" Professions and Jobs"(Form 11)
Мета: активізувати JIO у мові учнів, розвивати усне мовлення учнів, уміння орієнтуватися в комунікативних ситуаціях, розвивати навички аудіювання, мовну здогадку, вміння висловлювати свою думку, розширити знання учнів про професії, допомогти сформувати чітке уявлення про правильний підхід до вибору професії, виховувати ввічливість у стосунках з людьми, повагу до людей різних професій, прищеплювати любов до праці.
Objective: to develop thinking abilities, to encourage student's creative skills, to practice skills to work in groups, to develop communicative approach in speaking, to expand students' vocabulary.
Обладнання: прислів'я, відео, плакати, роздавальний матеріал. Тип уроку: систематизація та узагальнення знань.
І. Greetings.
Teacher: Hello, dear friends! First of all How are you? How do you feel today? Are you ready to work very hard at our lesson (учні показують смайлики).
You are the pupils of the 11th form and soon you '11 have to make up your mind and to decide what you are going to be in future. That's why this school year is very important for you. I believe you '11 try to do your best to obtain good marks and choose the most necessary and useful job. It is not easy thing to choose a profession or a trade out of more than 2,000 existing in the world. Most of them are necessary and useful. Our independent state needs qualified specialists. But in choosing a profession there are some important things to remember: you must think whether you are interested in it; you must realize that, when choosing a trade or profession, not only one's wishes and knowledge as well. As you know success comes to those who are prepared to achieve it. Let us hope that you will make the right choice and do your best to be good specialists, no matter in what sphere you will. First of all pay your attention to the proverbs on the blackboard. Read and try to find their Ukrainian equivalents.
-Business before pleasure.
-Jack of all trades is master of none.
-The hardest work is to do nothing.
-Doing is better than saying.
T. You see that you are divided into four groups. You were given a task to investigate what profession is popupar in the eleven-formers at our school. I think you have chosen a leader of your group and you would work very hard and help each other because you put marks using this table.
Names of the |
Leader of |
Knowledge |
activity |
creativity |
presentation |
General |
participations of |
group |
of English |
amount |
groups (1,2,3,4) |
II. Основна частина уроку.
1. Активізація тематичних JIO.
Presentation "People who help us"
T. Every day many people work for us. Let us call them our helpers. Mow do they help us? ( pupils answer)
-A driver drives car, buses and trolley-buses.
T. I want you, children, to choose some personal characteristics, which you think can help you in your future career.
-1 am talented and energetic.
-1 am cheerful and friendly.
-1 am self-confident.
-1 am practical and efficient. -I am responsible and reliable.
Speak on the following questions.
4.Pre-watching activity. ( Window on Britain)
Purpose: to prepare for listening.
T: We are going to listen and watch about different aspects of work in Britain: facts and figures about the working population, important industries. We’ll listen to some British people and find out how they feel about their jobs.
Do you know anything about work in Britain? Try this quiz.
1. How many people in Britain work?
a) 95 million
b) 27 million
c) 59 million
2. What are public holidays called in Britain?
a) public holidays
b) bank holidays
c) general holidays
3. Which of these industries were more important in the 19th century Britain? Which are more important now?
Shipbuilding and manufacturing were important in the 19th century; retailing, finance and technology are important now.
While- watching activity.
Purpose: to give pupils new information.
T: Listen and watch attentively and check if the quiz questions were answered correctly.
a) b)
c) d) e)
The population of Great Britain is almost 59 million. About 27 million work: 15 million men and 12 million women. They can start work at the age of 16. About 1.5 million people are unemployed. They haven’t got jobs.
Most people work full-time. On average, men in Britain work 44 hours a week. Most men retire at the age of 65. Women work about 31 hours a week and usually retire at the age of 60. For women the average is less because many of them work part-time. So what kind of work do British people do? Over a million people work in the building industry. Although manufacturing is still important, more and more people now work in offices and spend a lot of the day working with computers. One very big business in Britain today is finance. London is the number one financial centre in Europe and number three in the world after New York and Tokyo. Retailing is important, too… selling goods to people like you and me. Eight of the top ten retail companies in Europe are British, and four of the top ten food retailers are British, too. Of course, we’re now living in the twenty-first century and hi-tech industries are very important. This is Research Machines, a company near Oxford. They make computers and software. Most British peoples get 20 working days for holiday every year. There are also eight public holidays. We call these Bank Holidays because they were the days when banks were closed.
2. Try to complete the sentences with numbers from the box.
16 1.5 44 59 1 60 15 65 31 12
a) The population of Britain is ….. million (59)
b) ……million men work in Britain (15)
c) ……million women work in Britain (12)
d) You can start to work in Britain when you are …. years old (16)
e) About ….. million people are unemployed ( 1.5)
f) On average man work….. hours a week and retire when they are… years old. (44; 65)
g) Women work about…. Hours a week and retire when they are…. Years old. (31; 60)
h) More than…. million people work in the building industry. (1).
( watch the sequence again to see if you were right).
3.Work in pairs. Read the sentences below. Do you think they are true (T) or false (F)?
Bookseller, helicopter pilot, sales rep, Oxford Walking Tour Guide, airline pilot, lecturer, schoolteacher.
Helicopter pilot, about 30-40, get home every
night and don’t think about anything else,
getting up at five o’clock in the morning.
Bookseller, 37 and a half, serving Sale rep, 60-80, freedom
Lecture, about 12, meeting people, airline pilot, about 20 hours, it’s fun, don’t
administration and a lot of paperwork. like folding lots of shirts to go away on trips,
Oxford Walking Tour Guide, from 3to 7 days a week, meeting people from all over the world, rain.
Post- watching activity.
Purpose: checking up pupils’ handouts, discussing the text.
Let’s check the Quiz. Work in groups of five or six. One person chooses a job. The other people in the group have to find out what the job is by asking yes/no questions. ( Game)
For example:
1. Do you earn a lot of money?
2. Do you work inside?
3. Do you work with people?
4. Do you work in the same place all the time?
5. Do you sometimes go to people’s houses?
6. Do you help people?
7. Are you a doctor?
What is important in a job? Put the sentences below in order of importance for you:
1- most important 10- least important.
1. I get long holidays.
2. I have a normal working day.
3. I work with other people.
4. I earn a lot of money.
5. I work near my house.
6. I have good chances of promotion.
7. I enjoy my job.
8. I have some responsibility.
9. I do a useful job.
10. I travel because of my job.
Today the lesson we talked about professions. We know which professions you like, which of them are popular and which are necessary. But to choose a profession is very difficult. You can't do it in one lesson. There is a Chinese proverb: "If you are planning for 1 year, plant rice, if you are planning for 20 years, plant trees, if you are planning for 100 years, educate people."Without competitive education it's impossible to create competitive nation, state, personality. The most important thing for our youth is to forget about pride and ask "What do I really want?" Of course, higher education is desirable< but it doesn't guarantee professional success. Good luck!
Write about your plans for future in about 18-20 sentences.