Урок "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"

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Lesson plan for the 6-th formers (45 min)

"The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"

Урок-узагальнення матеріалу з презентацією, музичним супроводом та аудіо файлом для аудіювання.


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The lesson plan for the 6-th formers (45 min)

Тема:  The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Цілі : -  узагальнити та систематизувати  матеріал

  •  вчити учнів планувати своє висловлювання, практикувати в аудіюванні, формувати вміння підтримувати діалог, 
  • розвивати вміння готувати та представляти свої проекти, розвивати навички монологічного мовлення, письма, вміння працювати в команді,
  • виховувати повагу до традицій іншого народу, любов до знань
  • поглибити знання традицій та особливостей країни яка вивчається   

Тип уроку: урок узагальнення та систематизація знань

Наскрізна змістова лінія: «Громадська відповідальність»

Обладнання: картки, прапорці, зірочки, учнівський проект, презентація.

                               Хід уроку:  

I. The beginning of the lesson.

T: Good morning, dear students and guests! I'm glad to see you. I hope, you're very well today.

Today is the final  lesson  of our big theme. We will spend it in unusual way.

Let’s start from the topic of our lesson. Look at this presentation and guess the theme.


P. - The theme of our lesson is:

 T. – Today we will talk about the UK and its main parts, about the capital of GB – London and  its historical  districts, about places of interest  in it and some facts about persons from British Royal Family. All this information we can put on pages of this book and make a “Guide around GB”.   Do you agree?  

II. Phonetic drills.

To start making a guide we must get the key. The key is our phonetic drills.

Look, listen and repeat! (the map with geographical names of the UK)

This key is for our guide-book  “Guide around the UK”.

ІІІ. Project works:  England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

So, tell me please, what pats of the UK do you know?

In our lesson today we have four teams from different parts of the UK. Meet them please!




Northern Ireland


They want to show their  project works.

I see, you know a lot about your countries. 


ІV.    The captain’s competition


Captain is a flag of its group and they always know more. Let’s check!


1. What is the name of the flag of Great Britain? (Union Jack)

2. What seas is the UK washed by? (The North Sea, the Atlantic ocean, the English channel)

3. What is the climate of the UK? (in summer it is not very hot, in winter is it not very cold)

4. What countries of the UK do you know? (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)


5. What is the capital of England? (London)

6. What is the flag of Scotland? (white cross on the blue background)

7. What is GB separated by from the continent? (English channel)

8. What is the symbol of Wales? (leek, daffodil)


9. What is the symbol of  Northern Ireland?     (shamrock)  

10. What is the highest mountain in GB?  (Ben Nevis)

11. Who is the Head of the UK?       (Queen Elizabeth ІІ)                              

12. What is the deepest river in GB?   (the Thames)


13. What are the largest cities of the UK? ( Cardiff, Belfast, Edinburgh, London) 

14. What is the favourite topic of conversation in the UK? (the weather)

15. What British traditional holidays can you name? (Halloween, Christmas, Easter)  

16. What is the emblem of England? (a red rose)


V.    Reading and writing comprehension.

I want to prepare you a trip to London - the capital of GB.

It is very big and beautiful city. To get the ticket to London, let’s check your knowledge.

Correct the mistakes.


London is the capital of  Scotland, its political, economical and cultural centre. It’s one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than 1 million people. London is situated on the river Severn. London is two thousand years old.  

There are two oldest parts in London.

East End is the richest part of London. It is full of luxury hotels, super-markets, cinemas and concert-halls.

West End is an industrial district of the capital. Most of plants and factories are situated there.

The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre.

T. – Look at the screen and check the answers yourselves.

OK. Here we are in London! Look? Haw it’s beautiful!!!


 VІ. Physical Exercises.

T: Now it is time to have a rest. Let’s do some special exercises. Who can show them to us? Children, you know what to do-repeat the movements after your classmate.


Up, down, up, down (Поднимаем и опускаем руки)

Which is the way to London Town? (Шагаем на месте)

Where? Where? (Повороты в стороны)

Up in the air (Смотрим вверх)

Close your еyes  ( Закрываем глаза руками)

And you are there.  (Разводим руки в стороны)


 VІІ.  Listening Comprehension.

