it is made up of statute law, common law and con­ventions.4. The constitution can be change by Act of Parliament, or by general agreement to alter a convention.


8.Дискусія на тему: «Королева Великої Британії Елізабет ІІ».

T: And now we’ll speak more about the Queen Elizabeth II. I’ll give you some more historical facts about this splendid woman and you’ll add.

( The portrait of the Queen on the screen)

T: The Queen Elizabeth II`s full name is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor, she was born on the 21st of April 1926 in London, England. She never went to school and was taught by home tutors.

Do you know what subjects was she taught?


1. I know that she was taught usual subjects as English, Literature, History, Geography and others.

2. Besides she learned basis of economy, law and constitutional right.

3. Queen knows French freely. Also she took the lessons of horse-racing, dancing and music.

4. The important fact in her life is that she was crowned in Westminster Abbey in June 1953.

5. I know that Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her birthday twice in April and in June.

T: Well done! You see, she is a very modest and simple woman and on her birthdays Queen always invites people who was born on the 26th of April 1926. In 2006 the Queen celebrated her 80th birthday. What else can you add?


1/ The Queen lives in a beautiful Buckingham Palace, the official residence of the Queen.

2/ The Queen likes to travel very much. She and her husband were all over the world.

T: Today the Queen is not only the head of the state but also an important symbol of the national  unity.

She has a legislative power a little, a part of executive one. She signs bills, gives speeches which are written by ministers. In practice the Queen Elizabeth II has no actual power: they say, the monarch reigns but doesn’t rule.

So, your conclusion.

Sts: The Queen Elizabeth is very popular respected all over the world. She is one of the richest person. But in fact her role is ceremonial.

T: People of the UK love their Queen and not without reason their English anthem begins with the words” God save the Queen”


ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.

  1. Повідомлення домашнього завдання.

Read the text, complete the sentences and retell the text.



British Institutions

Parliament is the most important authority in Britain. Parlia­ment first met in the 13th century. Britain does not have a written constitution, but a set of laws.

In 1689 Mary II and William III became the first constitutional monarchs. They could rule only with the support of the Parliament. Technically Parliament is made up of three parts: the Monarch, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

The continuity of the English monarchy has been interrupted only once during the Cromwell republic. Succession to the throne is heredi­tary but only for Protestants in the direct line of descent.Formally the monarch has a number of roles. The monarch is ex­pected to be politically neutral, and should not make political deci­sions. Nevertheless, the monarch still performs some important exec­utive and legislative duties including opening and dissolving Parliament, signing bills passed by both Houses and fulfilling interna­tional duties as head of state. The present sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II who was crowned in Westminster Abbey in 1953.

The House of Lords comprises about 1 200 peers. The house is pre­sided over by the Lord Chancellor. The House of Lords has no real pow­er but acts as an advisory council for the House of Commons. As well as having legislative functions, the Lords is the highest court of appeal. The House of Commons consists of Members of Parliament who are elected by the adult suffrage of the British people in general elections which are held at least every five years. The country is divided into 650 constituencies each of which elects one Member of Parliament.

The Commons, therefore, has 650 Members of Parliament. The party which wins the most seats forms the Government and its leader becomes the Prime Minister. The functions of Commons are legisla­tion and security of government activities. The house is presided over by the Speaker. The government party sits on the Speaker’s right while on his left sit the members of the opposition.

1. Parliament is __ .

2. Parliament first met __ .

3. Britain has a set of laws instead of __ .

4. The first constitutional monarchs were __ .

5. Technically Parliament is made up of __ .

6. During the Cromwell republic __ .

7. Succession to the throne is __ .

8. The monarch still performs __ .

9. Queen Elizabeth II who crowned __ .

10. The House of Lords comprises __ .

11. The House of Commons consists of __ .

12. The country is divided into __ .

13. The party which wins the most seats __ .

14. The house is presided over by __ .


  1. Оцінювання.
  2. Підсумки уроку.

T: So, our lesson is coming to the end. We must do the conclusion.

What state is Great Britain?

Who is the head of the UK?

Who has the real power?

What does the Parliament consist of? What is the Cabinet?




Викладач      Качановська Л.П.




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