Урок "Спортивні змагання"

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Розробка уроку з англійської мови для учнів 6 класу за темою "Спорт у нашому житті". Містить завдання на відпрацювання усіх комунікативних навичок
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     Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

     T. Listen to the poem.

If you think you are beaten, you are.

If you think you dare not, you don’t!

If you like to win, but think you can’t,

It’s almost a cinch you won’t.

If you think you’ll lose you’re lost;

For our in the world we find

Success begins with fellow’s will;

It’s all in the state of mind

Life’s battles don’t always go

To the stronger or faster man

But sooner or later the man who wins.

Is the man who thinks he can.

What do you associate with the word SPORT? (олімпійські кільця з буквами)

S – start, sportsman

P – play, pool

O – opponent, Olympic Games

R – running, race, result

T – train, table-tennis


Vocabulary Work

Складання „ Mind-Map" за темою ( робота в групах ).

Grammar Practice
















I like to play (go, do) …

My friend likes to play (go, do) …


Listening Comprehension 

Listen and guess the kind of sports.

(Учні прослуховують диктора і обговорюють у групі вид спорту про який йдеться мова. Група, готова відповідати, піднімає сигнальні картки.)

Диктор: It's the most popular game in England and in our country. Both men and women can play it now. The players have a ball. The game lasts 90 minutes. It has 2 halves. The players kick the ball and run after it. There is a referee on the pitch.

(Soccer or football)

Диктор: It's a struggle of two persons each trying to throw the other to the mat.


Диктор: It's a typical summer game in Britain. It looks slow. It is played on a green field. There are eleven men in each team. It is a very long game. The matches go on for five days. Sometimes players stop for tea.


Диктор: This game is played everywhere in our country: at schools, universities and sports clubs. It was first played in the USA. The team has five players. They bounce the ball on the floor.


Диктор: It's a very beautiful kind of sports. It gives the sportsmen strength, rhythm and grace. The sportsmen do some exercises or dance to the music. The sportsmen have beautiful costumes on.

(Figure Skating)

Диктор: It is one of the most popular games in the world. It was first played in Canada. It belongs to winter kinds of games, only mew and boys play it. Many people like to watch this game on TV: The players skate on the ice, they use special sticks.


Диктор: It is a team game. Men and women, girls and boys can play it. The players have a ball and play it with, their hands. There are six players in each of two teams.


Physical Activity

The Skeleton Dancing

Reading “A Strip Story”

what about reading a funny story? Work in pairs, please. On your desks you can see pictures to the story (додаток 1). Put them in logical order. Raise your hand if you will be ready with them.

(Учні розташовують малюнки в логічній послідовності, вчитель слідкує за процесом, при необхідності допомагає). Правильний варіант: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Now you have a strip story on your desks. Read each sentence and match it to the pictures you have just put logically. (Учням дається певний час).

Вч.: It is time to read the sentence to picture 1(2,3,...)

(Учні по черзі читають підібрані до малюнків речення).

It was a nice sunny day. The sports competition in track athletics took place in a big city of England.

The best sportsmen of the country took part in it.

There were many photographers at the stadium.

They wanted to take a photo of the sprinters before and after the competition.

At last the race began. One photographer, John Brown by name, was at the start.

He didn't manage to take a photo of the sportsmen.

And he ran after them with the camera.

He ran very quickly and soon he left behind all the participants of the sprint.

At the finish John took the photo of the sprinter who showed the best results and won the victory.

The photographer was very happy. He took a really good photo.

But what a surprise? People began to come up to John and congratulated him on the victory.

They shouted and waved their hands.

It was he, who ran the first and won the golden medal.

Read the whole story.

(Бажаючі учні читають текст, пари звіряють виконане завдання, при наявності помилок корегують відповіді).

Вч.: Good job! Did you like this story?

Уч.: Yes, we did.

Вч.: Give the title to this funny story.

(Учні пропонують версії назви оповідання).

Творче завдання «Зроби постер». Creative writing (“Make a Poster”)I propose you a creative task. With a help of some photos, word combinations you should make an advertisement of a Sport Club. You have sheets of papers, glue, everything for this task, now complete it and represent to the audience. Look at the blackboard. Here you have the plan and helpful tips.

Тhe plan of the commercial.

Unusual beginning

Interesting facts about sport

Add fine descriptions

Write time, place, telephone.

Useful phrases

o Are you interested in….?

o It’s the most interesting…

o Come and train…

o Join us…

o You’ll enjoy...

o Keep fit, to be healthy, to make new friends, to have a good time, to look


o If you want to change, …




It was a nice sunny day. The sports competition in track athletics took place in a big city of England.

The best sportsmen of the country took part in it.

There were many photographers at the stadium.

They wanted to take a photo of the sprinters before and after the competition.

At last the race began. One photographer, John Brown by name, was at the start.

He didn't manage to take a photo of the sportsmen.

And he ran after them with the camera.

He ran very quickly and soon he left behind all the participants of the sprint.

At the finish John took the photo of the sprinter who showed the best results and won the victory.

The photographer was very happy. He took a really good photo.

But what a surprise? People began to come up to John and congratulated him on the victory.

They shouted and waved their hands.

It was he, who ran the first and won the golden medal.