Урок у 5 класі "Gran’s adventures. The Present Perfect tense"

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Урок спрямований на вдосконалення та закріплення навичок вживання граматичних структур розповідних, питальних та заперечних речень Present Perfect у мовленні; розвиток навичок аудіювання, діалогічного та монологічного мовлення; вміння співпрацювати в групі.

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Урок у 5 класі

Gran’s adventures. The Present Perfect tense


Цілі уроку:


  •                  вдосконалювати та закріпити навички вживання граматичних структур розповідних, питальних та заперечних речень Present Perfect у мовленні;
  •                  розвивати навички аудіювання, діалогічного та монологічного мовлення;
  •                  учити співпрацювати в групі;


  •                  стимулювати активне та впевнене вживання форм Present Perfect;
  •                  розвивати пам’ять;
  •                  розвивати мислення, здогадку та розуміння англомовного тексту на слух;


  •                  підтримувати інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови;
  •                  виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника.

Обладнання: підручник, граматичні схеми, картки для заповнення пропусків, відеозапис «Grans adventures», мультимедійний проектор, мультимедійна презентація,  картки з дієсловами та завданнями.

Хід уроку:

  1. Початок уроку
  1. Greeting.

T:  Good morning, boys and girls!

Ps:  1,1,1- The bell has gone                            

       2,2,2- We are all here too.

       We are all in our places

       With sunshing faces.

        Good morning to you.

T:  How are you, pupils?

Ps: We are super! 

T:  Im glad to see you today. Hope you all are well. What’s the news? How are you today?

P1. I’m OK and ready to work hard at the lesson.

P2. I’m tired because of the weather.

P3. I’m fantastic, thank you. And you?

  1. Warm-up.

T. Let’s start our lesson. Today we are watching a video, working in pairs and groups and revising grammar. Hope after this lesson you’ll realize how to use the Present Perfect tense and not to make mistakes in its practical usage. Are you ready to start and be active and attentive?

P1. Yes, why not?

T. 1) Let’s revise three forms of the verbs. Look at the screen and tell three forms of the verbs:







2) You have cards with the 1st form of the verb. Tell me please the Present Perfect form of your verb. Example: To see - have seen

To be - …

To take - …

To visit - …

To come - …

To play - …

To do - …

To make - …

To listen - …

To open - …

To meet - …

To buy - …

To read - …

To collect - …

To drink - …

To sit - …

To put - …

To cut - …

To get - …

To stand - …


Teacher: How clever of you!

II. Основна частина уроку.

  1.               Повторення граматичного матеріалу. Work in 3 groups. Now let’s play the game “Hacker”. Open the brackets and put sentences into the Present Perfect tense.

The first group:

  1.               They (swim) in the river.
  2.               He (meet) Elton John.
  3.               She (translate) the text, (make) up a dialogue and (write) three exercises.
  4.               What a wonderful picture you (paint)!
  5.               – you ever – money? (find)
  6.               He (design) a new clothes collection. It is wonderful!

The second group:

  1.               I (buy) a packet of orange juice and a cake.
  2.               He (make) a delicious soup.
  1.               – you ever – to London? (be)
  2.               I (collect) a lot of stamps.
  3.               The man (fix) the broken car.
  4.               Children, you (do) your home task?


The third group:


  1.               She (type) three documents and (post) some letters.
  2.               I (see) never the Queen.
  3.               – she – to Turkey? (travel)
  4.               We (play) football.
  5.               She (sell) all the apples.
  6.               He (finish) a new story.


  1.               Work in pairs. How fast can you think? Let’s play the game “Word to word”. Put the words in the right order to make a sentence.
  • Japan, been, Gran, hasn’t, to.
  • the Empire State, Gran, seen, hasn’t, building.
  • France, to, been, has, Gran.
  • been, Gran, to, Africa, hasn’t, yet!
  • to, been, has, John, Paris.
  • visited, of, countries, lots, John, has.
  • motorbike, has, a, ridden, Gran.
  • lots, with Gran, travelled, Kitty, has, of times.
  • hasn’t, Tokyo, Kitty, to, been.
  • at, danced, you, hip hop, school, Have.
  1.               Answer my questions (T- Ps)
            Have you ever been to Egypt?

