Урок у 9 класі на тему Преса на Україні та у Великобританії

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Урок для 9 класу на тему: " Преса на Україні та у Великобританії". В цьому уроку розроблені матеріали щодо удосконалення лексико-граматичного матеріалу за темою.
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                  Жубинська Маріанна Ігорівна

                  вчитель англійської мови

                  НВК «Ерудит»



Урок  англійської мови у 9 класі


Тема: Преса на Україні та у Великобританії

Мета: Навчальна

  •                    Вивчення нових слів до теми; активізація засвоєної лексики; вивчення вживання прийменників з новими словами;навчитися розуміти значення нових слів з контексту; вивчення особливої ролі преси на Україні та у Великобританії; її види; вчитися робити власні висновки


  •               Розвиток фонетичних навичок, навичок розуміти прослуханий та прочитаний текст, навичок діалогічного та монологічного мовлення, працювати індивідуально та в парах, навичок презентувати підготовлений матеріал;


  •               Виховувати розуміння важливості преси в сучасному світі.

Матеріали: використання інтерактивної дошки \слайдова програма\, роздатковий матеріал.


Хід уроку

     1.Організаційний момент. Перевірка наявності необхідних предметів у       учнів.

     2.Мовленнєва зарядка

Учні відповідають на запитання вчителя:

What is your favourite newspaper or magazine?

Why do you like to read it?

What interesting article have you read recently?

3.Слово вчителя

The theme of our lesson is « The press in Ukraine and in Great Britain.»

The mass media is a collective name for newspapers, magazines, radio, television and the Internet. I’m sure you are fond of television and you are interested in different sites of Internet. Probably the most popular of the mass media nowadays is Internet and the second place occupies television. But newspapers and magazines are the oldest of the mass media and very important for all of us. It’s very necessary to read them and know a lot about different editions to be a well-educated person.

4.Перевірка домашнього завдання \ в№53, стр.272 письмово.\

Учні повторюють вживання проблемних дієслів to lie, to lay, to lie.

      5. Повідомлення теми та цілей уроку.




      6. Перевірка усного домашнього завдання.

  Учні готували проекти до тем: «Преса у Великобританії» та «Преса на Україні». Використовуючи інтерактивну дошку учень розповідає підготовлену ним тему, інші слухають, потім обговорюють поставлені ним питання.

Доповідь на тему «Преса у Великобританії»

 “The Times "was founded in 1785,it is read by the minority of people today. It has a rather small circulation, but its influence is greater than its circulation figures (100,000 copies a day). It is an establishment newspaper, read by lawyers, politicians, and businessmen, by all those who work in the government at large.

“The Sun” is read by the people who don’t care who runs the country as long as the naked girl at page three is attractive.

“The Daily Telegraph” was founded in 1855, is a very conservative paper. However, it has a circulation twice as big as that of “The Times”, “The Guardian” or “The Independent”. It has a nickname – “The Torygraph” after the nickname “Tory” of the Conservative Party. This newspaper has rather  comprehensive news and sports coverage.

“The Guardian” has a slightly bigger circulation than “The Times”. It is a liberal newspaper, noted for its lively reporting and campaigning support for “worthy causes” such as education, medical reforms, the problems of aging people and retirees, protection of the environment, etc. It also claims to be politically independent, but it is left of centre and formally supports the Liberal Party of Britain.

“The Independent” was founded in 1986 and has rapidly acquired a reputation for its excellent news coverage, intelligent reports, informal commentaries, and a good balanced sense of humor

“The Sunday Times” leads the field in the Sunday qualities. It has a circulation of over a million and is known for its excellent reporting in eight separate sections: a main news section and others devoted to sports news review, business, the arts, job advertisements, fashion and travel as well as book reviews. It was founded in 1822 and is right of centre.

“The Observer” is the oldest Sunday paper. It was founded in 1791 and today has a circulation of around half a million and is politically moderate in views.

Питання для обговорення:

What do British papers tend not to do compared with other newspapers?

What’s the symbol of the British Press and why?

Names of what British quality papers and tabloids can you remember?

In what way do British quality papers differ from most of Russian papers?


    Учень розповідає, використовуючи інтерактивну дошку про пресу на Україні, інші отримують питання \роздатковий матеріал\ для підготовки їх дома.

Доповідь на тему «Преса на Україні»

The earliest printed book is known the "Diamond Sutra", it was printed in China in 868 CE. However, it is suspected that book printing may have occurred long before this date.

