Урок у 6 класі на тему "Inventions."

Про матеріал
Objectives: to activate pupils’ vocabulary on the topic "Inventions", and "Chores ",to develop pupils, speaking skills; to practice using Past Continuous; to practice listening strategies. To teach pupils to work in groups; to motivate them to express their own point of view on the topic. To develop and broaden pupils, knowledge on the topic "Inventions."
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План-конспект  уроку з англійської мови у 6 класі

(based  on the  coursebook  ,,English in Mind. Second edition ,, , Herbert  Puchta and Jeff Stanks,   Cambridge University Press, 2010)             

Topic.    Inventions.

Objectives: to activate pupils, vocabulary on the topic ,,Inventions,,   and ,,Chores,,; to develop pupils, speaking skills; to practice using ,,Past Continuous,,; to practice listening strategies.

To teach pupils to work in groups; to motivate them to express their own point of view on the topic.

To develop and broaden pupils, knowledge on the topic ,,Inventions,,

Equipment: pictures on the topic ,,Inventions.,,


  1. Introduction
  2. Greetings

T: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you again. The topic of our lesson is ,,Inventions,,. You will read the text about the invention of umbrella, listen to the text about Pierre and Marie Curie, speak about different inventions.

Phonetic Drills

T: First let,s train some sounds.

T: Read the proverb, then learn it by heart.

                            He Who Knows

He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool.

       Shun him.

He who knows not, and knows  that he knows not, is a child.

       Teach him.

He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep.

       Wake up.

He who knows, and knows  that he knows, is wise.

        Follow him.                                                                   ( a Persian proverb)

Today,s quotation.

The greatest risk in life is doing nothing.

T: How do you understand it?

II. The Main Part.

  1. Speaking.
  2. a) T: We read about some inventions at the previous lesson. What inventions did we read about? Write them on the blackboard ( a chewing gum, a mouse trap, a dishwasher, windscreen wipers, roller skates).

T: What can you say about these inventions? How did people invent them and why?

b) I want to tell you about some another inventions. Look at the blackboard. You can see some dates, names and things. You must match them.

1876  -  a telephone  -  A. Bell 

1886  -  a car  -  Karl Benz                           

1920  -  a radio  -  G.Marconi

1928  -  penicillin  -  A.Fleming

  1. -  a mobile phone  -  M.Cooper

2. Listening.

Pre -Listening Activities.

T: Look at the blackboard. These people are Pierre and Marie Curie. What do you know about them? Answer the questions.

Картинки по запросу picture of Marie and Pierre Curie  

What nationalities were they?        

Where did they live?   What did they win?                                   



While- Listening Activities.

T: Listen to the text and check your answers. 

Pierre and Marie Curie

(1859-1906 and 1867-1934)

A lot of people think that Marie Curie was French. But she was Polish-she was born in Warsaw and her name was Marja Sklodovska. When she was 24, she went to university in Paris and in 1895 she married Pierre Curie. Pierre was French. Marie and Pierre were scientists and together they were a great scientific team. They studied radium. They worked hard but they were very poor. They were teachers during the  day and studied at night. They didn’t have a radium laboratory; they worked in a terrible old room. Then in 1903 they won the Nobel Prize for Physics and they had their first laboratory. Pierre was a professor at the University of Paris. But three years later, in 1906 he died in a street accident. Marrie was the first woman professor in France and in 1911 she won another Nobel Prize – this time for Chemistry. She died in 1934 when she was 67.

Post- Listening Activities.

T: Complete the table.

1859   Pierre Curie was born.              

1867  -------------------------

1891  -------------------------                  

------  Marie and Pierre married

1903  -------------------------                 

 ------ Pierre died in a street accident.

1911  -------------------------                 

1934  -------------------------








Закріплення вживання ГС ,,Past Continuous.,,

  1.      T: Look at the blackboard and say what people were doing.
  2.     Imagine that I am Mrs Brown. You are my children. I went out to go shopping and I asked you to help me. I am back home and ask you ,,What were you doing while I was shopping?,,

(Koжен учень має stripe, на якій записан вислів: to make a bed, to cook dinner, to wash the floor, to make tea, to wash the window, to iron the clothes, to do the washing up.)

P: While you were shopping, I was … (vacuuming the carpets).