Have you ever collected souvenirs?

Have you met your friend today?
        Have you already had lunch?
        Have you already got a “good” mark?
        Have you ever been to the Zoo?

Have you ever seen an elephant?

Have you ever travelled by plane?

Have you ever taken a photo?

Have you ever met a president?

Have you ever been to London?

Have you ever thought about a boy/ girl?

Have you ever seen the Eiffel Tower?

Have you ever eaten sushi?

Have you ever written a poem?

Have you ever broken a window?

Have you ever seen a ghost?

Have you ever been abroad?

Have you ever spoken to a foreigner?

Have you ever found any money?

Have you ever lost your key?

Have you ever heard an opera?

Have you ever swum in the sea?

Have you ever eaten avocado?

Have you ever flown by plane?

Have you ever played the guitar?

  1.               Watch the video and circle True or False for these sentences.




Gran hasn’t been to Egypt. 






John has been to Egypt.






Gran hasn’t seen the Eiffel Tower.






John’s seen the Eiffel Tower.







Gran has eaten sushi.






John hasn’t eaten sushi.






Gran’s been to Tokyo.







  1.               Fill it in! Here are some more of Gran and John’s adventures! Write the missing words in the sentences. Use been to, seen, or eaten.

a. Gran has been to Mexico.

b. John’s _______________ Russia.

c. Gran’s _______________ snails.

d. John has _______________ the Statue of Liberty.

e. Gran and John have _______________ London.

f. Gran and John have _______________ fish and chips.

g. Gran has _______________ the Queen!

     6. Fill it in! What about your experiences? Write the missing words in the sentences. Use have or haven’t. Write more sentences and draw a picture!

a. I have eaten pizza.

b. I _______________ eaten sushi.

c. I _______________ been to London.

d. I _______________ seen the Eiffel Tower.

e. ___________________________________________________________

f. ___________________________________________________________

g. ___________________________________________________________


  1.                   I think it’s time to have a rest. Let’s dance and sing a song “Smile”


It isn’t any trouble

Just to smile.

It isn’t any trouble

Just to smile.

So smile when you’re in trouble,

It will vanish like a bubble,

It isn’t any trouble

Just to smile.


It isn’t any trouble

Just to laugh.

It isn’t any trouble

Just to laugh.

So smile when you’re in trouble,

It will vanish like a bubble,

It isn’t any trouble

Just to laugh.

  1.                   Play a game with a partner. Ask a friend, a classmate, or someone in your family.

1. Write 5 sentences about you, four true and one false. Your partner does the same.

2. Read your sentences to your partner. They must guess which one is false! They can guess 3 times.

3. If your partner is correct the first time, they get 3 points. If they are correct the second time, they get 2 points. If they are correct the third time, they get 1 point. Put the points in the boxes below.

4. Now listen to your partner’s sentences. Guess which sentence is false!

9. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

has, been, played, eaten, had lunch, swum, seen, eaten, met, made


  1. He hasn’t _______ snails. (eaten)
  2. I have _______ to Paris three times. (been)
  3. Have you ______ in the sea? (swum)
  4. I have never _____ a snow man. (made)
  5. Have you ever _______tennis? (played)
  6. Have you _______ pizza in Italy? (eaten)
  7. She ______ been to China. (been)
  8. He hasn’t _______ a famous person. (met)
  9. I have never ______ an alien. (met)
  10.  They have ________ in this restaurant lots of times. (had lunch)


10.Ask your classmates what he/she has done today? (P1-P2; P2-P3…)

III. Заключна частина.

  1.               Thanks a lot for a good lesson. You have worked very well today. Your marks are…
  2.               Hometask.  Do a project at home “What are the most unusual things your classmates have done? Who has done the most unusual thing?
  3.               Thank you for good work.  Good bye. Have a nice day!


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