Johannes Gutenberg was a German craftsman and inventor. Gutenberg is best known for the Gutenberg press, an innovative printing press machine that used movable type. It remained the standard until the 20th century. Gutenberg made printing cheap.

the first collection and distribution of news that we known of was made by members of the Roman senate in the 1st century BC. The first Roman papers were written out in more than 2000 copies and sent everywhere in the Roman Empire and hung up in public places. People who could read called out the news to people who could not. For centuries news travelled very slowly, and reached few people. The invention of the printing press in the 15th century quickly led to the publication of newspapers and magazines. Newspapers were first published on a regular basis in German cities and in Antwerp, Belgium, in the early 17th century.

the word “magazine” comes from the Arabic makhazin, which means a store house, or place to keep things. In one sense, that is exactly what magazine is. It is a store house of stories and articles. Many magazines are highly illustrated with colour photographs and drawings, but some, called journals, are more scientific and generally have fewer illustrations. Magazines can be divided into two main types: general interest magazines, which contain articles on a variety of subjects and are more or less of interest to everyone; and special interest magazines. Some of the best-known general interest magazines are Reader’s Digest and Time. Specialist magazines usually deal with a certain subject, for example, music, language learning, science and economy, etc.


1. What Ukrainian’s newspapers or magazines do you read? What articles do you like to read in this edition?

2. Where were newspapers first published?

 3. Where does the word “magazine” come from? What does it mean?

 4. What types of magazines do you know?



7. Подача нового матеріалу

Вивчення нових слів(використання інтерактивної дошки, роздатковий матеріал)

memory: happy memories, sad memories. My memories of London childhood are happy ones. Now I have happy memories of that holiday.

ability: the ability to work, computer’s abilities. Small babies don’t have the ability to work.

to do something to the best of one’s ability(ies): You are just there to do your job to the best of your abilities.

point: the point of a pin, a sword point. Betty stuck the point of the needle through the cloth.

to point: to point to a high tower, to point to the poster. Jemma pointed out that Robert was wrong.

to waste: to waste money, to waste time. There was no need to waste any energy thinking about it.

wasteful: a wasteful woman, wasteful habits.

passionate: passionate words, a passionate speech. James’ passionate speech made a great impression the audience.

marvelous: a marvelous view, marvelous weather. I think Miss Birdbrain is a marvelous name for her.

obvious: an obvious reason. For obvious reasons, I preferred my house.

obviously: She was obviously thirsty and she drank a lot of water.

glorious: a glorious history. What a glorious colour!

flame: The whole city was in flames.

to enclose: A high wall encloses the prison. To enclose sth with a letter.

gift: Christmas gifts, an unexpected gift.

gifted: Jane was a gifted actress.

to head ; The boys headed for home.


Робота з новими словами:

-Вивчення вживання прийменників, які вживаються з новими словами;

-Розуміння значень слів з контексту

-Виконання завдання на використання прийменників(роздатковий матеріал, інтерактивна дошка)

Завдання А

Заповнити пропуски прийменниками:

Don’t waste your time … trying to please Sue: she is the hardest person to please         I’ve ever met. “That’s the post office over there,” said the man pointing … the tall building at the end of the road. I have some pleasant memories … my fifteenth birthday. Let me point … to you that you are not always right either. The house burst … flames so quickly that when the firemen came they found it in ashes.


Завдання Б

Заповнити пропуски новими словами:

1.”I’ll make your tea,” she said h…ing for the kitchen.

2. He is one of those people who always do their work to the best of their….

3. James kept silent and it became o… that he didn’t know the answer.

4. Mary spoke so p… that tears appeared in the listeners’ eyes.

5. What are your earliest m… of yourself as a child?

6. In your next letter, will you e… a photo of yourself? I’d like to see how you look now, after so many years.

7. The weather that week was g…: sunny and pleasantly warm.



8. Читання тексту « How I became a writer»(роздатковий матеріал)

                         How I became a writer

   A fiction writer is a person who invents stories. Nowadays just about every single successful writer has started out in some other job – a schoolteacher or a doctor. Let me tell you how I myself got in through the back door and found myself in the world of fiction.  At the age of eight I was sent away to boarding school in a town cold Weston-Super-Mare in England.

   Those were days of horror, of fierce discipline, of no talking in the dormitories, no running in the corridors, no this no that or the other, just rules, rules and more rules, that had to be obeyed. My school was nightmare.

   Little wonder that it never entered my head to become a writer in those days. When I left school at the age of eighteen in 1934, I turned down my mother’s offer to go to university. I saw little point in wasting three or four years at Oxford or Cambridge, and I still hold this view. So I got a job at the Shell Oil Company where they promised me that after two or three years ` training in England, I would be sent off to a foreign countries.

  ``Which one`` I asked

  ``Who knows? `` the man answered. ``It depends where there is a vacancy. It could be Egypt or China, or anywhere in the world.``

  It was fun. When my turn came to be sent abroad, I was told it would be East Africa. That journey took two and a half weeks. We headed down the Mediterranean by way of Malta, Naples and Port Said. We went down the Red sea. It was all tremendously exciting.  I saw sandy deserts, Arab soldiers on camels, flying fish…

  By summer of 1939, it became obvious that there was going to be a war with Hitler’s Germany. On the next day after Britain entered the war, I got into my car and drove north to Nairobi, in Kenya to join RAF. For six months they trained us in small airplanes called Tiger Moths, and those days were also glorious. Twenty of us were training to be pilots. Seventeen of those twenty were killed during the war.

