Урок прес-конференція "Mass Media in Great Britain", 11 клас

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Розробка уроку прес-конференції "Mass Media in Great Britain" розрахована на учнів 11 клас. Даний матеріал передбачає обговорення учнями питання стану розвитку прес індустрії у Великій Британії.

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Урок прес-конференція в 11 класі

«Mass Media in Great Britain»

Мета уроку: активізувати вміння та навички учнів в усному мовленні, аудіюванні,

 розвивати вміння дискутувати, навички творчості та самостійної  роботи.


Хід прес-конференції.

                                        IN FLEET STREET

 by Alexander Mitchell

           Let me introduce myself. I’m Alexander Mitchell. I’m in Fleet Street now. As you know it is one of the most famous highways of London. It is often called the center of the newspaper industry. It was known in the early 13th century as Fleet Bridge Street; its west side was destroyed in the Great Fire of London in 1666. The street was noted for its coffeehouses and taverns and for the famous literary men living and working in it. Outstanding among these were Samuel Johnson, Ben Johnson, John Milton. Among the publications associated with Fleet Street are «Punch», the «Daily News», the «Daily Telegraph», the «Evening Standard». During the 18th and the 19th centuries it became the headquarters of publishers and is still the journalistic street of London. The street and the immediate area are dominated by the offices of daily and provincial newspapers and all their related associations.

Today the conference on mass media is taking place in one of these buildings. It is the Press Centre.

My friends, journalists from different newspapers, radio and TV stations are working there just now.

  • Ann, do you hear me?
  • Yes, Alexander. I’m here. Hi, everybody.

I’m Ann Morgan. I’m in the Press Centre of London, where the conference on different problems of mass media is taking place now. As we known mass media are one of the most characteristic features of modern civilization. People are united in one global community with the help of mass media. People can learn about what is happening in the world very fast using mass media. The mass media include newspaper, magazines, radio and television.

The earliest kind of mass media was newspaper. The first newspaper was Roman handwritten newssheet called «Acta Diurna» started in 59 B. C. Magazines appeared in 1700s. They developed from newspapers and booksellers’ catalogues. Radio and TV appeared only in the 20th century. Here, at the conference, you can see representatives of press, radio and television, famous announcers, psychologists, sociologists, and a great number of correspondents. The conference has just begun and I want you to listen to the debates there.

Sindy Brown, the director of BBC 1.

James Coldwell, the director of BBC 4.

Nathalie Wood, the director of ITV.

Eliza Robin, the director of Channel 4.

Julia Roberts, an announcer of BBC.

Diana Ross, BBC Radio 1.

Jane Smith, a psychologist.

Nick Presley, a sociologist.

Alex Gordon, the chairman of newspaper companies of Great Britain.

Mary Grey, mass media expert.

Julia Wilson, a film producer.

Lorna Goldsmith, the chairman of the conference.

Jino Canty, Italy. I have a question to Lorna Goldsmith. How can a message be communicated to a mass audience? Thank you.

Lorna Goldsmith. It can be communicated to a mass audience by many means. The oldest media are those of printed word and picture which carry their message through the sense of sight: the weekly and daily newspapers, magazines, books, pamphlets, direct mail circulas and billboards. Radio is the mass communication medium aimed at the sense of sound, where as the television and motion picture appeal both to the visual and auditory sense.

Alexander Malyshev, Russia. What information can people get from different sources of mass media? Thanks.

Alex Gordon. Let me answer this question. The reader turns to his newspaper for news and opinion, entertainment and the advertising it publishes. In the weekly the focus is upon the reader’s own community; in the daily the focus is upon the nation and the world as well. Magazines give him background information, entertainment, opinion, and the advertising; books offer longer range and more detailed examination of subjects as well as entertainment; pamphlets, direct mail pieces, and billboards bring the views of commercial and civic organizations. Films may inform and persuade as well as entertain. Television and radio offer entertainment, news and opinions and advertising messages and can bring direct coverage of public events into the listener’s home.

John Caxton, the USA. In the USA we have many important agencies of communication which are adjuncts of mass media. And what about Great Britain? Do you have them? And what are they?

Mary Grey. Let me answer this question. In Great Britain we have them as well. And they are:

  • the press association which collect and distribute news and pictures to the newspapers, television and radio stations, and news magazines;
  • the advertising agencies which serve their business, clients, on the one hand, and the mass media, on the other;
  • the advertising departments of companies and institutions, which serve in merchandising roles; and the public relations departments, which  serve in information roles;

the public relations counciling firms and publicity organizations, which offer information in behalf of their clients.

     Helen Black, New Zealand. A question to Alex Gordon, please. Who are the communicators that work for and with these mass media?

We think of the core as being the reporters, writers, editors, announcers and commentators for newspapers, news magazines, television and radio, press associations syndicates. But there are many others: news photographers; book and publication editors and creative personnel of all types; public relations practitioners and information writers; film producers and writers; magazine writers and editors and motion pictures also are communicators in a special sense, adding emotional impact to the written script.

