Конспект уроку з англійської мови на тему: "Eating Habits. Healthy Food"

Про матеріал
Урок покликаний до збагачення словникового запасу учнів, удосконалює навички аудіювання, письма, читання. Учні знайомляться з правилами здорового харчування
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Eating Habits. Healthy  Food

Objectives: to enrich the learners vocabulary on the topic; to develop a creative way of thinking; to develop learners pair and group communicative skills; to consolidate new vocabulary through role play; to involve students into reading, writing, listening and communicative activities; to develop students'thinking, memory, imagination, attention and creativeness; to practise speaking spontaneously and fluently about something; to orient students to the healthy way of eating.

Learning Outcomes: by the end of the lesson students will be able to develop our common strategy what food is healthy and what food is junk.

Aid material: a blackboard, a pupil's book (O.Karpiuk , English 6 NUS. posters, TV, DVD, CD, cards with grammatical and lexical exercises! Procedure

I. Beginning of the lesson


Reading and matching the beginning of the proverbs with their endings.

 A hungry belly has no ears.

Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.

 A hungry man, an angry man.

After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.

(Students give the Ukrainian equivalents to the proverbs.)

Teacher. I think you had had your breakfast, you are not angry and have ears so we'll start our work

  1. Introduction of the topic. Aims

Our lesson will be held in a form of a conference with four groups of participants: experts in four food groups.

  1.        Warming-up Vocabulary Practice.
  2.        Repeating the words on the topic
  3.        . II. Main part
    1. Discussion

-   How many meals a day do you have?

-   What is your typical breakfast?

-   What is your favourite food?

2. Reading

Divide these kinds of food into healthy and unhealthy.

3. Presentation (Healthy and Junk Food)


4. Your hometask was to prepare projects  about healthy or your favourite food. Now imagine that you are at the Mariana's café. Listen how they prepare sandwiches and the story of this dish.

5. Listening

Pre-listening task: find out the origin of the word «sandwich».


The Earl of Sandwich was an Englishman. He lived in the 18th century. He was fond of playing cards so much that people knew him the greatest player in London. He played cards during the day and even didn't stop his games at night.

He remained at the table for 24 hours a day and even didn't stop for meals. His servant usually brought him some slices of meat and bread. So he was able to continue playing while eating. It happened that the Earl of Sandwich put the meat between the bread and in this way invented the new dish. People began to call it «a sandwich» after this man.

Post-listening task: Statements

1.            The Earl of Sandwich was a Frenchman.

2.            He was fond of playing cards.

3.         People knew him the greatest sportsman in London.

4.            The Earl of Sandwich could play cards for 24 hours a day. 

5.            The famous player stopped playing only for  meals.

6.            People called a new dish after the Earl of Sandwich. Is sandwich a healthy


  5. Speaking Four groups of pupils «The Fruit and Vegetables», «The Meat Group», «The Bread and Cereal Group», «The Milk Group» present their projects. Students should find out the importance of different kinds of food for our health.

6.Writing . After presentation pupils match the sentences.

  1. Eating carrots is                                    a) getting colds
  2. Fish is good for                               b) live long
  3. Eating cheese at night makes you c) good for eyes
  4. Garlic keeps you from                          d) sleeping
  5. Drinking coffee keeps you from          e) your stomach
  6. Yogurt makes you                               f) dream

            7.  An apple a day keeps                          g) the brain

           8.  Warm milk helps you                          h) the doctor away

          9. A cup of tea settles                               i) go to sleep

7. Roleplay

Teacher. The best way to keep healthy is to grow vegetables in your own garden.

Some pupils prepare for you the play about influence of healthy and unhealthy food on you.

 The Play «Turnip»

Now I think you have decided what food you should eat.

   8. Song «Healthy food will make you smile»

  1. Project «Healthy Food»

   10.  Feedback

Let's try to value your impressions after our lesson.

III. Summing-up

      1. Homework

Your hometask is to describe your favourite   food.

     2. Evaluation


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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
3 січня 2024
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