Урок в 11 класі: "Petrykivka Style of Painting" Конспект уроку

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Матеріал розрахований на учнів 11 класу (академічний рівень). Урок є узагальнюючим в підтемі з циклу уроків по темі "Мистецтво".

Матеріали уроку відповідають програмним умовам та меті і завданням уроку. Для виконання цілей уроку були обрані такі методи навчання: метод монологічного мовлення, метод практичного використання знань, індивідуальна робота, робота в парах; здоров'я - збережувальна технологія. В уроці по темі "Петриківський розпис - видатне явище українського мистецтва" використані аудіовізуальні способи навчання.

Структура уроку дозволяє логічно підвести учнів і до писемного висловлення по темі уроку. При підготовці до уроку були враховані вікові та індивідуальні особливості: високий інтерес до вивчення даного предмету, розвиток загальноубових умінь та навичок, вміння порівнювати, аналізувати, узагальнювати бажання самостійно висловлюватись незалежно від мовленнєвої підготовки.

Для створення максимально комфортних умов роботи на уроці було представлене необхідне обладнання та матеріали.

Перегляд файлу

Тема. Петриківський розпис – видатне явище українського мистецтва.

Мета уроку:

  • практична: навчити використовувати вивчену лексику в мовленні, розширити знання учнів за темою, практикувати учнів у читанні тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення та з метою максимально повного і точного розуміння всієї інформації, що міститься у тексті; практикувати учнів в аудіюванні тематичного тексту; організувати усне тренування учнів на рівні власного висловлювання; повторити граматичний матеріал-пряму мову, формувати навички писемного мовлення;
  • розвиваюча: розвивати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення,розвивати здатність працювати у парах та індивідуально, розвивати мовну здогадку, вміння порівнювати, узагальнювати явища, що вивчаються; стимулювати естетичну мотивацію, вміння спонтанно і логічно висловлювати свою думку;
  • освітня: розширити знання учнів про  Петриківський декоративний стиль мистецтва;
  • виховна: виховувати повагу до культурних надбань народу, почуття патріотизму, гордості за свою країну.

Обладнання:  підручник Калініної, Самойлюкевич «Your English Self 11», зошити, словники, картки для самостійної роботи (НО), текст для читання, текст для аудіювання, ноутбук,мультимедійна дошка, фарби, папір для малювання, презентація ( 27слайдів).


                                                      Хід уроку

I. Вступ

1. Привітання

We will lay our soul and body for the cherished freedom,

 Cossack blood will raise the nation of the joyous people.

T. Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you! How are you today?

Cl. Good morning! We are glad to see you too. We are fine, thank you!


T. Today we’ll speak about a remarkable artistic phenomenon of Ukrainian culture. (slides 1, 2,3) We are going to speak about Petrykivka style of painting and its prominent exponent Tetyana Pata.We are going to revise the reported speech and do some exercises.


3. Мовленнєва зарядка

 T.But now I want you to remember the outstanding people and their famous products. I shall devide you into three groups.Your task is fill in the table.(HO1)

Art Form

Outstanding Representative

Famous Product


























Art Form

Outstanding Representative

Famous Product


Ivan Aivazovsky

‘’Amid the Waves”


Ivan Aivazovsky

Exposition of the Turkish Ship”


Claude Monet



Brenda M. Weber

“Mona Liza”


Ivan Shyshkin

“Golden Autumn”


Art Form

Outstanding Representative

Famous Product


Ivan Aivazovsky

“The Ninth Wave”


Kateryna Bilokur

“Watermelon,Carrots and Flowers”


Eldar Degas



Raphael Santi

“The Madonna of the Meadow”





Art Form

Outstanding Representative

Famous Product


Steven Spielberg (film director)

A.I.Artificial Intelligence


Somerset Maugham (writer)



Steve McCurry’s (photographer)

Green-Eyed Girl


Mozart (composer)

The Marriage of Figaro


Antoni Gaudi

Sagrada Familia Church


Vincent Van Gogh (painter)

Starry,Starry Night


T.Very good! You have just spoken about Vincent Van Gogh. Let’s sing a part of the song “Vincent” by Don McLean (video).


"Vincent (Starry, Starry Night)"

Starry, starry night

Paint your palette blue and gray

Look out on a summer's day

With eyes that know the darkness in my soul

Shadows on the hills

Sketch the trees and the daffodils

Catch the breeze and the winter chills

In colors on the snowy linen land

Now I understand

What you tried to say to me,

How you suffered for your sanity,

How you tried to set them free.