        Marina Timchenko, Ukraine. I have a question to Sindy Brown, the director of BBC 1. What can you say about the development of television in Great Britain? And what is BBC 1? Thank you.

         Sindy Brown. As everybody knows television is very popular media in Great Britain. There an ordinary person watches TV programmes during 25 hours per week.

      There are 4 main TV channels in Great Britain: BBC 1, BBC 4, ITV and Channel 4.

       As for BBC 1 it was started in 1936. The cannel show general interest programs, light entertainment, sport current affairs and children’s programs.

       Now I want representatives of other TV channels tell us about them. James Coldwell, BBC.

   James Coldwell. BBC 4 shows special interest programs, programs for national minorities, music, serious drama, travel programs, documentaries and foreign films in the original languages.

   I’m Nathalie Wood, ITV. Our each third program is informative (news, current affair, documentaries) and the rest programs are sport, entertainment and films. Advertisement or ‘ads’ are shown every 15 minutes.

    My name is Eliza Robin. I’m the director of Channel 4. It was started in 1982. the channel shows 15% educational programs. Besides, it demonstrates experimental programs.

     Ann Morgan. I want to ask people in the hall some questions. Excuse me, what is a ‘magazine programme’?

  • How can you describe ‘a wild life program’?
  • What do you know about ‘quiz programme’?
  • What is a sitcom?
  • I’m quite sure that you know that ‘soap opera-play’ means.
  • Video clip is a short film, isn’t it?
  • What is a ‘western’?

Bernard  Ben.

  • What is your attitude towards our mass media, especially towards television? 
  • What is your opinion television?
  • I’m sorry, would you tell us your attitude towards television?
  • Some people say that television mares you its slave. What’s your opinion?
  • What is your attitude towards radio?

Lorna Goldsmith. Now we have some notes to answer. The first one is to our famous announcer Julia Roberts.

    (читає записку) Announcing in television is part of what is called ‘Presentation’, the department which presents programmes. Announcers are necessary because without them television would proceed in a series of disconnected jerks (конвульсії). What is the right personality?

Julia Roberts. What is the right personality? There are several obvious answers. A good appearance is naturally of the first importance. This does not mean good looks alone.

     The first assets (цінні якості)are an attractive face and a reasonably good figure in a woman and, in a man, the ability to hold himself well.

     Next comes intelligence. It includes first, a good understanding of the language, and a very large measure of common sense. You must also have a good memory.

    Then you should have a friendly, likable manner, not over-friendly or with any hint of that detestable chumminess which is the stamp of insincerity.

   And the right kind of voice is important by all means. It must be pleasant, yet have sufficient quiet authority to make the viewer listen to what is being said. You are there as an announcer to convey information and get the viewer to listen to it.

   Lorna Goldsmith. Thanks a lot, Julia. One more note. It’s to Eliza Robin, the director of Channel 4.

(Читає записку) In Great Britain there are 8 main radio stations, aren’t they? What are they?

 Liana Ross. You are quite right. There 8.

BBC Radio 1 is very popular with young listeners. It’s Britain’s main pop and rock station.

 BBC 2 is popular with middle-aged listeners because it broadcasts a broad range of popular music and light entertainment.

 BBC 3 broadcasts mainly classical music, poetry, drama, short stories, news and cricket.

 BBC 4 broadcasts news, drama, comedy, current affairs, documentaries and parliamentary debates live.

 BBC 5 is a station for sport and education programs.

 BBC World Service broadcasts world-wide (including Ukraine). It uses English and 35 other languages. English lessons are broadcasted daily with explanations in 25 languages.

  Capital Radio broadcasts pop, rock, jazz, information on London transport and events.

     Lorna Goldsmith. I have a note with the request to describe press in our country.

  I should say that the British read more newspapers that any other people in the western world. More than 30 million copies of newspapers are printed in the country every day. There are periodicals on every choice: general interest, special interest, business.

  As for the articles, there are 2 main types of British newspapers: ‘quality’ and ‘popular’ papers. Quality papers publish serious, long, informative articles, few photos, national and international news, comments. They are the “Guardian”, the “Daily Telegraph”, the “Independent”, “Observer”, Sundy Times”, the  “Sundy Telegraph”.

   Nick Presley. A great number of people were asked to express their attitude towards mass media in our country and especially towards television, because television is one of the most important means of communication. It brings moving pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of homes.

 By the way, the name “television” comes from Greek word meaning “far” and Latin word meaning “to see”, so the word “television” means “to see far”.

     Lorna Goldsmith. Now, we have discussed all the questions. There are a great number of problems to solve. And soon it will be done. But now, ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to thank you for the participation in our conference.

   And I wish you love, happiness and success. Be lucky! Our conference is over. See you soon. Good bye.


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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
20 березня 2018
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