  1.      T: Let,s do some exercises.

T: Say what the people were doing at different time yesterday.

Example: Robert was speaking on the phone at 2.45 yesterday.

  1. Robert (2.45/ to speak) on the phone.
  2. Nelly and Ann (11.30/ to move) in anew flat.
  3. Mrs Brown ( 5.45/ to sell) vegetables.
  4. The Greens (8.00/ to sail) to France.
  5. Pete and Jack (7.35/ to fight) with each other.
  6. Bill (10.45/ to prepare) for his classes.
  7. Andrew and Ted (4.30/ to listen to) music.

T: Say what Andrew,s relatives were doing when he came home.

 Example: When Andrew came home, his mother was cooking dinner.

  1. Mother/to cook dinner.
  2. Grandparents/to watch a feature film on TV.
  3. Father/to read a newspaper.
  4. Uncle/to look through the magazine.
  5. Aunts/to make jam.
  6. Cousins/to play with toys on the floor.
  7. Little brother/to cry.




T: Look at the pictures and say what the children were doing at 5.00 o,clock yesterday.    Безымянный4.Speaking.

a) T: Make  up a dialogue. Ask your friends what they were doing at 11.30, 12.00, 4.30 etc. yesterday.



Students work in pairs. Give each pair the prompt card below and ask the students to have a discussion, using the questions on the card.


T: Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and discuss the inventions. Use the following questions.



  • Which inventions do the pictures show?
  • Do you know who invented these things and when?
  • How do they work?
  • Which is the most useful in your opinion?
  • What possible problems can they create?














Complete the sentences with the words in the box.


dishwasher      mouse trap    chewing gum     diesel engine     remote control     cooker



Our teacher is angry if he see us with chewing gum in our mouths in class.


Where’s the .............................. ? I want to turn on the TV.


We’ve got a great new .............................. . Now I must learn to cook!


When I was a child we didn’t have a .............................. . We had to wash the plates by hand.


A lot of cars have a .............................. . They’re usually quieter.


Oh no! I hate mice. Have you got any cheese to put in the .............................. ?




Match the inventions in the box with the definitions. There are two inventions you do not need to use.


chewing gum        remote control            diesel engine        mouse trap        cooker        dishwasher        windscreen wipers





You can find this in the kitchen and it works with gas or electricity.  ...


Travel became a lot easier with this invention.   ...


This machine uses a lot of water.  ...


This machine can change TV programmes for you.  ...


Anderson invented these things in 1903 when he was driving in the rain.  ...

6. Reding. 

T: We are going to read the text about the invention of  umbrellas. What do you know about it? Why did people invent them? Work in pairs. You must ask your partner and write the missing words.

III. Summing – up.

 Home – assignment.    T: Your homework is exercise 7on page 15.

1) Vocabulary  

1.  Invent F  A. members of a royal family

2.  Protection  D  B. a period of 100 years

3.  Shade J  C.  someone or something that represents a particular quality or idea

4.  Probably I  D. when someone or something is safe from harm, damage, or illness

5.  Century B  E. used after a date to show that it was before the birth of Christ

6. B.C.(E.)  E  F. to make, design, or think of a new type of thing

7.  Symbol C  G. the power you have because of your official position

8.  Authority G  H. things of the same type that are different from each other in some way

9.  Royalty A  I. to say that something is likely to happen, likely to be true

10. Variety  H         J. darkness or shelter from the light of the sun made by something           blocking it

                                              The Invention Of Umbrellas

It seems natural to open an umbrella when it rains. But actually the umbrella was not invented for protection against rain. It was first used as a shade against the sun. Nobody knows who first invented it, but the umbrella was used in very ancient times. The first people to use it were probably the Chinese in the eleventh century B.C. The umbrella spread to ancient Egypt and Babylon. At that time it was a symbol of honor and authority, the umbrella was only for royalty or by those in high offices.

It is believed that the first people to use the umbrella as protection against rain were the ancient Romans.

During the Middle Ages,1100-1500 AD in Europe, the use of the umbrella disappeared completely. Then it appeared again in Italy in the late sixteenth century.  By 1680, the umbrella was used in France and later in England.

By the eighteenth century, the umbrella was used against rain in most of Europe and started to become popular worldwide. Umbrellas have not changed much in style during all this time; however, it wasn't until the twentieth century that umbrellas began to be made in a variety of colors.