   I myself was shot down. My plane crashed in the Libyan Desert and burst into flames, but I managed to get out, and was finally rescued by our soldiers. My injuries gave me a month’s leave and sent me to Washington D.C. as assistant air attaché; at this point the USA was already in the war as well… 

     I was sitting in my new office at the British Embassy when somebody knocked. A very small man entered the room. ``My name is Forester``. I nearly fell out of my chair. `` Are you joking? - ``No, that’s me``.

It was he, the great writer. ``Look ``, he said. `` A magazine called the Saturday Evening Post will publish any story I write. I have come to you because I think you might have an interesting story to tell. Tell me the most exciting adventure, I will write it up for the Saturday Evening Post. ``

   I was thrilled. In the small French restaurant we took duck with vegetables. The dish required so much attention that I found it difficult to talk. And apart from that, I have never been good at telling stories aloud. ``I can write my story on a paper, then you can rewrite it properly yourself in your own good time. ``

   So I became a writer.   


 Завдання  до прочитаного тексту:

А. Знайти відповідні словосполучення в тексті (інтерактивна дошка, роздатковий матеріал)

a)надати відпустку на місяць

b)в зручний час

c)вирушити кудись

d)відхилити пропозицію

e)не дивно

f)крім того

g)дотримуватись погляду

Б.Вставити словосполучення з попереднього завдання в наступні речення.

1. Many think that only few people are capable of learning foreign languages. I, personally … that everyone can do it given enough time. 2. Linda has never left home in her whole life … she is nervous now that she is going abroad. 3. Don’t finish your essays now, take them home and complete them …. 4. My elder brother was offered a job at a big hotel. He likes the idea of being a hotel manager and I don’t think that he will …. 5. We saw a nice place for our picnic under the shady trees and immediately … it.

В.Замінити підкреслені слова та словосполучення на фрази з завдання А

Personally, I believe (1) that the best way to spend a holiday is to go traveling

That’s why when I was allowed to take a week’s holiday (2) at work I saw my chance and went to (3) the Three Palms Travel Agency.  At the moment they were selling tours at big reduction and it was not surprising (4) that the agency was full of would-be holidaymakers .When my turn came I spoke to a young efficient travel agent

Г.Вставити необхідні дієслова:

1. A fiction writer is a person who … stories. 2. Those were days (…) just rules, rules and more rules that had to be …. 3. Little wonder that it never … my head to become a writer in those days. 4. “Who knows?” the man answered. “It … where there is a vacancy.” 5. For six months they … us in small airplanes. 6. I myself was … down.

9. Граматичний матеріал

Вживання прийменників з дієсловами (таблиця на інтерактивній дошці, роздатковий матеріал

Prepositional combinations





Be interested



Be capable Be guilty    Be tired  Take care

Look forward Object          Be used


About/ of



Complain  Dream








Prevent        Stop




Учні складають речення з цими дієсловами письмово.

Виконання завдань по вживанню дієслів з прийменниками письмово (роздатковий матеріал). Кожний учень отримує індивідуальне завдання


Я заперечую проти того, щоб переїжджати в інше місто.

Я мрію вивчити кілька мов.

Я скаржусь на те, що рейс затримують.

Я не звинувачую його у зіпсованій вечірці.


Мені вдалося написати непогане оповідання.

Чи вдалося нам втримати їх від свaрки?

Поважаю людей, які спроможні говорити правду.

Я люблю читати англійські книги в оригіналі.


У тому ресторані ніхто не скаржиться на погану кухню.

Я не можу дочекатися, коли він напише мені листа.

Ніхто не міг втримати його від цієї жахливої помилки.

Вона завжди цікавилась вивченням мов.


Я з нетерпінням чекаю зустрічі з вами.

Я виключу телевізор, якщо ти не заперечуєш.

Ти добре провів час танцюючи на дискотеці?

Думаю тобі слід вибачитись за грубість.


Ніхто не заперечує, якщо я прийду трохи пізніше.

Він не звик мити посуд після їжі.

Джейн звикла писати статті до нашої шкільної газети.

Ми втомилися від заповнення анкет.


Я можу бігти дві милі.

Ми з нетерпінням чекаємо поїздки на море на машині.

Я заперечую проти використання моєї гітари без дозволу.

Маленький Джон цікавиться колекціонуванням марок.


Сусід звинуватив нас за розбите скло.

Я з нетерпінням чекаю, щоб подивитися цей фільм..

Ніхто не заперечував проти того, щоб залишитися вдома і подивитися новини.

Мій друг втримує мене від неприємностей


Я думаю, що зможу це зробити.

Останнім часом я здобув звичку їсти китайську їжу.

Ми часто скаржимось на те, що музика грає занадто голосно.

Мама звинувачує мене, що я прийшов занадто пізно.

10. Домашнє завдання

      Підготувати відповіді на запитання на картках до теми «Преса на Україні»(роздатковий матеріал)

11. Оцінки

12. Висновки учнів

Учні відповідають на запитання:

      What have you learnt, discussed at this lesson?

13. Висновок вчителя

       Everyone who wants to be a well-educated person must know the press, be interested in various information in different editions, and discuss it with others.







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