Урок "The description of pictures "

Про матеріал

Урок розроблений до підручника 11 класу О.Карпюк.

Тема "The description of pictures ".

Мета: навчити дітей описувати картину за зразком, вміти висловлювати свою власну думку після прочитування незнайомого текста. До розробки уроку додається презентація, зразок опису картини, текст.

Перегляд файлу

Main aims: to practice students in the description of pictures “Girl with peaches” by Valentin Serov/  Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, improve reading, writing, speaking skills.

Teaching materials computer, O.Karpiuk “English 11”.

I. Getting ready for the lesson.

1. Greeting, setting arms.

Good morning, dear children. Let’s start our lesson. Look at the screen. We continue to learn about art.                                                                       (slide 1)

What do you think are we going to do today? Today we’re going on talking about museums. At the lesson we are to practice in the description of the pictures.

2. Warm up.

We begin our lesson from lexical drill us usual. Pupils read and translate the vocabulary from the lesson by chain, from English into Russian, from Russian into English

II. Main part.

1. Reading.

Let’s join in 2 groups. You have 2 parts of one text. One of the part is about positive things of the museum. The other part is about negative things. You all read it and exchange the ideas. After reading let’s answer the questions.

What kinds of art can you see in the museums?

What can museums influence on us?

What negative things about museums do you learn?

Do you like to go to the museums? Why?

2. Project work.

Look at these beautiful pictures. Our task is to describe them. You can use this text as an example.                                                                                  (slide 11, 12, 13)

III. Summing up.

Please, tell me how new things have you learnt today? What was interesting to you?

We’ve worked hard. Your marks are … .

Your home task is … .

The lesson is over.





26 березня 2018
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