They would not listen,

They did not know how.

Perhaps they’ll listen now.

4. Перевірка домашнього завдання

T.Great! Let’s check your hometask. What was your hometask for today?

P1. Our hometask was to prepare the report about our favourite artists and their paintings. I like this song very much, so I want to tell you about Vincent Van Gogh. (slide 4)

Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh was born in Holland in 1853.

Before becoming a painter he was a teacher.

He started painting when he was twenty-seven. In 1886 he left Holland and joined his young brother Theo, who lived in Paris.

Here he painted some of his most famous pictures.

After living there for two yers he moved to the South of France, because the climate was warmer there.

But Van Gogh was mentaly ill. During one of his fits of madness he attacked his friend, the artist Paul Gaugin.

In another fit of madness, he cut off part of his own ear. Eventually he went into a mental hospital but he didn’t get any better.

Finally, on Sunday 27th July 1890, in the small village Vincent Van Gogh took a gun. He went into a cornfield and shot himself. Thirty-six hours later Van Gogh died in his brothers arms.

  His last words were: I hope I did it properly. Nobody has ever painted cornfields or sunflowers like Van Gogh. His paintings are full of colour and sunlight.

Today his paintings are worth millions of pounds but in his lifetime he only sold one.

P2. My favourite artist is Pablo Picasso. ( slide 5)

On the 25 October, 1881 a little boy was born in Malaga, Spain. It was a difficult birth ahd to help him breathe, cigar smoke was blown into his nose! But despite being the youngest ever smoke, this baby grey up to be one of the 20th centurys greatest painters- Pablo Picasso.

Picasso showed his truly exceptional talent from a very young age. His first word was lapis (Spanish for pencil) and he learned to draw before he could talk. He was the only son in the family and very good-looking, so he was thoroughly spoilt. He hated school and often refused to go unless his doting parents allouwed him to take one of his fathers pet pigeons with him!

Apart from pigeons, his great love was art ahd when in 1891 his father, who was an amateur artist, got a job as adrawing teacher at a college, Pablo went with him to the college. He often watched his father paint and sometimes was allowed to help. One evening his father was painting a picture of their pigeons when he had to leave the room. He returned to find that Pablo had completed the picture, and it was so amazingly beautiful and lifelike that he gave his son his own palette and brushes and never painted again. Pablo was just 13.

From then onwards there was no stopping him. Many people realized that he was a genius but disappointed those who wanted him to become a traditional painter. He was always breaking the rules of artistic tradition and shocked the public with his strange and powrfulpictures. He is probably best known for his Cubist pictures, which used only simple geometric shapes. His paintings of people were often made up of triangles and squares with their features in the wrong place. His work changed our ideas about art, and to millions of people modern art means the work of Picasso. Guernica, which he painted in 1937, records the bombing of that little Basque town during the Spanish Civil War, and is undersputedly one of the masterpieces of modern painting.

Picasso created over 6000 paintings, drawings and sculptures. Today a Picasso costs several million pounds. Once, when the French Minister of Culture was visiting Picasso, the artist accidentally spilt some paint on the Ministers trousers. Picasso apologized and wanted to pay for them to be cleaned, but the Minister said, Non! Please, Monsieur Picasso, just sign my trousers!

P3. As for me I prefer Ivan Konstiantynovych Aivazovskyi. ( slide 6)

ІI.Основна частина уроку

1. Аудіювання тексту

T.Look at the board and match the parts of sayings about fine arts  (slides 7,8)

1. Art is long…

2. The perfection of art…

3. The true function of art is…

4.  Art has no enemy…

5. Art makes the world…

a)… to edit nature and so make it coherent and lovely.

b)… life is short.

c)…go round.

d)…is to conceal art.

e)…except ignorance.

Keys: 1b, 2d, 3a,4e,5c.

a)  Pre –listening activity

T. You are going to listen about one style of Ukrainian art. (slide 9)


T. The following words are contained in the text. Match a word in column A with its definition in column B. (work with handouts).

Column A

Column B


a) a member of the class constituted by small farmers and tenants


b) to bring into being, create

3)to be originated

c) an unusual, significant fact or occurrence


d) a talent, endowment or aptitude


e) a very lerge image, such as a painting, applied directly to a wall or ceiling

Keys:1c, 2d, 3b, 4e, 5a


T. a) Listen to the information about Petrykivka style and say why it is unique.

P1.This style is unique because it is used only in Ukraine.

P2.This style is unique because painters have no formal education.