T: In our lessons we were talking about the Royal Family of GB. Do you know who is the  head of GB? It is queen Elizabeth ІІ. Queen Elizabeth ІІ has a big family. Look at the screen please! Today I would like you to meet Queen Elizabeth’s grandson - Prince William

You'll hear the text about Prince William.

Listen and say True or False.

These are some words from the text,  look please!


Listening Comprehension.

Prince William on June 2002.

Prince William Arthur Philip Louis was twenty years old on June 21st 2002. He is a very popular member of the Royal family and looks like his mother. Princess Diana. Like his father, Prince William went to Eton College, exclusive boys - only boarding school. He left it in 2000 and then went to Chile to help in charity project with Raleigh International. At the moment he is studying Art history at St. Andrew's University in Scotland.

The Prince likes to be active and loves sport, especially swimming, tennis, skiing, rowing, and cycling.

 After University Prince William is going to join the army or navy. This is a family tradition. The prince does not want to become King, but one day in the future people will call him King William the 3d of England.

True or False.

1. Prince William is very popular.

2. There are no girls at Eton College.

3. Prince William does not like tennis.

4. Like his father and grandfather. Prince William is going to join the army.

5.The Prince wants to become a King.


T. – Look at the screen and check the answers yourselves.

"The Most Popular English Personalities".

Prince William on June 2002.

1. Prince William is very popular.      True

2. There are no girls at Eton College. True

3. Prince William does not like tennis. False

4. Like his father and grandfather, Prince William is going to join the army. True

5. The Prince wants to become a King. False

VІІ. Practice the dialogues.   Sightseeing tour.

So now imagine, one person of your group is from Berdyansk and want to visit some places of interest. Some other pupils are Londoners.

Practice the dialogues and ask the way, please! 


- Excuse me, can you tell me where Oxford Street is, please?  -

- Take the second turn on the left         

 - Is it far? 

 - No, it's only about 5 minutes walk. 

- Thanks a lot. 

- Not at all. 


- Excuse me, I'm afraid I'm lost. Can you help me? 

 - Where do you want to go? 

 - Trafalgar Square. 

- Oh, yes. The quickest way to get there is by metro. 

 - Is there a metro station here? 

 - Yes, go straight as far as the park and there you'll see the metro station. 

 - Thanks a lot. 


 - Excuse me, where is the British museum, please? 

- Over there, on the left. 

 - Oh, I see, thank you very much. Good - bye. 

 - Good - bye. Have a nice day. 

 - Thank you. 


Hello! Is this the right way to Hyde Park ? 

 - To Hyde Park ? Let me see... No, you must turn right .

- Is it very far? 

 - About 15 minutes. But you can take a bus. 

- Well, I think I can walk. Thank you very much. 

 - That's all right. 


ІX. The end of the lesson.

Count the stars. The group which has the biggest number of stars is a winner of this lesson.

So now show me please, do you like today’s lesson. The green card says – YES

                                                                                       The red - NO 

Now, take please the card with your lesson mark from your desks and put it into your daybooks, then let me see. 

     Home task: write the short e-mail to your penfriend about GB

     I know, that you like prints William and I promised to show you his wedding ceremony.

     Watch it please and I’ll write down your marks.

So, my dear, our lesson is over. Good-bye!

















Student`s worksheet





Captain’s competition


Reading       Correct the mistakes.


London is the capital of  Scotland, its political, economical and cultural centre. It’s one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than 1 million people. London is situated on the river Severn. London is two thousand years old.  

There are two oldest parts in London.

East End is the richest part of London. It is full of luxury hotels, super-markets, cinemas and concert-halls.

West End is an industrial district of the capital. Most of plants and factories are situated there.

The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre.



AUDING          Listen and say True or False.

Prince William on June 2002.

1. Prince William is very popular.

2. There are no girls at Eton College.

3. Prince William does not like tennis.

4. Like his father and grandfather. Prince William is going to join the army.

5. The Prince wants to become a King.



Practice the dialogues.   Sightseeing tour.


- Hello! Is this the right way to Hyde Park ? 

 - To Hyde Park ? Let me see... No, you must turn right .

- Is it very far? 

- About 15 minutes. But you can take a bus. 

- Well, I think I can walk. Thank you very much. 

 - That's all right. .







Город Уинсдор





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