Конспект уроку з англійської мови на тему:"Story Time.Зустрічай мою сім'ю.Робота з Лепбуком",презентація,додатки до уроку містять всі необхідне для проведення уроку і роботи з лепбуком.
План- конспект уроку для 2-го класу за підручником О. Карп’юк
Тема: Story Time.Зустрічай мою сім’ю.
Підтема: Тепер ти можеш….
Objectives: Students will be able to:
-greet people;
-meet people;
-review language of the unit in games and craft work;
-reflect on Ps’ learning recycled language: family members, English names, classroom instructions, asking and answering questions about friends and family members, family presentations
MP, PB, PB Audio, AB, big white sheets of paper(A3), pencils of different colors
By the end of the lesson pupils will be able
-to understand the language of the unit and respond to questions and instructions;
to use the vocabulary and structures of the unit in games;
-to collect our tasks, games into our Lapbook;
- to draw and present their family trees.
Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, картки для роботи в парах , картки для самостійної роботи, фотографії чи малюнки родин учнів, м’яч, плакат з зображенням сім’ї.
Тип уроку: Узагальнення навчальних досягнень з теми
І. Початок уроку
1. Привітання та повідомлення теми та мети уроку
One! Two!Three !(діти стають в кружок і співають)
Children sing a song ’Hello!’
Ps: Good morning, teacher!
2.T: Sit down, please. Glad to see you! Today we are having an unusual lesson . Many guests are visiting us. Dear guests, we are glad to welcome to our English lesson. Today we have our final lesson on the topic “ Meet our family” and we will make a LAPBOOK . It’s a book where we collect all our games .During our lesson(на дошці смайлик читає,пише ,розмовляє…) (Додаток1)we’ll act the dialogue, play games, read and write. We revise the songs and the poems which we’ve learnt. Every task will be a game. .Let’s start our lesson.
3.Duty’s report
-What day is it?
-What season is it?
-What month is it ?
_What’s the weather like today?(Дитина підходить і вибирає день тижня,пору року,погоду,місяць і вішає на хмаринку.) (Додаток2)
4 . Мовленнєва зарядка.
T: Our second task is “Meeting”. I’ ll give you a ball and ask a question and your task is to answer it.
T: Hello, Kate! How are you?
P1: Hello! I’m fine, thank you.
T: What is your name?
P2: My name is Ann.
T: How old are you ?
P3: I’m 8.
T: Are you Ihor?
P4: No , I’m not
The game with the hands ( Find the partner.)(Додаток3)
Put the game into the pocket on our Lapbook.
5.Фонетична зарядка.
1.T:Our first task is to read the poem about family.Repeat after me.
A poem“I’ve got the family”. (Додаток4)
II. Основна частина уроку
1.Who knows another poems about the family.
I begin the poem or a song which we’ve learnt your task is to finish.
T:1. “ Mother, father …”
P 1: Mother, father ,
Sister, brother
Hand in hand
With one another
T: 2. “I’m a parrot … ”
P 2: I’m a parrot
My name is Fly
I can say :
“Good morning!” and “Good bye!”
T : 3. “How old are you?... ”
P3: How old are you?
How old are you ?
Now tell me, please,
How old are you ?
I am eight.
I am eight.
I am eight.
That’s my age.
T: 4. “ Meet my grandfather…”
P4: Meet my grandfather.
Meet my grandmother
Meet pa and ma
And my baby brother
T: 5. “Grandfather and grandmother…”
P5: Grandfather and grandmother, I love my father Ben.
My father and your father, I love my uncle Dan.
My mother and your mother, I love my granny Emily,
My sister and your brother. I love my dear family!
T: 7. “One candle…”
P7: One candle,
Two candles,
Three candles,
Five candles
Six candles,
Seven candles
Діти прив’язують кульки з віршами до лепбука.(Додаток5)
2.Розвиток навичок читання
Play the game ‘The best reader’-you have to find 2 cards and read them.
Put the poems into the pocket on our Lapbook. (Додаток6)
T: Now let’s relax a little. Stand up and be active!
(The song ‘One little finger..’
3.Повторення лексичного матеріалу
T: Let’s revise our words and paste them onto our family tree in our Lapbook.
( mother, father, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother.)
(вчитель показує картинку ,а дитина бере підпис англійською.)
I’ll show you the picture,take the words and put them onto our Family tree.
Put the cards into the pocket on our Lapbook(Додаток7)
4.Розвиток навичок письма.
T:Some of you have to unscramble the letters,write the wods.
Other children have to write the first letter in the word.
Put the cards into the pocket on our Lapbook(Додаток8)
5. Розвиток умінь мовлення.
1.T: Our next game “ Speak to you friend”. Our children have to make up the dialogues.
P1: Hello!
P 2: Hello! What’s your name?
P1: My name is …. And you?
P2: My name is …. How old are you?
P1: I’m 7. How old are you?
P2: I’m 7 too. How are you?
P1: I’m OK. And you?
P2: I’m fine. Nice to see you.
P1: Nice to see you too. Bye.
P2: Good-bye.
Put the cards into the pocket on our Lapbook(Додаток9)
6.T:Take your Family hands and sing a song ‘Family finger’
Put the hands into the pocket on our Lapbook(Додаток10)
7. Project “My family”
T: Our children made projects “My family”, some of them drew pictures, and some of them took photos of their families. Now present your family, tell us about your family. Hang your projects onto our wall. Ваші окремі лебпуки будуть частиною одного великого під назвою ‘Our family 2-A’(Додаток11)
III. Заключна частина.
You can do your lapbook at home
Now we can (показати на смайлики на дощці)
-understand the language of the unit and respond to questions and instructions;
- use the vocabulary and structures of the unit in games;
-draw and present their family trees.
- greet people;
-meet people;
-review language of the unit in games and craft work;
-reflect on Ps’ learning recycled language:family members, English names, classroom instructions, asking and answering questions about friends and family members, family presentations
Now we have one big LAPBOOK.You may take it and play our games when you want.
T: The lesson is over. Goodbye, children!
P: Goodbye, teacher!