P3.This style is unique because “primitive” artists paint not only pictures,they paint the Ukrainian pich, walls and ceilings, wood shelves and other things.

b) Now listen to the information again and choose the correct iyem to complete the sentences.

Ex.5, p.206-207


1. The Petrykivka style was originated __________.

a) in the village of Petrykivka

b) in the South of Ukraine

c) in all parts of Ukraine

d) in Kosiv

2.  This style was founded __________ by a group of Ukrainian Cossacks.

a) in the 19th century

b) in the 18th century

c) in the 20th century

d) in the 16th century

3. Petrykivka style is called __________.

a) traditional art

b) abstract art

c)”primitive folk art”

d) modern art

4.  People with __________ settled down in Petrykivka.

a) poetic gift

b) special gift

c) primitive gift

d) artistic gift

5.”Primitive” artists usually __________.

a) have a special education

b) create”academic” rules of art

c) paint portraits of peasant

d) have no formal art education

6.  The folk poetic interpretation__________ was and is at the basis of the Petrykivka painting.

a) of the surrounding world

b) of the peasants’ life

c) of the childrens’ life

d) of the animals’ life

7. __________ are the most popular motifs of the paintings.

a) birds and animals

b) stylized flowers

c) trees

d) fruit and vegetables

8.  The main colours of the Petrykivka style are red, __________ and dark blue.

a) orange

b) black

c) yellow

d) white

9. Mineral pigments were used for __________.

a) making clothes

b) making rugs

c) making jugs

d) making paints

10.  The local styles of other places differ in basic __________.

a) in certain details

b) in basic elements

c) in nature details

d) in folk elemen

Keys:1a, 2b, 3c, 4d, 5d, 6a, 7b, 8c, 9d, 10a


                                 Text for listening

                                     Greater Reality

    There are many phenomena of folk art in Ukrainian culture, which make this culture unique and original among other cul¬tures of the world — Kosiv ceramics, rugs from Podillya, em¬broidered towels and shirts created in all parts of Ukraine are among them. A place of honour among these artistic phenomena is taken by paintings created in the village of Petrykivka, in the land of Dnipropetrovshchyna.

     Styles of painting similar to that of Petrykivka were once called "magic realism" or even "the greater realism" (a term coined by the prominent non-figurative artist Wassily Kandinsky) and are part of what is usually called "primitive folk art," though there is nothing really primitive in this art. "Primitive" artists usually have no formal art education and they create without any constraints of the "academic" rules of art.

    The Petrykivka style of painting is a very poetic view of the world around us, or rather it is a world in itself, a world which is free to interpret the usual things in a very unusual manner.

     Tradition has it that Petrykivka was founded by a group of Ukrainian Cossacks in the eighteenth century and it so happened that soon after its foundation, the village, for some mysterious reasons, began to attract people with artistic gifts who came to settle down there. It is difficult, or almost impossible to tell now what the very first paintings created in Petrykivka looked like, but we can make an educated guess basing our conclusions on the surviving paintings of more recent times, and on the art of Petrykivka of today.

     As a matter of fact, thanks to the watercolours painted by Yevhenia Evenbakh in 1911 and 1913, we have a pretty good idea what the Petrykivka decorative paintings looked like in earlier times. In the interior, the stove (or rather, pich, which in Ukrainian peasant houses served several purposes — for cooking food, for providing warmth in cold seasons, and for resting on it; the pich had a horizontal section like a large shelf, on which one could sleep), was particularly lavishly decorated.

       Early decorative paintings in Petrykivka were mostly murals on the walls of the peasants' houses rather than easel paintings. The folk poetic interpretation of the surrounding world was and is at the basis of the Petrykivka paintings. Stylized flowers and guilder-rose are among the most popular motifs of the murals with even regular thistles and other weeds featuring rather prominently in the paintings.

In all likelihood, for a considerable length of time, paintings decorated only the walls before they began to be done on other materials — paper, wood panels or canvas. Mineral pigments were used for making paints and instead of brushes short lengths of reed stocks, twigs or even fingers were used to apply the paint onto the primed walls, the primer mostly being a thin layer of clay. Egg-based paints were used in later times to do paintings on paper.

       Three colours were predominant — red, yellow (or yellow-green), and dark blue.

       It would be wrong to assume that it was only in the village of Petrykivka that such painting flourished — decorative paintings of a very similar style could — and still can — be found in many other villages of Ukraine. The local styles differ in cer-tain details but they all preserve a number of basic elements and features that makes it possible to recognise them as belonging to one and the same basic style, which was given the name of Petrykivka painting.