2) Questions – Ask your partner questions to find your missing information. Answer your partner's questions.

1. What was the umbrella first used as?

2. Who were the first people to use the umbrella?

3. Where did use of the umbrella spread to?

4. When and where did the umbrella disappear completely?

5. When did umbrellas start becoming popular worldwide?


1. Who first invented the umbrella?

2.When did the first people start to use the umbrella?

3. Who were the first people to use the umbrella for protection from the rain?

4. When and where did the umbrella reappear?

5. When did umbrellas began being made into different colors?





Special Topic: Inventions

1) Vocabulary

1.  Invent   A. members of a royal family

2.  Protection   B. a period of 100 years

3.  Shade   C.  someone or something that represents a particular quality or idea

4.  Probably   D. when someone or something is safe from harm, damage, or illness

5.  Century   E. used after a date to show that it was before the birth of Christ

6. B.C.(E.)    F. to make, design, or think of a new type of thing

7.  Symbol   G. the power you have because of your official position

8.  Authority   H. things of the same type that are different from each other in some way

9.  Royalty   I. to say that something is likely to happen, likely to be true

10. Variety           J. darkness or shelter from the light of the sun made by something blocking it

The Invention Of Umbrellas

It seems natural to open an umbrella when it rains. But actually the umbrella was not invented for protection against rain. It was first used _________________________. Nobody knows who first invented it, but the umbrella was used in very ancient times. The first people to use it were probably___________in the eleventh century B.C. The umbrella spread to ancient _________________. At that time it was a symbol of honor and authority, the umbrella was only for royalty or by those in high offices.

It is believed that the first people to use the umbrella as protection against rain were the ancient Romans.

During _______________,__________________in ____________, the use of the umbrella disappeared completely. Then it appeared again in Italy in the late sixteenth century.  By 1680, the umbrella was used in France and later in England.

By ___________________, the umbrella was used against rain in most of Europe and started to become popular worldwide. Umbrellas have not changed much in style during all this time; however, it wasn't until the twentieth century that umbrellas began to be made in a variety of colors.

2) Questions – Ask your partner questions to find your missing information.   Answer your partner's questions.

1. What was the umbrella first used as?

2. Who were the first people to use the umbrella?

3. Where did use of the umbrella spread to?

4. When and where did the umbrella disappear completely?

5. When did umbrellas start becoming popular worldwide?


                                                   Special Topic: Inventions

1) Vocabulary – Match these vocabulary words with your partner. “What's the meaning of___?”

1.  Invent   A. members of a royal family

2.  Protection   B. a period of 100 years

3.  Shade   C.  someone or something that represents a particular quality or idea

4.  Probably   D. when someone or something is safe from harm, damage, or illness

5.  Century   E. used after a date to show that it was before the birth of Christ

6. B.C.(E.)    F. to make, design, or think of a new type of thing

7.  Symbol   G. the power you have because of your official position

8.  Authority   H. things of the same type that are different from each other in some way

9.  Royalty   I. to say that something is likely to happen, likely to be true

10. Variety             J. darkness or shelter from the light of the sun made by something       blocking it


The Invention Of Umbrellas

It seems natural to open an umbrella when it rains. But actually the umbrella was not invented for protection against rain. It was first used as a shade against the sun. _____________ who first invented it, but the umbrella was used in very ancient times. The first people to use it were probably the Chinese in the ________century B.C. The umbrella spread to ancient Egypt and Babylon. At that time it was a symbol of honor and authority, the umbrella was only for royalty or by those in high offices.

It is believed that the first people to use the umbrella as protection against rain were the __________________.

During the Middle Ages,1100-1500 AD in Europe, the use of the umbrella disappeared completely. Then it appeared again in _____ in the ___________________.  By 1680, the umbrella was used in France and later in England.

By the eighteenth century, the umbrella was used against rain in most of Europe and started to become popular worldwide. Umbrellas have not changed much in style during all this time; however, it wasn't until the ______________ that umbrellas began to be made in a variety of colors.

2) Questions – Ask your partner questions to find your missing information.   Answer your partner's questions.

1. Who first invented the umbrella?

2.When did the first people start to use the umbrella?

3. Who were the first people to use the umbrella for protection from the rain?

4. When and where did the umbrella reappear?

5. When did umbrellas began being made into different colors?


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