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Дану розробку можна використовувати при вивченні ділової кореспонденції в старших класах "Business Letters"
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  1. Read and translate the text:


Structure of a Business Letter


Business letters include all kinds of commercial letters: inquiries, replies to inquiries, Letters of Offer, Letters of Credit (L/C), invoices, Bills of Lading (B/L), Bills of Exchange or drafts, letters of insurance, Advertising letters, Reminder Letters, Letters of Complaint etc.

Rules and traditions of correspondence vary in time but some basic principles of a commercial letter remain unchanged.

The style of writing is changing rapidly. Every year it gets simpler and less formal. Time is more precious then ever to a businessman and he does not want to read a lot of unnecessary words.

The following points should be remembered when writing a business letter in English:


  1. make a new paragraph for a new subject;
  2. say what you want to say in the simplest, clearest way;
  3. don’t say aggressively;
  4. don’t exaggerate compliments;
  5. think about your reader. Your letter should be CLEAR, COMPLETE, must be addressed in a sincere polite tone, it should be COURTEOUS;
  6. may get a bad impression if there are mistakes in grammar, punctuation and spelling.


A letter is composed of the following elements:


  1. heading or letter-head (шапка листа);
  2. inside address (внутрішня адреса);
  3. Attention line (рядок Увага);
  4. Date (дата);
  5. Salutation (привітання);
  6. References (посилання);
  7. Body of the letter (зміст листа);
  8. Complementary ending (комплементарна кінцівка);
  9. Subscription (підпис, посада, відділ);
  10. Enclosure (вкладення).






















  1. Learn new Vocabulary




Inquiry      лист-запит;

Reply to inquiry     відповідь на запит;

Letter of Offer     лист-пропозиція;

Advertising      рекламний лист;

Letter of Complaint     лист-рекламація; скарга;

Answering a Complaint    відповідь на лист-рекламацію;

Reminder Letter     лист-нагадування про оплату;

Letter of Credit (L/C)    акредитив;

Invoice      рахунок-фактура;

Bill of Lading (B/L)      коносамент;

Bill of Exchange (draft)    перевідний вексель;

Letter of insurance     страхівка;

Order       замовлення;

Letter of shipment     лист про відправку;

Letter of delivery     лист про доставку;

heading or letter-head     шапка листа;

inside address      внутрішня адреса;

Attention line      рядок Увага;

Date        дата;

Salutation       привітання;

References      посилання; зноска;

Body of the letter      зміст листа;

Complementary ending    комплементарна кінцівка;

Subscription      підпис, посада, відділ;

Enclosure       вкладення;

To enclose      вкладати; додавати;

Should      якщо (ввічливе);

Reply       відповідь;

To concern      мати відношення; стосуватись;

To ensure      гарантувати, забезпечувати;

To prevent      запобігати;

Delay       затримка;

To process      обробляти;

To proceed with     продовжувати, поновляти;

Quotation      цінова пропозиція;

To dispatch      висилати;

Currently      в даний момент;

Facsimile transmission    факсимільне повідомлення;

Cover sheet      титульна сторінка;

To quote      цитувати;

Share       акція;

To issue      випускати;













  1. Translate a sample of business letter



I.T.S. Plc

117 Pale St.

London E04 3BU

28 January 2007



42 London St.





Dear Sirs,


            A month ago we sent you a reminder concerning the overdue payment of $ 13,000. However, we have received neither remittance nor reply. You haven’t let us know of any problems concerning the payment, either.

           Could you ensure that the remittance is made within one week to prevent delay in processing your next order? We will proceed with it as soon as your account is settled.

            Should you have already sent the money, please, ignore this notice.



Yours faithfully,

Mark Leary




  1. Доповніть речення пропущеними словами


1. Ми зустрічались тиждень тому   We met a week _______;


2. Це стосується нашого контракту   That ________ our contract;


3. Він хоче, щоб я поговорив з ним про всі мої проблеми                                                                          He wants me to talk to him about all my _______________;


4. «Ай Ті Ес» гарантує, що завжди буде платити вчасно                                                                           ITS _______ that it will always pay before the due date;


5. Вона попросила свого друга, щоб він попередив пошкодження                                                           She asked her friend to _________ damage;


6. Вони будуть продовжувати поставки, коли ми врегулюємо наш рахунок                                                          They will _________ supplies when we settle our account;


7. Якщо у вас є якісь проблеми з цією оплатою, будь ласка, зателефонуйте нам                             _________ you have any problems with this payment, please, call us.










  1. Learn new words:


To advice       повідомляти, радити;

During        під час, на протязі;

To dispatch       відіслати;

Currently       тепер, в даний час;

Quotation       цінова пропозиція;

Immediately       негайно;

To enclose       додавати;

Enclosure       додаток;

Result        результат;

Laboratory       лабораторія;

Test        тест, дослідження;


Тепер прочитайте лист, в якому використані нові слова:




Green Steet, 123




May 3, 2007



28 Texas Walk

Los Angeles,

CA 92564



Dear Sir,


              We are pleased to advice you that the sample pairs you have ordered during the Kiev Fashion Week were dispatched yesterday. There are all designs of canvas shoes we currently manufacture.

              We are also sending you 20 samples of canvas we are going to use soon.                                                                                                                                                           Should you decide to place an order, please, let us know. We shall send you our quotation immediately. Enclosed are the results of our laboratory tests. We think you might find them interesting.



Yours truly,

Taras Petrenko,

Sales Director














  1. Exercises for consolidation:


Fill in the blanks with the words given below:


Break,   check,   inadequate,   occur,   prompt,   regret,   support


             Dear Mr. Ogden,


        We thank you for the ______ (1) delivery of our Order No. 4545 but ______ (2) to inform that fifteen glasses were _____ (3). We are holding the broken glasses in case you need them then to _______ (4) your claim.

          We believe that these breakages _________ (5) due to ______ (6) packing and would appreciate if you would _______ (7) this with the factory.


        Yours sincerely,



Fill in the blanks with the words given below:


Confirm,   consignment,   correspond,   insist,   make,   regret,  sizes,  wrongly


Dear Mr. Huxley,


        It is with great _______ (1) that we have to inform you that your last _____ (2) of granite does not ______ (3) to that has been ordered. Evidently some mistakes was _______ (4) and the goods have been _______ (5) delivered.

         We specified all the details about ________ (6) of the blocks in due course, but only few block did correspond to what has been ________ (7.

        We must _______ (8)) on immediate examination of this matter.


Please reply.


Yours sincerely,




Fill in the blanks with the words given below:


Attention,  cartons,   contents,  examination,  future,  incidents,  load,  receive


Dear Mr. Thomas,


           We have today ________ (1) the electric kettles which we ordered on 15th October.

         On ______ (2) we found that some of the ________ (3) appear to have been roughly handled during _______ (4) or discharging but fortunately the ________ (5) have not suffered any damage.

         Nevertheless, we want to draw your ________ (6) to this fact so that similar _____ (7) will not occur in the ______ (8).


Yours sincerely,





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