2. Активізація і відпрацювання граматичного матеріалу – пряма мова. (впр.2, ст.198-199)

T.Open your books at page198-199, ex.2.You task is change direct speech into indirect speech.(slide)

P1. Martha and Phil are talking about their preferences in art.Use the verbs in bold to report their conversation. Make up your own by analogy. Act it.

T. If you want to report what a speaker said without using the exact words, use indirect speech.

Example: Phil: And what do you think of modern art, Martha? wonder…

Phil wondered what Martha thought about modern art.

Martha: I don’t like the style of art which is difficult to understand. say…

Phil: I cant believe you dislike impressionism. You have Degas picture on your T-shirt. disagree…

Martha: Who is Degas? wanted to know…

Phil: It’s a famous French impressionist painter known for his pictures of women dancing.He is one of my favourite. explain…

Martha: Im sorry I didn’t know that, I didn’t mean to offend you. appologise…

Phil: Im a great admirer of impressionism and I have a collection of Degas dancers at home. say...

Marta: Can I have a look at it? I want to know more about this impressionist artist. wonder…

Phil :Lets go to my place right now and Ill show it to you.suggest

T. Let’s check our task.


1. Martha said she didn’t like the style of art which is difficult to understand.

2. Phil disagreed with Martha and said she had a Dega on her T-shirt.

3. Martha wanted to know who Dega was.

4. Phil explained that it was a famous French impressionist painter known for his pictures of women dancing.

5. Martha apologized for not knowing that.

6. Phil said he was a great admirer of impressionism and had a collection of Degas dancers at home.

7. Martha wondered if she could have a look of them.

8. Phil suggested going to his place right now and showing it to Martha.

4. Діалогічне мовлення. (впр.2, ст.198-199)

T.We’ll continue speaking about styles of art. Martha and Phil are talking about their preferences in art.Use the verbs in bold to report a conversation.Make up your own by analogy. Act it.

P1: And what do you think of __________ (Petrykivka style), Ann?

P2: I don’t like the style of art which is difficult to understand.

P1: I can’t believe you dislike _________   (Petrykivka style). You have Tetina Patas’ picture on your _________ (dress).

P2: Who is Tetiana Pata?

P1: It’s a famous _________ (Ukrainian folk painter) known for__________ ( her pictures of surrownding world). He/She is one of my favourite.

P2: I’m sorry I didn’t know that, I didn’t mean to offend you.

P1: I’m great admirer of _________ (Prtrykivka style) and I have a collection of ________ (Patas’ pictures) at home.

P2: Can I have a look at it? I want to know more about this _______ (folk ) artist.

P1:Let’s go to my place right now and I’ll show it to you.

3. Подання тексту для читання.

T.We will read the text about Tetina Pata, her life and art.People enjoy painting for many reasons. Look at the paintings of Tetiana Pata. She was one of the  outstanding representatives of the Petrykivka decorative style of painting.Do you like them?

Ps. Yes, we do.

a) Pre-Reading Activity

T. But before reading look at the pictures and say which picture suggested below belongs to:



-abstract art


-Petrykivka style of painting


This is the picture of Nicolas Poussin.His style of art is-classicism; Jean-Francois Millet-realism; Pieter Mondriaan-abstract art; Pablo Picasso-cubism; Tetiana Pata-Petrykivka style of painting

b) Reading

T. Read the text about Tetіana Pata, her life and art.

                                                  Text for reading

     Tetіana Pata (1884–1976), one of the outstanding representatives of the Petrykivka decorative style of painting, was born in Petrykivka itself.

      She discovered her talent at an early age but life did not treat her kind. She had to practice her art to earn money rather than to just decorate her house, with pure joy being the sole motivation. She painted on paper and sold her paintings with fabulous flowers and creatures.

      Tetіana Pata did not have any formal art education. In fact, formal art education could have done her more harm than good — it could have destroyed her original view of the world and the naive character of her art. She did not have to learn the rules of composition or of colouring — she had the knowledge of all these things herself, she was born with them. And she mastered the skills necessary for painting by practicing her art.

      Pata’s stylized flowers and fruit and all kinds of plants create a world very different from our own, and it is a world full of wonderful energy. Looking at her works, you accept as quite natural the fact that her cucumbers are red and her peppers are blue. Pata’s world is full of surprises, which are in harmony with the colour schemes and with decorative patterns she uses.

      Tetіana Pata raised four children, all by herself — but it did not prevent her from creating a great many works of art, of various sizes, ranging from small-sized sketches to large-sized complex compositions. Some of her works have narrative elements but they are not too frequent. Neither are zoomorphic elements but they are present too. Among other things, she created designs for decoration of stoves, trunks, designs for embroideries, and for rugs.

      Though she stayed within the general boundaries of the Petrykivka style of decorative painting, she was very inventive in her art, using unusual colour combinations and ingenious decorative patterns. She must have had a special predilection for berries because a great variety of berries appears in many of her paintings. Her stylized flowers seem to have a soul of their own, an individuality that distinguishes them from those that were done in a similar style by other artists.

     Tetіana Pata had many disciples some of whom later became significant artists in their own right — Ivan Zavhorodnyі, Fedir Panko, Vira Klymenko-Zhukova, to name but a few.

     The Petrykivka style of decorative painting shows that in the upper reaches of modern culture a pressing need is still felt for a poetic interpretation of the visible world.

c) Post-Reading Activity

Comprehension check

T. Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each of (1-6).There two choises you do not need to use.Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.


Text for reading

     Tetiana Pata (1884–1976), one of the outstanding representatives of the Petrykivka decorative style of painting, was born in Petrykivka itself.

      She discovered her talent at an early age but life did not treat her kind. She had to practice (1) ____________________. She painted on paper and sold her paintings with fabulous flowers and creatures.

      Tetiana Pata did not have any formal art education. In fact, formal art education could have done her more harm than good — it could (2)_____________________. She did not have to learn the rules of composition or of colouring — she had the knowledge of all these things herself, she was born with them. And she mastered the skills necessary for painting by practicing her art.

      Pata’s stylized flowers and fruit and all kinds of plants create a world very different from our own, and it is a world full of wonderful energy. Looking at her works, you accept as (3) ____________________. Pata’s world is full of surprises, which are in harmony with the colour schemes and with decorative patterns she uses.

      Tetiana Pata raised four children, all by herself — but it did not prevent her from creating a great many works of art, of various sizes, ranging from small-sized sketches to large-sized complex compositions. Some of her works have narrative elements but they are not too frequent. Neither are zoomorphic (4) ____________. Among other things, she created designs for decoration of stoves, trunks, designs for embroideries, and for rugs.

      Though she stayed within the general boundaries of the Petrykivka style of decorative painting, she was (5) ____________________. She must have had a special predilection for berries because a great variety of berries appears in many of her paintings. Her stylized flowers seem to have a soul of their own, an individuality that distinguishes them from those that were done in a similar style by other artists.

     Tetiana Pata had many disciples some of whom later became significant artists in their own right — Ivan Zavhorodnyі, Fedir Panko, Vira Klymenko-Zhukova, to name but a few.

     The Petrykivka style of decorative painting shows that (6) ___________________.


A in the upper reaches of modern culture a pressing need is still felt for a poetic interpretation of the visible world

B her art to ern money rather  than to just decorate her house, with pure joy being the sole motivation.

C was very inventive in her art, using unusual colour combinations and ingenious decorative patterns.

D have destroyed her original view of the world and the native character of her art.

E elements but they are present too.

F quite natural the fact that her cucumbers are red and her peppers are blue.















Keys: 1B, 2D,3F,4E,5 C,6 A

4. The minute of relaxation

 at the first steps in Petrykivka painting (slides 17 -19) and do them yourself. (video,HO)


T. Today we learn how to write an art style review. An art style review is a report on an event or a period of time that mentions the most important art styles.

  How to write an art style review

Content Tips

• Name the epoch (country);

• Give basic informa¬tion about the time;

• Describe art styles popular in the epoch;

• Present the characteristic features of each style;

Language Tips

 The time of ... is known for ...

 It is characterized by ...

 One of the most distinguishing features ...

 ... is famous for ...

 The most exciting...

 Apart from this...

 The paintings often show ...

 The most common colour scheme

 The style ... became known

 as ... due to ...

T. You have got the example of such review in your textbooks.

III. Заключна частина уроку

1. Домашнє завдання

T. In your workbook, write a review of your favourite art style( Ex.8, p.208) and make a report about Tetiana Pata.

2.Підведення підсумків уроку

T. We’ve come to the end of the lesson. Thank you very much for you work, enthusiasm, original ideas. As for your today’s achievements, they are not bad. You have worked so hard, you have done your best. What task did you like most? Tell one thing have you remembered about Petrykivka style or Tetiana Pata.

Thank you for the lesson, it was nice to work with you today.

Good-bye! Enjoy your rest!


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